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  1. J

    Eggs, Eggs & more Eggs

    I dunno, everyone seems to think putting cottage cheese in a blender somehow makes it go down easier. Heck, maybe that'll work for eggs, too... :D
  2. J

    Casein protein supplement brands

    Peanut-butter flavored cottage cheese? I'm gagging just thinking about it! Tell me you aren't mixing this all together...
  3. J

    Casein protein supplement brands

    Thanks Mike - I was thinking in terms of use for pre- and post-workout liquid protein but as the occasional food substitute too. Besides, I'd rather eat dog crap than cottage cheese... :D
  4. J

    Casein protein supplement brands

    Can anyone recommend any specific protein suppliements that are casein-based (casein protein hydrolysate, I believe is the correc term), where you may have purchased them, and the approx. price? I am looking for a replacement for the GNC whey stuff I'm currently using. Thanks in advance!
  5. J

    Insulin sensitivity, blood test results

    Got some results from a recent blood test, and am curious if anyone knows how to interpret to determine my level of insulin sensitivity & reaction to carb intake. Here are some pertinent numbers, along with the (low-high range): Glucose 91 mg/dL (70-110) Bun 20 mg/dL (7-23)...
  6. J


    Bryan mentioned something interesting about water & creatine in this post on HS:cre saying that diet/calorie intake had more influence than water intake.
  7. J

    small increments vs. repeating workouts

    Keebler Elf - By this do you mean that you figured, say, your 5RM and decremented downward from there with no zig-zag, OR do you mean you used something like a 12-10-8-6-4 RM scheme instead?
  8. J


    Started taking HS:Cre 2-3 weeks ago, near the start of my 1st-ever cycle. Never used any creatine before. I "loaded" during my 2nd week of 15s and have been taking a maintenance dose daily. I am drinking approx. 1 gallon water daily. A couple questions: - At this point (after...
  9. J

    Best diet approach for Leptin?

    In another post, someone mentioned doing refeeds on weekends (eating about +500 over maintenance), but eating around maintenance during the rest of the week. I believe the goal here was to reduce fat while preserve (or gain) LBM. Can someone elaborate a little on the refeed concept? What does...
  10. J

    Fat storage

    I'm hoping in 4 weeks I can lose what I've spent 40 years creating! ;) Nothing worse than a guy w/ hips wider than his shoulders.... I'm too close for comfort!
  11. J

    Fat storage

    Thanks, Mike, for the info (and bday wishes). My main goal is some fat loss for this cycle, though I don't have that much to lose. I am taking a cruise in 4 weeks :D and want to lose the ab flab that makes me "skinny fat". Next cycle I plan to (try) to go for mass gains. I'll...
  12. J

    Fat storage

    Thanks, Aaron, for basically confirming my thoughts. I have been tracking meals on, and "guesstimating" portion sizes (I think I'm pretty close). The calories seem to be fairly consistent. I have not measured BF%, though I should. I have suspected some insulin...
  13. J

    Fat storage

    I'm a little confused & hope someone can straighten me out. I'm doing my first HST cycle, and I'm eating around 2000-2500 cals (170lb) which is in the ballpark for maintenance; daily carb intake is somewhat limited (around 200g); protein is 150-180g/day (1 g/pound), taking 3g fish oil...
  14. J

    Calulating Cals, fat, protein and carbs

    Nice stuff, Rob. The calorie calculator is pretty much accurate based on the process Bryan lays out in his Eating For Size article. From what I take from what others are writing, it seems that they are taking in even more cals than what Bryan/your process would recommend. Someone...
  15. J

    Suggestions for pre/post-workout drinks

    My understanding of the proper macronutrient ratios of pre- and post-workout drinks should be something like: Pre: 15-20g protein + 20g carbs Post: 30g protein + 50-70g carbs and should be quickly digestable (i.e., liquid form). Correct so far? I'm looking for some suggestions on...
  16. J

    Timing of workouts and meals

    I guess that's different than what I've always seen/read. I've read that one of the advantages to eating 4-6 small meals per day was reducing the calorie intake at one time; too many cals over what's needed would likely get stored as fat. I guess as long as it's not overdone (on carbs &amp...
  17. J

    Timing of workouts and meals

    Thanks for your thoughts Steve! John
  18. J

    Timing of workouts and meals

    Workouts fit into my schedule best when they are after work & dinner. My concerns with this are: 1. Though waiting 1 hour after eating to workout, still have to drink a pre-workout drink - fills you up too much. My gut will explode. 2. Having to take another drink right after 3. Having...
  19. J

    Eating more..

    Hey... guess everyone needs a(nother) hobby... :)