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  1. S

    No gains during 5s and negs

    ...dude, if you shrink the days from 6 down to 3, do you really think it won't make a difference? Either you continue doing 6x a week with 5s and reduce the weights so you can do it 6 times per week, or you reduce the 15s and 10s down to 3x a week. The only thing which is supposed to change is...
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    No strength from HST = Cause to worry?

    I guess if you're not growing in the 5s you should perhaps take an extra week or two in developing the 5s, focusing on controlled exercises, eccentrics and so on. I grew the most in the 5s and negatives. I also realised that my squatting and deadlift technique isn't good and need to improve it...
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    I want to, but I dont get it

    Just want to clarify one thing he might have gotten wrong, one a single day, when doing an exercise for more than one set, never take a lighter load for the first set and a heavier load for the second set and further sets.. So on a single day, if you were doing for instance 2 sets of 10s, the...
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    your results with HST...

    Hi there. Here are the gains for my first cycle: Measurements before HST: Bicep: 36,5 cm chest: 109cm waist: 96cm leg: 56cm I started my first 15rep session jan 17th, then I was 84kg. I estimate that I'm 12.5% bodyfat to 13% bodyfat at that time. I extended HST by one week as I'm doing this...
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    Newbie girl with HST - training day's in arow

    No worries mate, if I were you I'd copy the basic HST prog, and fiddle maybe just a little with it to suit yourself. It's also a good idea to list what exercises you've done in the past, and pick the exercises from that, and comparing it with the basic HST. List then what you think you'd like...
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    After AAS, when should you SD?

    I think it's silly to frown on steroid use for any reason.. if I feel that I can't develop further without it, and have done the research on it, and am willing to accept any potential risks or side effects (that's 3 pretty responsible 'ifs' which have to be true.. plus if I can afford it, so...
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    Hammer Curls

    Could they be talking about This one? S.
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    the ways of doing an exercise.

    Biz, thanks for replying, wondering if you'd answer maybe a few Q's to describe it a little bit better? Drop sets, basically you drop the weight and start again as fast as you can, right? what if you're on your own and doing a barbell, is the time you take in taking off the weight too much...
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    Squats and Testosterone

    Since I started deadlifting and squatting, I've had an increased level of testosterone, so it's not all rumors and lies.. Mainly recognised that I have to shave more often, my bodyhair is thicker, and I'm getting more moody, and sex-drive has also increased. I've also grown bigger, so I guess...
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    HST Questions

    Nope, I'm finishing my first cycle, don't worry is my advice, do the default HST and try to read as much as you can on this forum. I'd check the basic training forum for the HSt for dummies thread, I also made an overview in my thread I posted when I first did this: my starting thread You'll...
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    the ways of doing an exercise.

    Hi there. I'm a relatively new at this whole BBing thing, been at it now for a year and a half, and I'm just finishing my first HST cycle. I've had good gains, and hope in the future to look better. Now, here's what I wanted to ask. In the threads where Vicious and DKM are talking about the...
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    Does natural training cause spots??

    Nah, it clears spots, it doesn't create them. If I eat too much white sugar, I get spots.. exercise and creatine doesn't add to that, it deducts it if anything. S.
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    Need some help PLEASE

    I do HIIT in the mornings of the days when I exercise in the afternoon. Started with 4 minutes of HIIT, I'm now at 10 mins, and estimate to go to 15 mins with warmup and cooldown added on top.. S.
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    Newiest routine not panning out?

    The pecs are really 2 muscles, the clavicular head (upper) and the sternal head (lower&bigger), so you can by using incline benchpress and dips focus more on one or the other, but where I've read, it suggests that a single muscle can only contract in a single way, so you don't have to do...
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    Nitric Oxide..

    I saw this ad from EAS about Nitron 5, was wondering about it, here's what they say it contains: Nitric Oxide, arginin, ornitin, niasin, evodiamine, gypentosides and extracts from black pepper. I'd laugh and go 'thats bullcrap' but thought I'd ask here for opinions or know-how. S.
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    How far do you go down on SL Dead Lift?

    hmm.. I'd love to get a detailed version on normal deadlifts, just in case I'm doing it wrong.. and to compare it with stiff legged deadlift, which I've never done. S.
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    I need a little bit of help with my negatives.

    I'm 6'1", 192lbs, and when doing the extensions I just use explosive power.. maybe it's my back-muscles which are making me lag behind in the squat, but I know it's back+grip which makes me only take 100kg in the deadlift. I guess I could do more if I used vicious trick of adding...
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    I need a little bit of help with my negatives.

    I'd actually do more in the leg extensions, but I can't pile more weight onto the machine.. but now that I think about it, maybe I can squeeze 10 or 20 kilos extra ontop.. The leg curl is done in a seated leg curl machine.. I don't like the lying one, but I know my 5rm in that one is about...
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    I need a little bit of help with my negatives.

    Nemesis784: Basically you can do it if you have a spotter who help you up with the weight. DKM: nah, you're misreading it. I listed the calf-raise as a negative, but the leg curl and extensions on the list are done with two legs at my 5rm, so is the squat and deadlift.. So on the list in the...
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    I need a little bit of help with my negatives.

    I've no idea what my 2rm is, but it's not far from what I'm taking.. I tried doing the leg curls and extensions negatively, and I halved the weight to start with and just do 1 leg instead of two, and that was plenty of effort, strange.. I'm wondering one thing.. as this is my first cycle...