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  1. C

    HST Calculator Instructions

    Can't fit thousands! lol
  2. C


    I'm looking for something to help me shed the water weight and keep it off. Someone recommended diuretics. Good? Bad? Please post all experiences you've had using diuretics. Thanks in advance :D.
  3. C

    Critique My Routine

    Thanks a lot for the advice guys. I'm feeling confident and looking towards my next cycle.
  4. C

    Critique My Routine

    My question now is how long should my cycle be and how many reps per quarter or third of my cycle should I be doing? 8 Week: 15r, 12r, 9r, 6r OR 6 Week: 15r, 10r, 5r
  5. C

    Critique My Routine

    Lol, I just assumed everyone had abs included. I do a lot of weighted crunches and other ab exercises on the side besides my hst workout. Thanks for your suggestions; they sound good to me. Updated Workout: Squats (SLDL Alternate) Standing Single Calf Raises (Seated Alternate) Incline...
  6. C

    Critique My Routine

    How about: Squats (SLDL alternate) Leg Curls Standing Single Calf Raises (Seated Alternate) Incline Bench (Dumbells Alternate) Dips Chins Seated Row (Bent Over Alternate) BB Bi Curls (Hammer Curls Alternate) Shrugs Tri Pushdowns (Skull Crushers Alternate) Shoulder Press (Military Press...
  7. C

    Critique My Routine

    I'm starting my very first HST cycle monday. I will be lifting once a day, three times a week on: Mon., Wed., and Fri. My cycle will last 8 weeks. 15-10-5-5 2 Sets per exercise
  8. C

    Critique My Routine

    took out up rws and put in tri psuh-downs
  9. C

    Critique My Routine

    Leg Press Leg Curls Calf Raises Inclince Bench Dips Chins Seated Row Rear Lat Raises BB Bi Curls Shrugs Shoulder Press Lying Tricep Ext. Preachers Upright Rows
  10. C

    Shakes All Day

    Would there be anything wrong with me just drinking N-Large shakes all day with additional 100% whey from optimum nutrition and a multi-vitamin? By the way, this doesn't include my supplements.