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  1. G

    are youon ~4500-5000 calories diet?

    I've been doing a lot of research on bulking lately, as I'm trying to bulk as well. I'm 6', 188, and 17% BF. I'm only shooting for 3,300 calories. Most people will tell you, you bulk by consuming 18 (on average) calories per pound. That would put you at 3,060. Even the extreme bulking diets...
  2. G

    Help: Need more Calories from Carbs

    Perhaps you misunderstood. My current diet, at 2540 calories, is insufficient to bulk. That's why I'm asking for help. As you can see, I have a good deal of food on my diet plan, but I'm well short of the caloric intake I need to bulk (17.5 x 188 = 3290). I'm looking for recommendations on some...
  3. G

    Help: Need more Calories from Carbs

    I'm trying to bulk. I'm 37, 6' and 188lbs (16.8% BF). I'd like to add a noticable amount of muscle to my frame (not sure how to quantify that in pounds) and then cut to 10%-12% BF. I'm guessing I should be getting about 3,300 calories a day (for bulking). I'd like to bulk as clean as possible...
  4. G

    Question: Why 3 days a week?

    Thanks. At 37, though I love to train, the extra rest day is probably a necessary evil. Greg
  5. G

    Question: Why 3 days a week?

    Thanks. I guess my real question is, is working out every other day better, or is having the extra day of rest better, in general? Thanks. Greg
  6. G

    Question: Why 3 days a week?

    The HST program seems to suggest that recovery is 99% accomplished in 48 hours. If this is the case, why does the program recommend that you lift only 3 days of of 7, instead of every other day? Thanks. Greg
  7. G

    EDT vs. HST

    I've recently decided that my routine needed to be overhauled. In doing my homework, I came across a number of programs that looked interesting. Among those were Max OT, Westside, EDT and HST (I've decided on HST and plan to start tomorrow). Before reaching my decision, a personal trainer I know...