Search results

  1. N

    How many reps?

    I see, because I just started my first week of 5's, and I can probably do 10 reps of the weight im using. I was wondering if goin past 5 reps would violate the way HST works.
  2. N

    How many reps?

    In the begining of a 2 week cycle, when you are well below your 10 or 15 rep max, do you stop at 10 or 15 reps or do you do more and get closer to failure?
  3. N

    Rate My Routine

    I work out once a day monday wednesday and friday, alternating A and B workouts.  Here is my current workout, my first week of 5 reps. (A * means a warmup set is done before the 2 real sets) A: squats             2x5* STLD               2x5 flat BB bench    2x5* close grip chins 2x5 weighted...
  4. N

    Negative Squats

    Hey everyone, I searched the forums but couldn't find a post explaining how to assist or spot someone doing a negative squat. I was taught in highschool to bearhug the "squattie" from behind to help stablize their core. Does anyone know the correct technique for assisting negative squats?
  5. N

    Alternating exercises during the week..

    Thanks for the info.. I'm eager to give back results after the first cycle.
  6. N

    Alternating exercises during the week..

    Hey everyone, I'm new to HST and excited because I like the idea of how it works. My question lies within alternating excises throughout the cycle. I have seen 3 sample workouts on the main website: one had squats every time for thighs MWF, another had squats alternating with deadlifts, and...