Search results

  1. C

    your results with HST...

    Hello all, Well it's been a while since I was last able to check out the forums, but it looks like everyone is continuing to make great gains on HST. Just thought I'd post my results from my 5th cycle. I decided to try something different this time round, having decided that my RMs were too...
  2. C

    your results with HST...

    Hi, I am half way through the 5's of my 4th cycle. I'm a typical hardgainer and started off at 60kg on day 1 of first cycle. Over the first two cycles I gained 3.5kg, and ended with 15% bodyfat. I have spent the last two cycles trying to bring that body fat % down without too much weight loss...
  3. C

    incline bProgress with RMs

    Hello All, Well, I have almost reached the end of my third cycle, and am currently trying to increase my 5 RM. So far, I have tried this on my 'A' workout (incline db bench, decline db bench, squat, calf ext., db shoulder press and tricep cable ext.). I have managed to increase my RMs on all of...
  4. C

    Making up protein shakes/Creatine in advance

    Hi everyone, Question's in the Topic really.... I am going away for the weekend (thank god the snowboarding season has arrived again :) ) and so wanted to know if it is ok to pre-mix larger quantities of my shakes and Creatine to take with me (we're talking 1,5l at a time)?? Probably a stupid...
  5. C

    oatmeal - deutsche übersetzung bitte

    Hallo Nemesis, ich bin kein Deutscher ;) aber wenn Sie 'Oatmeal' direkt in britisch English übersetzen bekommen Sie 'Haferflocken'. MfG Nick