1,2,or 3 Sets...confused


New Member
I am currently in my first cycle doing the 15,10,5 HST. I have completed day 4 of the 2 week 15's. Something happened yesterday while doing lat pull downs that hasn't happened in any of my other exercises so far with HST. My first set I was able to complete the exercise with 15 reps. After about 90 second rest I started the second set but was only able to complete 12 reps do to muscle failure. Moving forward should I move to only doing 1 set of 15 or should I attempt a second set stop before failure say 11 reps or so,..or even add a 3rd set to finish what wasn't completed, so in this example the third set would only be 4 reps. So that when all is said and done I have completed 30 reps but without going to failure on any reps..thanks in advance for the feedback
All of the above alternatives you mentioned are acceptable. Do whichever is compatible with your current state of conditioning and can be done in the time you have to workout.
I am currently in my first cycle doing the 15,10,5 HST. I have completed day 4 of the 2 week 15's. Something happened yesterday while doing lat pull downs that hasn't happened in any of my other exercises so far with HST. My first set I was able to complete the exercise with 15 reps. After about 90 second rest I started the second set but was only able to complete 12 reps do to muscle failure. Moving forward should I move to only doing 1 set of 15 or should I attempt a second set stop before failure say 11 reps or so,..or even add a 3rd set to finish what wasn't completed, so in this example the third set would only be 4 reps. So that when all is said and done I have completed 30 reps but without going to failure on any reps..thanks in advance for the feedback

You could do any of the examples you have mentioned, you could also extend the rest between sets, my preferred method would be to complete the 15 reps in the first set, then if you can only get 11 reps in the 2nd set pause for 20 seconds then pump out another two and repeat (myo-reps style) to reach your pre-determined total
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