15,12,10,8 and 5 sets


New Member
In the explanation of the HST principles is spoken about 15, 10 and 5 sets per 2 weeks. In the same text is being said that you also can take 15, 12, 10, 8 and 5 sets but this can be too complicated for the readers.
If you doing 15, 12 etc, do you also need to fulfill 2 weeks per set type or do I have to do this every week? Does this mean that you are on your maximum every week? 15, 10 etc has every 2 weeks 100% training. So I see in the 15, 10 and 5 training you have more rest.

What exactely is meant by negs ( I know this is fast up and very slow down). But how many reps and sets and % weight of your maximum is needed?

What about the abs? Could this be trained the same way, or is it already in the programm.

In my normal training I have about 4 excersises per muscle, to train from every side. Chest for example can be trained on the upper and lower chest. Will only one or two excersises do for training are round (from low to up) chest?

I'm looking forward to your reaction. I like to learn more about this programm.

Thanks in advance, Henry
i think you are correct in your assesment of the sets per week set-up.
i think for the negatives you just take your 5RM and do negatives with that and then continue to add weight each workout.

do abs at your own discretion

the effectiveness training different parts of a muscle (upper/lower) is debateable and you would be fine just doing one or two different exercises per muscle
The 15, 12, 10, 8, scheme is based on weekly, the 15, 10, 5 are biweekly.
To learn about negs and how they are used Read the FAQ  Negatives/Eccentrics
Ok, that's nice to know. But when do you get more gain; the biweekly cyle with more rest, or the weekly cycle when you are more frequently on the maximums.

Hope you could answer this too.

Best regards, Henry
it really depends on the person Henry. Just give it a try, as long as you stick to good eating with consistent HST, you will get gains no matter what. Some of the guys here will tell you that doing the 15 10s 5s are better, some will say 15,12,10,8 is better, some will say super high freq is better, some will say 3x a week is sufficient. Just give it a wing and see where things go. I think that you will receive better strength gains and be able to increase your extended "8s" more or something like that because I've read around that smaller increments will provide a greater strength increase than large increments. But, I'm not sure if thats between each workout, or overal increments in general. Have to check up on that.

In the long run it probably doesn't matter much. You are still starting at the same weight and stopping at the same weight.

But as noob said some believe that smaller increments create more strength, larger more hypertrophy.