15 rm


New Member
I have found my RM's and am finishing up my 15's. What I have found is that I have been able to complete 2 sets of 15 up until the second to last workout. I completed 1 set of 15 for each exercise then I went back to each exercise and completed a set of 12-15. I wasn't able to complete 2 sets of 15 back-to-back when the weights started getting close to my RM, but by doing just 1 set of 15 for all exercises - then going back to do another set, my muscles had more time to rest or "reset" and I was able to complete another set. I could have completed 15 reps on most but I stopped at 12. I was surprised that when I hit about 10 I could still keep going and it threw me off guard. Anyway - this has worked well for me.
On the last workout of the 15 set cycle (sorry if I am using the wrong terms, I am new at this program) I felt that I could have pushed out a couple more reps. If this is the case, should I add one more workout to increase my 15 rep max? And I know we don't train to failure, but when we get to our final Rep Max, should that workout go to failure? If not - how else can we judge what our RM is if we don't give it all we got?
Thanks for your time.
Adding an additional session to test your new max would be a great idea. But you don't have to. Your 15 rep max (aka - your strength) went up, whether or not you test it.

After I get past the 15s, I usually start trying to beat my prior RMs by the end of each rep phase. So, let's say I have 150 lbs as my 10 rep max, but I feel like I've gotten stronger and my 15 rep max felt easier than I expected. I'll try to lift 155 or 160 on the 6th 10 rep workout to see if I have increased my RM.

In fact, I'm almost constantly modifying my workout. I make changes based on how I feel it is going, my other obligations outside the gym, recovery, etc.

I try to avoid true failure. I don't want to hurt myself. I don't have bumper plates, so I don't like dumping the bar if I'm not going to make the lift. I want to be able to workout again within a few days. I can usually tell how many reps I have left in me during a set. I stop 1 rep short of failure.
Thank you for your help on this question. I attempted to increase my RM on the 15s, but my muscles seemed to be stressed quite a bit and with taking only one day rest between workouts. I did complete 2 separate workouts with 1 set lifting my 15RM. I found out that this was quite taxing and created some soreness. I am not afraid of muslce soreness, but I didn't quite have the endurance and strength with limited rest and pushing myself to near failure two workouts in a row.
On my 10RM, I might increase the weight 5-10lbs if I feel that my strength has increased. Hopefully this will be the case. I have already noticed some muscle size increase with just the 15's.:D