17 year old 1st cycle!


New Member
hey all, although this is my 1st post i have been watching this board for quite some time now and been looking forward to starting a HST cycle.

I am 17 years old at 176 lbs at 5 ft 10, and i've recently completed a 6 week cycle of MAX-OT which i did'nt find every effective in gainin mass wise, but it did manage to get my 5 rep maxs up to there best.
I am lookin to bulk and i am aiming at 3500 cals split into 5 meals over the course of the day, my bf% is pretty low as i can see my abs pretty well so i am not too fussed about fat gain at this moment in time.

The routine is a 15,10,5 m/w/f AM/PM set up and goes like this

DB press

Bent over BB rows
inc. db press
standing military press

and bb curls on mon, cg bench on wed and laterals on fri

the only supps i am currently on is whey as creatine and GABA both cause me skin breakouts

i would appreciate it if any1 could give some constructive comments

cheers - Albaz

Considering the routine you have there and the fact that you doing an AM/PM setup, you must look carefully after your calory intake, because added to the fact that you are 17 you may be have a fairly high metabolism.

With that in mind, cardio would be the last thing on my mind (unless you either cutting or have a bodyfat level that worries you).

Any other recommendations would be too soon at this stage!

The only thing I'd question is what volume are you using?

The workout is fine, and if chins/dips gets too much for you split them AM/PM.
thanks for the reply fausto, i intend on doing 1 set for the 15s, 2 sets during the 10s and 3 sets for 5s.
As for my calories, i may just try and eat out an extra 100 cals at each meal to get 4000 and see how my gains are from there and just accordingly

thanks - Albaz
(baztard50 @ Jul. 25 2007,22:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hey all, although this is my 1st post i have been watching this board for quite some time now and been looking forward to starting a HST cycle.

I am 17 years old at 176 lbs at 5 ft 10, and i've recently completed a 6 week cycle of MAX-OT which i did'nt find every effective in gainin mass wise, but it did manage to get my 5 rep maxs up to there best.
I am lookin to bulk and i am aiming at 3500 cals split into 5 meals over the course of the day, my bf% is pretty low as i can see my abs pretty well so i am not too fussed about fat gain at this moment in time.

The routine is a 15,10,5 m/w/f AM/PM set up and goes like this

DB press

Bent over BB rows
inc. db press
standing military press

and bb curls on mon, cg bench on wed and laterals on fri

the only supps i am currently on is whey as creatine and GABA both cause me skin breakouts

i would appreciate it if any1 could give some constructive comments

cheers - Albaz</div>
looks good the only thing is your front delts are going to take a lot of work,you have
db-press (im guessing its shoulder-press)
i would drop the db-press in the AM and replace it with the millitary,and put rear-lat-raises in the PM to give your rear delts a lttle bit more work.good luck
Personally I don't know that I would recommend an AM/PM split.  At least not the way you have it set up because you are hitting the same muscles twice per day.  If you were doing a push(AM)/pull(PM) or upper(AM)/lower(PM) split that would be different.

Now that being said.....if all you are going to do is workout, eat &amp; sleep then maybe the split you posted would be OK.  But if you are like most 17 year olds that I know I would guess that you will be doing plenty of other activities in addition to your weight training (football, baseball, basketball, soccer, track &amp; field, MT biking?).  So I personally wouldn't recommend the AM/PM split unless you do nothing else but eat, sleep &amp; train.

If you do end up doing the split you suggested with the 1x15, 2x10 and 3x5 for both the AM &amp; PM workouts don't be surprised if even your 4000 calorie per day diet isn't sufficient if you are doing a lot of other activities.
At least somebody did their homework first  
.  I certainly think that 3500 calories should be enough for a bulk.  Maybe I did my equation completely wrong, but even though I'm 20 pounds lighter than you, my bulk &quot;requirement&quot; is only at around 2700.  We are about the same height.  Your routine is solid, but I will agree what others have said about the AM/PM split.  If you decide you might want to try something different, try maybe alternating those workouts on M-W-F, instead of on the same day.  You may or may not decide to up the volume in that situation, but it's all your call in the end.

My best advice is to simply run a well thought-out &quot;pilot cycle&quot; and afterwards make adjustments to make the next routine fit you better.  Personal experience can be the best tool one can have, if you adapt and learn from your mistakes.  It looks like you've already gotten started.  Good luck.
thank for the replys all
seen as its the holidays and i got a couple of weeks off and rugby season does'nt start for a couple of weeks, apart from the occasional game of football i won't be doing much activities.
faz i might just do wat u said and sub the DB press wit rear laterals.
bulldog do you think the following routine to be better?
AM - Squats, Dips, Militaries, Inc. DB Press
PM - Deads, Chins, BB Rows, Rear Laterals
cheers - Albaz
Totentanz its because i now hav the time to train twice a day seen as it is the holidays and all, and as i was reading in the HST FAQ i read that AM/PM is the optimum, so i just figured why not, and i really want to take this opportunity of having alot more free time to pack on some qaulity mass as the last 2 routines ive done did not much for me mass wise.

cheers - Albaz
IMHO(and experience) the more mass oriented you are the LESS exersizes (fluff volume) you're going to want to do am/pm and alternate routines have thier positives- but for pure mass nothing beats simple. Allowing the neural adaptations to really kick in by focusing intensely on around four of the most basic compounds will result in the strength and mass gains if enough is eaten.
If you do bench (flat), military press, rows and deads/squats you will far surpass the guy doing what you've proposed above. And while he's advancing slowly due to expending energy/recovery on what MIGHT be applicable for a guy whose looking to specialize and bring up parts of an already built mass foundation - you will be miles ahead of him and 90% of the &quot;bodybuilders&quot; who are cutting and bringing up parts that they never built the mass foundation for first.

Flat Bench (some prefer dips)
military press
BB rows
deads (monday)/ squat (wednesday+friday)

you can't beat it. Give it two cycles- you'll be amazed by the first and religiously converted by the second .
regardless of what you choose welcome to HST and goodluck!
Russ is dead on the money, the AM/PM experiment may pay off, if:

1 - You aplly KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)...this is universal so don't go getting cross over it...it is not meant for you alone!

2 - You stick to only the weight lifting, not much rugby, because if you do, you better off doing the normal 3x week stuff

3 - You eat and eat and then eat some more!

Russ has the Strength training experience and has given you insights from that, they work big time...try it!
so if i just do one work out 3 times a week, no AM/PM business of Dips (im not a flat bench fan), BB Rows, Military Press and Deads/Sqauts, no intense activities, and eating 4000 cals do you think this will probably give me the best gains?

again, thanks for the posts - Albaz
I would double check with someone that is really keen on calorie consumption about the 4k calories a day. That just seems awful high to me for someone 30 lbs. under 200. Certainly if you did that everyday you would see some mass gain, but it may be more fat than you had anticipated or desired to accumulate. You could be spot on, but if you just threw that number up you might want to double check. Everything else looks great with regards to your routine and welcome to the forums!
I would recommend exactly what RUSS recommended.

Using the Harris Benedict Formula for Men I calculated that you would need 3500 calories per day to gain one pound of muscle per week and 4000 to gain 2 pounds per week based on If you are Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week).

I have attached the spreadsheet with your current height, weight and age entered.
cheers for the feedback

Gatordude u mite be rite about 4000 being too high, i'll give it a go and if i get uncomfortable with my fat gains ill turn it down a notch and i'll let ya know.
thanks bulldog for the calculations, a good guidline to go on.

thanks for the replies nothing left but to start lifting once i finish SDin on Monday, and i'll be sure to keep you all updated with my progress.

Much appreciated - Albaz