1rst Cycle, 1rst week of 10's


So far I've done my two weeks of 15's and yesterday did the first W/O with 10's.I did 2 sets of the 15's per exersize, but in the future will do only one as I feel that the 3x10's and 6x5's needed to complete the whole cycle in that manner would be too much considering frequency.

Since it's my first cycle I'm not going to sweat it , I'm just continuing with the 10's and 5's in the "vanilla" manner (ie. 2x10 and 3x5) and just considering the "extra" 15's I did the first two weeks as a lesson learned. Hopefully this will not void the "effect" of the cycle and HST principles too much.

I was a bit worried at first about intensity and volume being enough, but as a result of scouring through page after page on this site I feel that I have a rudimentary grasp of HST and how/why it works. As I understand it , even tho my total weekly volume may be a bit less than my previous 2x/wk full body 10x3 routine, the lower intensity/volume but increased frequency will work by keeping my body in a more constant state of hypertrophy.

Although it's much too early to make any legitimate judgement on the effectiveness of my first HST cycle I can offer a few observations. I feel better than my previous routine, less aches and pains and no real CNS tiredness at all.Being a quasi"HITter" before, I thought my W/O's were quick but with HST they are even quicker so far.I feel I could lift the next day(that NEVER happened with 10x3's!!!). In short this is the easyist "feeling" routine I've ever done and as long as i see measurable results at the end , I will definitely keep cycling as I like not feeling so sore for two days after a heavier duty W/O.

Heres what I've been doing (comments, thoughts, all welcome...)

Flat Bench
Military Press
BB Rows
Dead Lift

My w/o's have been from 10 to 30 minutes depending on energy level, I HAVE cheated a TINY bit and skipped the second set of deads during my first two weeks of 15's and (barring convincing arguments otherwise )intend to keep going in this manner with just one set of deads in each rep range.I do Deads last so my whole body has a bit of pre exhaustion so to speak.

next cycle I will do the same exersizes with the addition of Overhead Squat thrown on at the very end after deads.I'm also thinking hard about 4x/wk next time around instead of three, as I'm "getting" HST more and more as I read the threads and "get" that it's really about the frequency (with 'adaquate" load).That's all for now, thanks for reading!
You have the core exercises. If you can do dips and/or chins, then I would add them. Possibly alternate squats this cycle or next when you add them.