1st HST cycle, could use some help

Oh, and for calories... I prefer to take bodyweight in pounds and multiply by 18. Use that number as the amount of calories to eat each day. If weight gain is poor at this number, you may have to go up to 19 or 20. I typically have to go to 20 x bodyweight for decent weight gain. It's easier than trying to figure out maintenance and then adding 500, but it can also result in more fat gain if you don't keep a close eye on your weight.
15 rep squats kicked my ass

I kept the squats for last because I knew I would be done for after those 2 sets. Felt faint after them, but managed to repress the urge to throw up. Had to lie down for a while too.
I'm not used to back squats, let alone 15 rep squats.. only did front squats before I got my squat rack a month ago, went straight into testing maxes for HST and started my SD. Should I stick with 1 set next workouts or do 2 and hope I get used to it?
Rest of the workout was easy though.
When I started out HST I did the 15 rep squats first and SLDL 2nd. - I never did more than 2 sets. Also, the first set was a warmup set. This way I only had one workset.

It helped, because I was fresh.

I don't eat, even today before workouts. I take a couple fish oil caps and 48G protein shake with water only. If I ate before workouts I'd be puking on the heavy exercises.

Now I can work in squats and sldl just about anywhere in my workouts, but when I started I had to be careful. I don't know what could have happened, but I remember one day I just sat down and then had to lay down on the floor. It was not an alarm kinda thing for anyone. I just walked over to the side of the room and sat down. That was after about 3 tough exercises, squats and SLDL and some incline db presses.

Honestly, I just think my body wasn't used to that much exertion. Remember, you aren't going to make a huge headway in a day. Give your body time to prepare for the exertion. Listen to your body, and you can do that by taking more recovery time between reps and exercises.

Currently, I do 1 minute max and usually less recovery time between sets and 3 minutes max time between exercises. I do this to give me somewhat of an anaerobic training to boost my metabolism.

I'm in the tens cycle now and I completed my last workout of 10 compound exercises in just over 45 minutes. I consider my training a serious matter, and my workouts are not social events for me. I am always cordial, glad to help... but if anyone wants to train with me they have to keep up the pace or I just move on without them.
(Zepphire @ Jul. 30 2007,07:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">15 rep squats kicked my ass

I kept the squats for last because I knew I would be done for after those 2 sets. Felt faint after them, but managed to repress the urge to throw up. Had to lie down for a while too.
I'm not used to back squats, let alone 15 rep squats..</div>
Squats and deadlifts are full body exercises. They powerfully engage a whole series of major (and minor) muscle groups. All of which is to say: yeah, 15 rep squats can kick your butt!

You may well want to do your heavy lifts (squats and deads) first, while you are fresh and full of energy. If you try to do them at the end of your workout, when your energy stores are lower, they can feel as though they are taking the heart right out of you.

Besides, if you try your heavy lifts when you are tired, your form may begin to slip, and that could lead to an injury. The order in which you arrange your exercises matters.