1st hst cycle


Active Member
taking my first sd 14 days i did a cycle before but never sd
i think it helped so i could tweak my next routine.
2wks of 15s....2sets
2wks of 10s....2sets
2wks of 5s....3sets 1st wk 2sets 2nd wk
2wks of 5s+metabolic 1set

increments 2.5k to 5k for large muscle groups and 2k for small
only zigzaging is on the last set of 15s first set of 10s, and last set of 10s and first set of 5s...

this was also done by asking a lot of questions from dkm,og,jvroig.and the boss himself.
starting in 10 days will keep you updated..please critic
Hey faz :)

That pretty much looks ok (frequency-wise, anyway). For the 15's, you can also try not doing any isolation, just stick to the core lifts / compound movements. This is just to better manage RBE, especially since most isolations would often have very little progression of load (since the maxes are quite low, for example in biceps and triceps exercises like curls and extensions). Not a strict rule, but something you may want to try. It's a sort of tweak that I personally find very useful.

You are doing 3x a week training right?

And posting your final selected exercises would also help. But actually I think you already got that right since you have been asking a lot about everything already.

The best thing to tell you right now would be to just keep at it, make sure to get a proper diet, get enough rest, and manage your stress levels. Start growing again!  :)

sorry guys forgot to show routine..here goes.
squats, to parralel
db bench, slight incline
lat pulldowns
db shoulder press
low pulley rows
back hyperextentions
tricep pressdowns
seated curls
standing calf raises
i will only do one set for arms,and as you suggested jv maybe drop them from the 15s..see how i feel first..i actually enjoy the 15s i use it like a circuit only have short rests...........
also forgot to say i do my cardio afterwards, 30mins hiit or sometimes i cycle their and back,9 miles total. btw it is a 3 day week. :D
Hey faz :)

Personally, just my opinion, as long as the routine includes good core lifts, it already gets the thumbs up. So your routine is ok. (In fact, I say
faz, you included squats... I don't have squats in my routine anymore... first, because I now workout at home, don't have the time to go to a gym, so I don't have a partner and a squat rack... second, because I just don't like them, they are evil, and I personally thank God I have an excuse not to do them, and instead just do deadlifts)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]also forgot to say i do my cardio afterwards, 30mins hiit or sometimes i cycle their and back,9 miles total. btw it is a 3 day week.

3x a week... okay, that's great!

But you do your cardio afterwards? Errr... Here's the thing why I would tend to advise you not to go ahead with that plan. When glycogen and blood glucose levels drop down (effectively meaning your energy sources have been depleted), cortisol levels rise and cortisol runs rampant. The cortisol will literally convert muscles tissue into protein and then convert that protein into glucose. This is the way your body will compensate for the energy depletion, a process called gluconeogenesis, to produce glucose from amino acids in the liver. Basically this means muscle will be tuned into energy, and all possible gains would be simply nulled.

The longer you let the cortisol do it's work, the worse the results. This is why we don't encourage very long workouts. This is also why we eat (or drink a post workout shake with carbs and protein) immediately afterwards, in order to turn the glycogen and protein deficit into glycogen and protein surpluses.

So if after your workout you do your cardio, you might be getting worse results. I would suggest doing your cardio another day, or perhaps use light cardio as a warm-up. But if the only feasible and effective time for you to do your cardio is after your workout, then at least drink your post workout shake right after your workout and right before you do your cardio. That way you can be sure you stop the cortisol rampage dead in its tracks before that unholy catabolic hormone devours your hard-gained muscles while you do your cardio.

Well, that was my only concern. Good luck!
cheers jv..i dont get the time to do cardio on the off days..so i will have to do it after my workout so if i take a sports drink or a protein shake before doing my cardio that will be ok...which is better sports drink or shake...
Anything with good amount of carbs and protein is ok, just before you go for cardio, just to replensih your energy stores, you don't have to take in so much. Then eat a nice meal after you take a shower after your cardio.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (faz @ Aug. 08 2005,9:30)]cheers jv..i dont get the time to do cardio on the off days..so i will have to do it after my workout so if i take a sports drink or a protein shake before doing my cardio that will be ok...which is better sports drink or shake...
I wouldn't take a protein shake before cardio... that'd make me puke

try moving the cardio if you can, or tough it up... I just wait until I get home to take my protein shake, which sometimes is 40 minutes atfer I am done lifting - is that a bad thing?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] just wait until I get home to take my protein shake, which sometimes is 40 minutes atfer I am done lifting - is that a bad thing?

40 minutes after your weight training? or 40 minutes after your cardio which is after your weight training?

That depends on some other factors, but a good idea is to take in something to at least replenish your energy stores instead of just toughing it up.

A good carb replacement drink will do. One study I read even said chocolate milk will do - they tested the performance of athletes (sprinters or long distance runners or something, I can't remember right now), those who drank the carb replacement thingies performed just as well as those who drank chocolate milk. Those who drank only water performed worse. (They drank after the first round of their activity, before they went for the second round).

You don't have to gorge youself, especially if it makes you puke.

Regards :)
well most people say that you only have an hour or so 'window' in which to get your body to uptake the extra protein so you would want to do that right after your last set or cooldown.
and your body is craving nutrients for 40 minutes before it gets any so it may break down the protein available(muscles).
At best you are missing an opportunity for extra nutrient intake in your muscles.
At worst your are sacrificing the muscles you already have.
I just bring my shake with me to the gym, add water and drink it in the car or in the locker room.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]well most people say that you only have an hour or so 'window' in which to get your body to uptake the extra protein so you would want to do that right after your last set or cooldown.
and your body is craving nutrients for 40 minutes before it gets any so it may break down the protein available(muscles).
At best you are missing an opportunity for extra nutrient intake in your muscles.
At worst your are sacrificing the muscles you already have.
I just bring my shake with me to the gym, add water and drink it in the car or in the locker room.

Yes, exactly the point.

Of course, Faz, another important thing is to monitor your own energy levels. If you aren't totally wiped out after your workout, and you feel you have enough for the cardio, then parhaps you do have enough energy and you might need little or no immediate replenishment before your cardio. To be on the safe side, however, just go chug down something before you go for cardio (go buy chocolate milk if you like), or sip it down slowly while you do your cardio if you can for your own convenience (like if you are just at a moderate pace at the treadmill, and you can just hold the bottle in on hand and sip form it time and again, you get the idea).

Regards, good luck :)