

New Member
I'll be starting a new job in a month that is pretty much going to restrict me to working out on the weekends.

Any suggestions on how to put together a 1-day-a-week plan? I thinking about sticking with the regular HST setup, but just skipping the 1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th workouts of each block. Then I figure that if by chance I happen to be able to make it to the gym during the week every once in a while, I'll just throw in the other workouts wherever it may fall.

Any other suggestions?
i would just do a fullbody workout with your 10 rep max to try and maintane what you have..if you get an extra day then you could up the weight for the two session that week and drop the reps.
If you decide to do once a week and go with a workout like faz suggested, I would pick one of the major lifts to try to increase weight on each week. A good one would be deadlifts. Just do deads at close to your 5 RM each time you do the 10 RM workout, try to add weight to it each week. At least then you'll still be able to make some kind of progress in strength.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'll be starting a new job in a month that is pretty much going to restrict me to working out on the weekends.</div>
If working out both on Saturday and Sunday is an option, I would suggest that. 2x a week open up more options like splitting the volume, alternate between A/B workouts etc.

Anyway, if it is only once a week, obviously it should be a full body routine. Pick up the best compound exercises to hit effectively the whole body and stay with them. You can use a bit more volume than usually, as your CNS will now have much more time to recover. Definitely keep some sort of progression in there, i.e. increase the load every week. You can use larger increments than usual, as you will be increasing the weights only once in a week. Pick a weight that you can comfortably do 15-20 reps with, and then increment rather aggressively from there, so that you don't stay for too long with the lighter weights. Try to get in at least 20 reps per exercise using multiple sets, clustering, max-stim, whatever you like. Go on until you feel it's time to SD.

Basically, that's it. Just like &quot;normal&quot; HST, but only once a week, with larger increments and more volume per bodypart. And you can probably go more often to failure, if you like, since CNS recovery won't be so much of an issue here. Just my thoughts...

Does it really have to be only 1/week? How about Saturday AM and Sunday evening? That would give you 36 hours between sessions anyway.
9to5Lifter is right. But were it me, I'd try and make all the exersizes to failure, and just suffer the next two days. Or three, if you're my age...heheh.
Yeah, you can now get as close to HIT as possible as you have a full week's recovering period, I'd still stay away from true failure though.

Just be extremelly intense so that you excite the muscle fibres into growth!
My only alternative would be to cut my workout in half and go every day (Maybe an upper/lower or push/pull split?).

So instead of 12 exercises M, W, Sat, I could be at the gym when the doors open at 5:30 am and do 6 exercises M, T, W, T, and then a full workout on Saturday. With only 6 exercises, I should be able to get out in 20 - 30 min, which would give me enough time to do what I got to do and get to work.

My concern with that would be my ability to get up that early everyday.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My only alternative would be to cut my workout in half and go every day (Maybe an upper/lower or push/pull split?).

Now, you're talking!
I'd still do Full body though, just alternate and use say 4 - 5 Exercises p/day but use totally different ones each time.
I'm going to try the push/pull.

Since my schedule will be all over the place, I'm thinking some days I might get in a workout, some days I won't. But at least with a push/pull, even if I can't get there consistantly during the week, when I do get there, It'll bee full body. And then I'll hit everything on Saturday.

Thanks for the advice, all.