2 non workout related questions


Active Member
First question is about the forum. I have been member for a while and still could not tell you what the letter looking symbol beside the left column of the forum means. Sometime it has ? mark in there and other time its blank or has a letter looking symbol??? What does it mean? for Curiousity sake.

And more importantly how are we doing on Spreading the Word of HST? It seems that the beginner type question are popping up more often which would lead me to believe we are growing as s HST family?

I would like to see how the growth numbers are coming and how the marketing is working out!

I still think HST is going to explode kind of like EAS and Bodyfor life did! IMHO

When you started this topoc did you notice you could select a post Icon, the one you select is the one that shows in that column.

Other than that look towards the bottom and it will tell you what other symbols mean.

As fas as growth, when I finally registered (march 04)there were about 2800 members (if I remember right) now there are over 5000.

If you have the time you can click on memebers then sort by start date to get a more accurate count. I would set the number of per page to 500 for simplicity sake. :D
DKM while I am asking off the wall questions, what determines HST Expert level? Is that something Bryan only delegates???
Yup, only "The Bryan" bestoweth that status. You would need to ask him how or why he decides.

BTW, just looking at members doesn't truly encompass all the visitors and those interested. I was discussing some things with Bryan about a week ago (or so) and he was telling me that the site gets about 2 milliion hits and about 32000 visits each month.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]DKM while I am asking off the wall questions, what determines HST Expert level? Is that something Bryan only delegates???

And to add to what Dan mentioned, you have to remember that there are ritual rites in order to become HST Expert... like offering the blood of the firstborn of a pure-bred chicken in the traditional rites started and kept secret by the mysterious eastern monks who started the magic of HST, of which Bryan is actually a member. Then, you must perform the ritual dance by the strike of midnight, and then recite the secret song of the monks by daybreak.

Of course, if you don't know the secret rituals, i suppose the other way is to study HST and all the vast science around it, including tons of strength-training research (since actual "bodybuilding" research is rare), and naturally be an active member of the forum.

Hehehe, have fun! :D
It seems I got by without the rituals :D  

JV, you're the pits

But definitely not without getting the science and the ins and outs of this new system.

Besides being around for quite a spell (since April 2002), and trying different variations of the program, trying other programs, comparing, coming back, doing the vanilla program for at least a year straight (just because it worked for me), and eventually accepting...there is no better out there...and that means the forum too, not just the training methodology.

Eventually the other day, out of the blue...I was invited...and man...I literally fell on my backside! Could not believe it!

JV to re-quote you, now this buddy from down south is really in the HST nirvana

Anyway, I also believe that HST will explode and am glad that when it does, we will be right there to watch it!

Besides I have no issues telling anyone that there is no better methodology to train if what you want is hypertrophy
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And to think I have been wasting all this time trying to figure out our secret handshake!

Well, seriously, if you do want to be an HST Expert, the 3 websites you should most often be are:
1) HST website and forum - for obvious reasons
2) Dan's Hypertrophy-Research - for easy access into good material, Dan has it all laid out for you already (see, Dan is the Man)
3) Google - hey, when all else fails, a good google search can do it for you. Whether it's typing in skeletal muscle hypertrophy or typing in the references to try to view a paper, Google is your best friend.

I didn't include Pubmed (and sites of university and other science journals) simply because I'm assuming they would be your target links right after doing a Google search - God forbid that you do a Google and then end up in Bodybuilding.com or in the "science" page of supplement companies!

Have fun!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]JV to re-quote you, now this buddy from down south is really in the HST nirvana

Yeah, and to think that the first time we an into each other in the forum, you were complaining about constipation (caused by prtoein drinks I think)
Good times, eh? :D

Regards, Fausto, keep up the good work!
I remember when I first found out a couple/few years ago that Bryan had promoted me to "HST expert." Somebody started a thread asking for the HST experts (Bryan, Blade, me and maybe somebody else) for input, and I replied "well, I wouldn't consider myself an expert." Then it was pointed out that it was my new status. Oops.

Anyways, I miss posting more on this site, though my interests have turned more towards strength accrual than hypertrophy :P

P.S. Know what's odd? Look how long I've been here, and look at my post count. You'd think I'd have racked up more since then, wouldn't you?
The same here, a guy that posted a bit back then (Flexipecs) PM'd me and told me, I had no clue. Bryan is sneaky like that

When I first started coming here there were only You (mikeynov), Blade and Biz.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ Sep. 30 2005,9:02)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (jvroig @ Sep. 30 2005,5:52)]Google
While I definatley agree with #1 and #2(of course) you might want to try Google Scholar before plain google.
Well that's new for me. I set my browser's homepage to google so it just starts there (plain ol' google) and I just type in whatever I have in mind. It gets pretty frustrating at times because supplement companies and the like also pop up in the results. Hehehe, thanks for that google scholar thingy. And yes, guys, Dan's site is really the best thing for learning (scientific) stuff about muscles, hypertrophy, training, amino acids, etc, etc, ad nausea!

By the way, since this is the 100th time I've blatantly promoted your site, do I now get the promised $500.00 advertising fee?
Hehehe, just kidding Dan old boy.

But look for your Secret HST Decoder Ring in the Mail, it should be there soon. :D

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]P.S. Know what's odd? Look how long I've been here, and look at my post count. You'd think I'd have racked up more since then, wouldn't you?

I am much in the same boat, besides the fact taht I do most of this from work at "free" time, God save me if the boss knew...still it was well worth it, and I can only say I have learn't a whole lot from guys like you lot!

JV, you have a great sense of humour, something that I sometimes miss

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]look for your Secret HST Decoder Ring in the Mail

Where? where? Can I get one too?

Dan, thanks for the google scholar thing, I am sure to check it out is it some kind of BS filter :confused:
I've noticed that every time I come back to the forums, there are always a couple of guests around. I can only assume that people are noticing. After all, we all started as guests, reading (A LOT) before registering.

By the way, JV, that post of yours about HST rituals was hilarious. I actually pictured Fausto doing some of those things and I fell down to the floor!
Good work!
From constipation to expertship!

Hell, there must have been diarrhoea in ther somehow!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I actually pictured Fausto doing some of those things and I fell down to the floor! Good work!

Fat chance 9 to 5! Imagining though is hilarious, secret handshakes and all

It has lifted my spirits at a time when I am not in the best of circunstances personally so hooray for that!