2016 Log

Max effort upper

109.9 lots of sodium yesterday, mostly unavoidable with working lunch.

10min wake-up walk

Max bench, pinkies on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-100. 1 x1-120, 130@8.5, 140@11. About an inch short of a touch and full grind but it felt good to have this back in my hands after two months of faltering away.
Back offs; 2 x3-120@8, 9.5.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x3-bw+15kg. 1 x5-bw+30kg. 3 x3-bw+35kg@9.5, @9, @10. 1 x8-bw+30kg. The 35kg sets felt a bit better than last week. Biceps still the weak link in the chain for now.

CG density bench; 1 x4, 4 x3-105. After the first set I felt like doubles and triples incrementing the load was better for this day than straying into 4-6 rep range.
WG chin-ups; 5 x7-bw. The supination on the WG seems to be doing positive things for both of the shoulders. Lots of pop and ROM to the full exercise.

GHD-style sit-ups, full tempo ROM, plate behind head; 2 x15-bw+15kg. Right QL or something tightened on the final re of second set. Same old suspect. Will see what I can do to get it to crack back into place over the next 48hrs. Annoying but it seems to be going through some resistance to getting used as it’s meant to be lately.

Neck extensions, leaning forward, hyper-ROM; 2 x15-30kg.

Hanging leg raises; 1 x15-bw.

Daily walks
1 x30min

End of day
Neck extensions; 1 x40-25kg.
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Lower volume day

110.6 the tweak from Tuesday appear to be PSOAS rather than back. Not quite back to normal but feeling improved.

10min wake-up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw
Banded abs; 1 x10-dpb.

DL w/bands, 2 mat deficit; 1 x5-70, 70+dgb, 120+dgb. 5 x3-160. Will build up to 5x5 again then load bump and repeat.

Buffalo box squat, 24 mats; 1 x5-72. 5 x3-102. Re-learning technique a little so dropped a few reps back per set. Much more explosive than last week and better movement pattern.

Seated DL, box+12 mats, hook; 3 x6-200. The seat and mats weren’t set up well and my arms kept dragging against them. Annoying and unnecessary mistake.
Banded abs, wide stance; 3 x25-dpb.

Hatfield SSB split squats, oly shoes; 2 x10-62. Oly shoes for contact stability more than anything else.

Axle hypers, 40deg #6, hyper focus; 2 x15-50. Keeping chin tucked and glutes squeezed in place seems to be the key here.
Banded abs, close stance: 2 x25-fob.

SSB step ups, box only; 2 x10-bw+32kg.

Nordics with bands; 4 x10-bw+green band. Either I was a bit fried or the setup was very good but 10 reps a set was all I had today.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Volume upper day

108.8 I tried to stretch out the right PSOAS back into a happier position and just succeeded in pissing it off. Picked up a common cold over the last two days as well. Today will be a struggle. Did a few walking lunges but nothing more.

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 4 x8-100.
BB rows, DL stance, pinkies on rings, versa’s; 1 x10-70. 4 x8-120.
Banded abs, wide stance; 3 x20-dpb.
Giant set.
Left some reps in the tank due to the cold. The sets themselves felt good, it’s just a matter of fighting the general fatigue.

Hanging leg raises; 2 x10-bw.
SG BB shrugs, index on rings, versa’s; 2 x10-150.
Wasted time between sets here, had to pick it up afterwards.

OHP, pinkies on rings; 3 x5-60. Joint aching from the virus made these fairly uncomfortable so I kept the reps lower than usual.
Seal rows, varying fingers on rings; 1 x15-70. 2 x9-90.

Hanging knee-plate raises; 1 x20-bw. 1 x10-bw+25kg. 1 x30-bw+15kg. Done from a dead hang rather than sleeves. I’ll need to be disciplined and keep these in moving forward, they made the injury feel abated almost instantly. Need control so not to jerk the lower back via belt-contact momentum.
Neck extensions, full ROM; 2 x25-30.

Shrugs were shit. I’ll make them more OHP and rows next time.

Daily walks
1 x30min
2 x15min
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GPP day


Step-ups, box+6 mats; 10 x10-bw.
Felt good but a bit slack on getting them done quickly. Room for improvement.

CG chin-ups; 6 x6-bw.
Deficit Push-ups; 6 x6-bw.
Will aim to build up reps per set. A pullover style might be better suited, equally a regular grip width chin-up might just feel better and give greater ROM on biceps. Will think on it.

Bent-leg plate raises; 2 x15-bw+15kg.

Daily walks
1 x45min
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ME lower day

Intentionally skipped weigh-in. Massive sodium day yesterday. Sparing myself the psychological kick.

5min wake-up walk.
Walking lunges; 1 x10 per side.
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw.
Ab wheel; 1 x10-bw. Had this idea last night as way to get the PSOAS firing (or not) correctly rather than the cramping/tightening it seems to be doing a lot of. Felt much better afterwards.

DL to max, natural stance, versa’s; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 200, 220, 250, 270@7. Found my zen place again with a massive breath and brace. Went into a more ground-up style as the PSOAS wasn’t cooperating on a hip-drop. Didn’t use hook as I wanted to eliminate the chance of a bar slip when already impacted by flare up.

SSB SQ to max: 1 x1-82, 132, 162. It was definitely high by a few inches, but it felt like the issue more related to being unfamiliar with the SSB atm rather than strength. Bar felt fine on my back.

Deficit DL, 12 mats, beltless, versa’s; 2 x3-170. Tried 200 but didn’t have the firepower for it today.

SSB SQ back offs; cut on account of time and energy levels.

SSB GMs, beltless; 2 x8-132. These felt good in the sense that maybe they were attempting to put everything back into the correct function and position. Incredibly intense and high concentration required though.
Banded abs; 2 x20-dpb.

Hatfield SSB split squat, oly shoes; 2 x8-82.
Banded abs, wide stance; 2 x20-dpb.

Jefferson curls, 12 mats, reset reps; 1 x10-120.
Banded abs; didn’t have the gas.

Happy with the workout under the circumstances. When healthy, I think this would be 20-30mins shorter. And again shorter without the PSOAS issue and needing to accomodate it. My legs are definitely giving a LOT more drive on the deadlift, which seems to be due to the bands and forcing me into a stronger position.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Max effort upper day

108.6 starting to feel a bit better but far from 100% still. Some gut discomfort today, probably related to the illness and some of the crap inside meds for dealing with symptoms.

10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, pinkies on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-100. 1 x1-120, 130@9.5. Better than last time. Butt came up slightly but it seemed more about finding position than assisting the lift. Didn’t lose momentum, pushed through the sticking point.
Back offs; 2 x2-120@9, 8, 10. Lots of variance in form here. Not my best but not horrible for an off-day either.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x3-bw+15kg. 1 x5-bw+30kg. 2 x3-bw+35kg@9, @9. 1 x2-bw+40kg@10. Good reps here, the first especially. 1 x6-bw+30kg@9.5. Shorter rest between singles but I think I was mainly just out of firepower for the heavy work at this stage.

CG bench density sets; 5 x3-105.
WG chin-ups; 5 x7-bw.

GHD-style sit-ups;
Neck extensions;

BB curls; 1 x10-50.
Overhead band extensions; 1 x20-purple band.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Volume lower day


10min wake-up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw.
Banded abs; 1 x10-bw.

DL w/bands; 1 x5-70. 1 x3-70+bb&dgb, 120+bb&dgb. 5 x3-150+bb&dgb. The knurling is starting each up the bands a bit. I’ll try a thin towel/cloth between them and the bar next week.

Buffalo box squats; 1 x3-72. 5 x3-107.

Seated DLs, box+12 mats, hook; 3 x6-200.
Ab wheel; 3 x10-bw.

SSB Step-ups;

Axle hypers, #6 50deg;
Banded abs;

Nordics, band assisted; 4 x10-green band.

Banded abs, wide stance; 1 x20-dpb.

Missed the middle due everyone waking up early and being unwell. Will make up some unilateral stuff later in the day.

Daily walks
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Volume upper day


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 4 x9-100.
BB rows, pinkies on rings, versa’s; 1 x10-70. 4 x9-120.
Banded abs, wide stance; 5 x20-dpb.
Giant set.
Had to pace myself due to covid impact on breathing but still managed a reasonable clip.

OHP, pinkies on rings; 3 x8-50.
Backed load down due to fatigue. Good call, it felt as tough as the 60s last week.
Seal rows, reset reps; 3 x8-90.

Standing PSOAS raises, ankle weights; 1 x15-5kg. 2 x10-10kg. Felt great, better than the plate raises.
Neck extensions; 2 x20-30kg.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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GPP day


Step ups, box+6mats; 4 x15-bw.
Chin-ups, reset reps; 4 x15-bw.
Deficit push-ups; 4 x15-bw.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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ME lower day


10min wake-up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw.
Banded abs; 1 x10-dpb.
Standing PSOAS raise, ankle weight; 1 x10–10kg.

DL to max, natural stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 200, 220, 240 hook, 260, 280@9-9.5. 2nd attempt, was in my head too much for the first. Focused on my brace beyond just a big breath. Strong and controlled rep, really happy with it. Onwards and upwards.

Buffalo SQ to max; 1 x72, 22, 152@9.5. Definitely didn’t have enough confidence or groove here. Was meant to be a box squat but it felt just off going down low enough so regular squat it is.

12-mat Deficit DL, beltless, versa’s; 3 x1-210. Will work these up to doubles and then triples again.

Buffalo SQ; 2 x7-102. Strength is there but endurance is not back yet.

SSB GMs; 2 x9-132. +1 rep from last week. Once my high-end conditioning returns after the virus, things can increase on these.

Hatfield SSB split squats, oly shoes; 2 x10-82.
Banded abs; 2 x20-dgb.

Standing PSOAS raise, ankle weight; 1 x15-10kg.

Daily walks
3 x15min
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ME upper day


10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-100. 1 x1-120, 130, 135@10. Cut short, didn’t have the strength today. Two weeks in a row of too much fatigue from GPP. I might be better just leaving it as high rep lower and abs, rather than the upper body stuff and making Friday a MUCH heavier volume day.
Back offs; 2 x2-120@9.5.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x10-bw. 1 x3-bw+15kg. 1 x3-bw+30kg. 3 x2-bw+40kg@9.5, @9.5, 10. 1 x8-bw+30kg@9.5.

CG bench; 2 x3-105. 3 x3-100.
WG chin-ups; 5 x7-bw.

Happy with the peak and heavy chin-up sets but the rest was meh. Some good lessons though. Upper GPP is leaving my shoulders overly tight and stiff, so they will become arms only. And I definitely need to be faster on my max sets. Slower than DLs right now which is too slow, even allowing for the supersets. Saving 10min across would make a world of difference.

Daily walks
5 x15min
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Lower volume day


10min wake-up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw
Banded abs; 1 x10-dpb
Stand PSOAS raises; 1 x10-10kg.

DL w/bands, 2 mat deficit; 1 x5-70, 70+2gb&1bb, 120+2gb&1bb. 5 x3-150+2gb&1bb. Not quite ready for 5x5, all good reps though. The bands continue to keep me leg drive focused.

Buffalo box squats; 4 x3-102. Adjusted the bar position down to a more genuine LBBS and it max everything click, especially with torso lean angle and a complete stop on the box. Time to add some load, or maybe minibands.

Seated DL, box+12 mats, versa’s; 3 x6-200. Making sure not to involve lower body, to the degree that’s possible.
Banded abs, inward facing; 3 x20-2pb.

Belt squats; 2 x20-100. Kept it light as the replacement belt is still about 10 days away, and want to try and find the right position for that troublesome right hip flexor.

Axle hypers, 50deg #6; 2 x10-100. Not sure if #6 or 7 pad height is better. Really looking to keep it on the glutes and hamstrings, so it’ll probably take some figuring out.
Banded abs, wide stance; 2 x20-2pb.

Hatfield SSB reverse lunges; 1 x10-62. These felt really therapeutic on the hips. I will add reps as I had plenty in reserve. Probably a good one for both days.

Nordic curls, band assisted; 4 x11-bw. The plan is to gradually build up the reps per set, and then wind back the band strength. 4th set was a bit loose, mainly a fatigue factor.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Volume upper day

110.1 pumped some fibre back in, activity levels getting higher generally so not too fussed but definite need to cut the simple sugar additives like honey back out.

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x8-102.5.
Chin-ups; 1 x10-bw. 3 x8-bw+10kg.
Banded abs, wide stance; 4 x20-2pb.
Giant set.

OHP, middle finger on rings; 4 x5-60.
BB rows; 4 x5-150.

Deficit push-ups; 3 x15-bw.
SG Turtleback rows; 3 x15-70.

CG chin-ups, pullover style; 2 x15-bw.
Overhead band extensions; 2 x20-pb.

WG pull-ups, reset reps; 1 x15-bw.
Overhead band extensions; 1 x20-pb.

Fantastic session, and definitely an extra 15min I can create with a more disciplined starting time and tightening up on the last high rep work.

Daily walks
1 x30min

Pull-up clusters, short rest; 5 x5-bw.
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Rest day

109.4 fatigue is high. I’ll get arm work back in here eventually but need the rest today.

Daily walks
1 x30min

Neck extensions; 2 x40-25kg. Wanted to sort out a stiff neck from a bad sleeping position and also pump the lumbar a bit. I occasionally miss having a reverse hyper for this.

Knees up jumps; 3 x5-bw. I’ve started to think that different kinds of jumping work is part of the package to get me to that 320 pull, given my hamstring dominance.

PSOAS band work.
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