2016 Log

Lower DE day

109.9 feeling a bit tired but not too bad. Long day yesterday but prioritising sleep last week is already making me feel better.

5min wake-up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw
Walking lunges, alternating; 1 x10 each side

DL w/bands, natural-V, hook, standing anchor; 1 x5-70. 1 x3-70+dbl green band, 1 x3-120+dgb. 10 x2-150+dgb. Going to try putting the bands length-wise on the outside of the first plates (bumpers) next week. Should give me more resistance, albeit less convenient setup.

Buffalo box squat, wide-stance, 20-mats; 5 x3-102.

Lost a few minutes here with setting up, will get it done in advance next week.

Seated DL, 12-mats, versa’s; 3 x170-8.
Belt squat, flats, natural squat stance; 3 x20-115.
Need to keep my foot on the gas here and tighten up breaks.

Axle hypers, reset reps, #5 50 deg, 6-mat equal elevation; 2 x10-90. These crushed me, whether sue to missing a week or the different position. Good fun.
Banded abs; 2 x20-double purple band.

Zercher squats; 2 x10-70. These are a wider stance. Just have to develop some familiarity and remember to lean forward at the hips rather than round down like a ZDL.
Banded abs; 2 x20-double purple band.

Zercher DLs; 2 x70-10. Tried 100 but that felt like an injury would happen. Will build back up to it at this pre-fatigued state over time.
Banded abs; 2 x20-double purple band.

Nordic assisted negatives, 12-mats height; 3 x10-green band assisted. Found a and replicable setup for knee flexion emphasis rather than hip extension.

Daily walks
Waddle-walk, 1 x15min-25kgs
Walking lunges, alternating, 1 x10min
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Upper volume day

109.4 feeling the DOMS from yesterday but had an uninterrupted sleep so doing ok.

10min wake-up walk

Chin-ups, versa’s; 1 x10-bw. 1 x10, 9.5, 9-bw+10kg.
Bench, sink-pause, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x5-100kg. Set feet and full arch for the last set, felt like RPE sub-6, so I’ll get stricter with that again.
GHD-style sit-ups, plate behind head; 1 x10-bw. 3 x10-bw+15kg.
Giant set.

WG neutral pull-ups, versa’s; 2 x15, 1 x10 -bw.
OHP; 3 x7-60. Shoulders not quite in their groove today.
GHD-style sit-ups, plate behind head; 3 x10-bw+15kg.
Giant set.

Deficit push-ups; 2 x15-bw.
WG inverted rows; 2 x15-bw.
Oblique raises; 2 x15 per side-25kg. Starting off very light to familiarise the various parts at play here. Trying to get some hypertrophy going rather than pure static resistance. Hoping for some therapeutic benefit to the right hip and over-sensitive upper-ITB, or whatever it is.
Giant set.

Hanging leg raises; 1 x15-bw.
Neck extensions, full dynamic ROM; 1 x20-30kg.

Systemic fatigue from yesterday’s higher exertion session was massive. Got it done though.

Daily walks
1 x30min

Dead hangs; 2 x30sec-bw+30kg.
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ME lower

110.1 so much for aiming to cut lately. Some of that is visibly from carbing up and retention after the higher volume sessions. Clothes still feeling like I’m a bit smaller. But ultimately the scale doesn’t lie.

10min wake up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw

DL to max, natural stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 200, 220 hook, 250, 270@RPE5 speed. My focus on the 2nd attempt was perfect and it flew up so fast I didn’t even really hold it at the top for fear of momentum and that I might be pass out under the brace. Have to find that every time now.

SSB box squat to max; 1 x5-82. 1 x1-112, 132@8. Enough for now. Still working on torso tension for an SSB box squat.

Deficit DL, 12-mats, beltless, hook, 3 x2-200. Still feeling good with these. Just have to be disciplined on position rather than squat-muscle it up.

SSB box squat back offs; 2 x2-112.

SSB GMs, close stance; 2 x10-112.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x20-double purple band.

Belt squats, natural stance, flats; 2 x15-130. Stance and depth improving. Might still benefit from an inch of elevation.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x20-double purple band.

Step-ups, flats, box+6 mats; 1 x10-bw. 2 x10-bw+10kg vest.

Very happy with the session. Could find 10mins accumulated to trim.

Daily walks
2 x15min
1 x30min
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ME upper day


10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-100. 1 x1-120, 130@9. Happy with this.
Back offs; 1 x1-120@6.5.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x3-bw+30kg. 1 x2-bw+40kg. 1 x3-bw+35kg@9. My right QL spasmed loading the belt. I think it’s the same old context irritation - neural rather than physical, in a sense. Frustrating but I’ll work it out. Definitely related to hard arching again on bench but not necessarily a direct cause. 1 x10.5-bw+30kg. Second week of PB at this backoff load.

CG bench, density sets; 5 x2-105.
WG pull-ups; 5 x7-bw.
GHD-style sit-ups, plate behind head; 5 x5-bw+20kg.

Hanging leg raises; 2 x15-bw.
Neck extensions, full ROM; 3 x15-30.

Flare up of QL area is definitely connected to the arching but also some general contact irritation. It wasn’t under load, so it will be about keeping the blood flow high, plenty of standing plus walking and working through it.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Volume lower

109.8 lower back and QL feeling 90% better.

10min wake-up walk

Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw
Hypers, #7 40 deg, full ROM; 1 x10-bw.
Banded abs; 1 x10-double purple band.

DL w/bands, natural stance, hook; 1 x5-70. 1 x3-70+dgb, 1 x3-120+dgb. 10 x2-150+dgb. Felt good. Leg drive and hip height developing some consistency. Just used the same easy setup of looping bands over the bar. Didn’t raise the plate weight due to the back niggle from yesterday.

Buffalo box squats, 20mats; 5 x3-102.

Seated DL, box+12 mats; 3 x8-170. Really hit the lower back the way I wanted. Things starting to feel better there already.

No belt squats today as I need to repair the belt or replace it. Not willing to risk a tear with 120kg on the stack.

Axle hypers, #8 40deg; 2 x15-50kg. These are basically static lower body and just taking the back through a greater ROM. They felt really good but vastly under loaded for precautionary reasons. Back up to normal next week.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x20-double purple band.

Zercher DL; 2 x12-70.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x20-double purple band.

Zercher squats; 2 x10-70. Couldn’t find a position I liked. Going to make them into step-ups with the vest.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x2-double purple band.

Nordic assisted; 3 x15-bw+green band.

Fantastic session, especially noting the tweak yesterday and being one day less recovered than usual due to a work trip tomorrow.

Daily walks
1 x15min
1 x45min
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Upper pump day - Hotel Gym

No weigh in

Lat pull-down; 9 x15-73kg.
Push-ups; 9 x15-bw.
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ME lower day

110.5 let things go over the past two weeks. Really struggling to dial in and cut down the calories.

10min wake-up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 1 x10-double purple band.

Max DL, natural stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 200, 220 hook, 250, 270@8.5-9. First attempt this time and with a bit of leveraged slack pull. Didn’t have the adrenaline rush of last week, much more ‘routine’. I’ve had issues hitting this back-to-back for some time, but after fixing the load on volume days this appears sorted. Pretty happy with it right now.

Max Buffalo SQ, wide stance; 1 x5-72. 1 x1-122, 152@8.5-9. Didn’t quite hit the groove so I left it there. Thought I’d go heavier initially but will leave that for the next day I’m on this squat.

Deficit DL, 12-mats, beltless; 2 x3-200. Capped it at two sets both due to time and feeling the fatigue from the maxes.

Buffalo SQ, back offs; 2 x3-122. Feeling better than last week.

SSB GMs, || stance; 2 x10-132.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x20-double purple band.

SSB SQ, ATG, beltless, oly shoes; 2 x10-82. Fully controlled and with pause at the lowest point. Working on the quads and improving the hip mobility through the right flexor injury.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x20-double purple band.

Step ups, box + 6mats; 2 x10-bw+10kg vest.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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ME upper day


5min wake-up walk

Max bench, pinkies on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-100. 1 x1-120@7, 130@10.
Back offs; 3 x2-120@9.5, @9 @8.5.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles reps; 1 x5-bw. 1 x3-bw+15kg. 1 x5-bw+30kg. 3 x3-bw+35kg@9.5, @9,5, @9.5. 1 x10-bw+30kg@10.

CG bench, density sets; 5 x3-105.
WG pull-ups, hook practice; 5 x5-bw.

GHD-style sit-ups, plate behind head; 2 x10-bw+20kg. ROM improving which in turn is giving improvement to the resting status of the right flexor issue.
Neck extensions, full ROM, leaning forward; 1 x14, 10-30kgs. The change in position is a game changer for the back. That first set nearly used up the tank. Looking forward to going higher volume with these on Friday with the 25-plate.

Hanging leg raises; 1 x15-bw. Probably need to start doing these for 20+ reps.

Really happy with the session today.

Daily walks
1 x15min

CG neutral chin-ups, rest pause; 2 x20-bw.
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Lower volume day

109.2 carbed up

10min wake-up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 1 x10-double purple band

DL w/bands; 1 x5-70, 70+dgb, 120+dgb. 5 x5-150+dgb.

Next week I will try to remember to setup the long bands as; collar-clamp-bumper, and see how that goes with greater tension at the bottom.

DE Box squats, beltless; 1 x5-72. 3 x5-102. Increase the sets to 4 next week. Groove was a little off today.

Seated DL, box+12 mats, hook; 3 x6-200. Thumb skin close to tearing but didn’t, so hopefully time for calluses to develop further.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 3 x20-dbl purple band

Axle hypers, back focus; 2 x12-50. Figured out on 2nd set that the trick is to keep glutes squeezed and isometric from start to finish.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x20-dbl purple band.

Step-ups, box+6mats, flats, alternating, short rest periods; 4 x10-bw.

Zerchers; 1 x10-70. Still haven’t quite figured out either the squat pattern or the mobility demands to start from the floor rather than mats, but getting there slowly.

Nordics, band assisted; 2 x13-green band assisted. Consistency of setup is paying off now.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Volume upper


5min wake-up walk

Bench, pinkies on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x10-100.
Chin-ups; 1 x10-bw. 3 x7-bw+15kg.
GHD style sit-ups, plate behind head; 1 x20-bw. 3 x10-bw+15kg.
Giant set.

WG neutral pull-ups, versa’s; 3 x13-bw.
OHP; 3 x7-60.
GHD style sit-ups, full ROM; 2 x20, 1 x15-bw. These are opening everything in the hips and lower core up, feeling very fresh. Definitely a keeper now that my lumbar is getting used to a fuller-extensions with the hypers.
Giant set.

Uber-SG turtle shell rows; 2 x15-70.
Deficit push-ups; 2 x15-bw.

Neck extensions, full ROM, leaning forward; 2 x25-25kgs. Felt so good.
Hanging leg raises; 2 x15-bw.

Daily walks
1 x30min

Did some extra chin-up variations throughout the day but probably better off not to.

Need to get the walks back up
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Ruck, GPP and arms day

109.9 high vege load

Bench jumps; 1 x10-bw.
Step-ups, box; 1 x20-bw.

Step-ups, up-down, box+6 mats; 20min.

SSB curls; 3x15-32kg.
Overhead band extensions; 3 x20-dpb.

SSB GMs; 10min -32kg. As many as I could without hands on the bar.

Daily walks
1 x15min
1 x45min +10kg vest
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Max effort lower day

109.0 feeling tired in lower back from the Saturday SSB GMs for time. Not sure they’re a keeper in that time slot. I have an idea about re-arranging some things at the backend of the week and doing rows on Friday into high rep vertical pulling on Saturday’s.

5min wake-up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw

Max DL, natural stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 200, 220, 240 hook, 260, 280@9. Fucking stoked.

Max Buffalo HBBS;

Deficit DL, 12-mats, beltless; 1 x3-200.

Buffalo HBBS backoffs; 2 x10-102.


SSB lunges;
Banded abs, bar behind legs;

Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x25-dbl purple band.
Jefferson curls, +6 mats; 2 x10-120.

Strong 280 pull. Had to improvise after getting an interruption half way through.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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