2016 Log

Max effort lower and chin ups


5min wake-up walk
Psoas raises; 1 x15-green shorty band

DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70, 120, 170. 1 x1-200, 220, 230, 240, 250 close V, 250 leg press medium V. Felt good with the second single at 250. I need to get my grip back up to par in order to hold the bar slack better once it’s out. @8.5.

Back offs; 1 x5-220. Good practice for the break and drive here. My hip flexors might need a warmup set at the start of sessions based on this feedback.

Buffalo LBBS; 1 x5-72, 122, 132, 132. Need more wide stance practice and adductor development.

Chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x5-bw, bw+25kgs.
Axle hypers, #8, 50deg, reset reps; 1 x5-100.
Belt squats, paused; 1 x12-125.

Step ups, box+6 mats; 2 x10-bw+30kg plates.
Chin-ups cont.; 2 x3-30kgs.

Axle hypers to move to SG again for ROM purposes.

Chin-ups definitely hampered by lots of biceps on Friday but they’ll adapt pretty quickly I think.

Squats need posterior chain rebuilding on Thursdays. Possibly cambered bar to come in for GMs.

Need to keep supersetting in the chins with squats. That will enable the back off WG sets for step ups. Unsure if I prefer plates or SSB for those.

Daily walks
1 x30min

WG chin-ups; 2 x10-bw.
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Max effort upper day


10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-100. 1 x1-120, 125neg, 125neg. Zercher’d them back into the rack.

WG pull-ups, lean back form; 1 x 10-bw. 4 x3-bw+15kgs.

Standing banded abs; 5 x20-IE blue band.
Giant set.

WG paused Larsen bench; 3 x5-100.
SG BB rows, medium-V stance; 3 x5-120.
Hanging leg raises, strict; 3 x12-bw.
Giant set.

Upright rows; 2 x12-50.
Overhead band extensions; 2 x10-IE blue band.
Sit-ups across bench; 2 x10-bw. Rushed these a bit. Need to take my time and find the correct setup.
Giant set.

Going to ditch standing rows and go back to seal rows. Too fatigued from lower session for them to be useful. Better to let that dissipate. Possibly higher reps on Fridays have a place.

Daily walks
3 x15min
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Volume lower and chins day


5min wake-up walk, knees up marching
Psoas raises; 1 x10-bkue shorty power band
Standing banded abs; 1 x10-IE blue band

DL to 5RM, || stance, heavily rounded upper back; 1 x5-70, 120, 170 hook, 200, 220, 250@9. 250 was staggered/clustered singles, letting me get my air back.

Next time will do a paused backoff set once my work capacity is back.

Cambered GMs, wide; 2 x8-120.

Cambered SQ, wide; 2 x8-120.
CG neutral chin-ups, pullover technique, versa’s; 2 x12-bw.

Zercher GM, Ukrainian stance; 1 x10, 8-70.
CG neutral chin-ups, pullover technique, versa’s; 1 x10, 8-bw.

Nordics assisted; 4 x12-bw+rogue green band.

Daily walks
Walking lunges; 4 x10 per side
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Upper volume day

110.4 overslept by an hour so will get as much done as I can.

Bench, index to rings, paused; 1 x10-70. 3
Seated DL, box+9 hard mats; 4 x10-170. Will go heavier next time when not the rushing the clock.

WG neutral pull-ups, max-stim protocol; 1 x15-bw+10, drop into 1 x15-bw.

Dips, max-stim protocol; 1 x25-bw.

Upright rows; 3 x12-50.
Z-press, pinkies on rings; 3 x10-40

DB curls, supinated out; 2 x15-DB+10kgs.
Lateral raises; 2 x15-10kg plates.
Overhead band extensions; 2 x10-IE blue band.
Giant set.

Standing band abs, static hips; 2 x20-IE blue band.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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GPP day


1 x30min heavy bag conditioning
Standing banded abs; 3 x20-IE blue band

Daily walks
1 x30min

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Max effort lower day

110.4 some sodium and fibre bloat going on

10min wake-up walk
Psoas raises; 1 x10-blue shorty IE band

DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220, 240, 250, 260. 270 fail. Couldn’t quite break it in the correct position. Peak strength still coming back.
Back offs with bands, beltless, 5 x1-120+IE purple shorty band.

Chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x5-bw, bw+15kgs. 1 x3-bw+30kgs @9, @10, @10, @10.
SG Axle hypers, #8 50deg; 4 x8-100.
Belt squats, paused, 3-mat deficit; 4 x10-125.
Giant set.

Chin-ups; 2 x10-bw.

Form was ok for DL, tried a lower belt for a tighter lumbar brace and it worked. Still prefer to narrow, a bit more knee bend and feet turned out. Glutes are definitely not as involved as they should be. A little too SLDL-esque.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Max effort upper day


Bench to max, CG index to knurl; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-100, 105, 110@9.5. 2 x6-90@9.5, 9.5.

WG pull-ups, lean back; 6 x6-bw.

Standing abs, SSB behind legs; 3 x20-IE blue band. 3 x10-tight IE blue band.
Giant set.

Upright rows; 2 x15-50.
Z press; 2 x10-40.
Reverse standing abs; 2 x10-IE blue band.
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Lower body and chins volume day


10min wake-up walk
Psoas raises; 1 x10-blue IE shorty power band

DL, close minor-V stance slack pull; 1 x5-70, 120, 170. 1 x10-220.
FPDL, beltless; 2 x10-170.
Things starting to feel really good.

SSB SQ, ATG paused, oly shoes; 2 x8-102.

SSB GMs; 2 x15-102.

CG neutral chin-ups, pullover technique, versa’s; 3 x12-bw.
Belt squats, wide; 3 x12-100.

CG neutral chin-ups; 1 x12, 10-bw.
SG axle hypers, #6 50deg; 2 x15-bw. Load bump next week. Aiming to hang in 15-20 rep range for RIR0-2.

Nordics assisted; 2 x12-bw + green rogue band.

Standing banded abs, feet set with mats; 2 x20-IE blue band.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Upper body volume day

110.4. Lots of fatigue from yesterday’s session.

10min wake-up walk

Bench, index to rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x9-90. Up to 10s next week.
Seated DLs, 6+6mats; 4 x10-170.

WG neutral pull-ups, Fat Grippz, max-stim protocol; 1 x30-bw. Thicker grip took some getting used to but nice way to make it harder without just relying on load. Will add weight back in next week.

Dips, max-stim protocol; 1 x25-bw.

Upright rows, versa’s; 3 x12-52.5.
Z press; 3 x8-42.5.

DB curls, supinated; 3 x15-DB+10kgs.
Lateral plate raises, versa’s; 3 x12-10kg plates. Versa’s wrapped around the plate grips to make sure they can’t fly out of my hands. Let’s me emphasise the delts more too.
Overhead band extensions, explosive; 3 x12-IE blue band.
Giant set.

Sit-ups on bench, feet locked; 2 x15-bw. Focusing on abs here.
Neck extensions; 2 x15-25kgs. Just need to build back some familiarity and then reps. Felt good.

I’m contemplating cutting out the vertical pulling on lower body days for more core work and extra leg volume. Not sure yet. It would be hard to fit in more vertical pulling on a Friday and I like having the four different grips across the week. Perhaps just de-emphasise short-term performance goals for now.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Max effort lower and chin-up day

111.0 getting fluffy. Am finding it hard to re-embrace a cut and the impact to numbers but need to get my shit together.

Rested but low sleep. Went down late and woke up early.

10min wake-up walk
Psoas raises; 1 x10-IE shorty blue power band

DL to max, close minor-V, slack pull; 1 x5-70, 120, 170. 1 x1-220, 240, 250, 260. Got an alright slack pull and decided to leave it there. Maybe 270 was there but no point.

Back offs; 3 x1-240. Slack pull practice and load exposure. I just need to remember to start the pull I from my traps and upper back and not squat it up.

Weighted chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x5-bw. 2 x5-bw+25kgs@8, 8.5, 9.
SG RDLs, close ||, beltless; 3 x8-150.
Belt squats, paused, 6-mat deficit; 3 x10-125.
Giant set.

Pendlay rows, DL stance&grip, versa’s; 3 x8-120.
Step ups, box+12 mats; 3 x10-bw. Doing these at the front of the rack so I can support the balance aspect and focus on the front leg without the back providing any drive.

Standing banded abs; 1 x20-IE blue band.

Daily walks
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Upper body max day

110.6 slept ok but not quite long enough.

10min wake-up walk

Ended up starting about 15mins late, from deep sleep.

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-100. 1 x1-120. 5 x1-125.

WG pull-ups, lean back; 4 x6-bw.

Standing banded abs, no support, mid-width stance; 4 x20-IE blue band.
Giant set.

Decided to just get the heavy singles in after reaching top load. It worked for me before I long time ago. I’ll aim to bring up the pull-up count per set and then add load.

Upright rows; 3 x15-52.5.
Z press; 3 x9-42.5

DB curls, supinated; 2 x15-DB+10kgs.
Lateral plate raises; 2 x12-10kg plates.
Overhead band extensions; 2 x10-IE blue band.
Giant set.

I like including the standing rows with a DL grip width yesterday but also want a heavy squat in once a week. Will think on it more.

I also want to take advantage of a loaded belt squat arm to do Ukrainian deadlifts with it, high volume and just work the posterior chain.

Daily walks
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Volume lower and chin-ups day


10min wake-up walk
Psoas raises; 1 x10-IE shorty blue band

DL, close-V stance, slack pull; 1 x5-70, 120, 170 hook. 1 x3-220. 4 x2-240. Bringing the bar to the shins for setup is making a massive difference on the initial leg drive.

Zercher SQ, oly shoes; 1 x5-70. 2 x5, 1 x3-100. Lost positioning and nearly had to bail. The instinct response left me feeling weirdly fatigued so I racked it there. Position practice needed.

Zercher DL; 2 x10-70.

Belt squats, oly shoes, 6 mats; 2 x15-115.
CG chin-ups, versa’s; 1 x12, 10-bw.

Ukrainian deadlifts, 6 mats + 4 EVA, belt squat device; 2 x15-100. Felt great, slightly deeper ROM required though.
CG chin-ups, versa’s; 1 x10-9-bw.

Nordics assisted; 3 x13-bw green band assisted.
Sit-ups along bench; cut short.

Daily walks
Nil - work schedule
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Upper volume day


10min wake-up walk, knees up marching

Bench, paused, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x10-90. 2.5kg bump next week.
Seated DL, 6 mats + 8 EVA; 4 x10-170. Increased ROM by 2x EVA. Hit the spot. Will add 10kg load next week.

WG neutral pull-ups, lean back, Fat Grippz, max-stim protocol; 1 x30-bw.

Dips, max-stim protocol; 1 x22-bw. Deeper ROM this week, hit the RIR@0 slightly earlier, taking it as a positive.

Upright rows; 3 x15-52.5.
Z press, hands halfway between smooth and rings; 2 x10, 1 x8-42.5.

BB curls; 2 x20-30kg.
Lateral plate raises, versa’s; 2 x12-10kg plates.
JM press; 2 x20-30kg.
Giant set.

Neck extensions; 2 x20-25kgs.
Sit-ups across bench, ab ROM focus; 2 x15-bw.

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x10min knees up march
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