2016 Log

Upper volume and lower GPP


Seal rows; 5 x10-82.5.
CG buffalo bench; 5 x10-77.

T-bar rows, gorilla/versa’s; 3 x10-75. Still experimenting with how much elevation I want by standing on mats. 6-mats seems to be right for the moment.

Upright rows, versa’s; 3 x10-70. Moved to the DL bar for setup-efficiency purposes. Figuring out the right grip and body English, but I think this will continue to work. Middle finger on the knurling/smooth interface felt good.

Lu raises; 2 x15, 1 x10-10kg per hand.

JM press; 3 x12-47. I more or less have found a grip width and bar placement in the hand that position that works.
Giant set.

Seated deadlift, volume; 3 x10-190.
Band pressdowns; 3 x20-green band.

GPP buffalo Zercher squats; 6 x10-47. The 6th set was a bit late but otherwise all good, load bump or rep per set bump next week, not sure at this stage.

Neck extensions; 1 x40, 30-20kg. May not need these purely for the neck or traps but they’re very valuable for spine and erector recovery. Realistically I should probably do a lot more of them and superset them in, or do them all four main days perhaps.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Upper GPP


GPP CG chin-ups, chest up; 5 x16-bw. Slightly widened the grip, felt very easy on joints.
GPP Push-ups; 5 x16-bw.

GPP Pull-ups; 3 x10-bw. Still a work in progress and less joint friendly. Once my upper arm and rear delts are stronger, I *should* be able to push the volume.
GPP CG push-ups; 3 x10-bw.

Daily walks
1 x45min + 4x20-red band pull apart + 4x30-band around neck pressdowns
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Rest day


Busy family schedule today but not an active one. Probably need a ‘sit still’ day anyhow, the first in a while.
Max effort lower

104.8 fighting off a virus of some kind. It hasn’t totally wiped me out but on the other hand has me snorting out crap and coughing a little.

5min walk
Step ups; 1 x10-bw.
Hypers; 1 x10-bw.
Sit-ups; 1 x10-bw.

DL to max; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 250, 270. Two attempts at 290. It just wasn’t quite there. I think I’m at the stage again where I really have to incorporate proper counter-balancing, rather than just brute strength.

Backs offs, clustered singles@75% max; 14 x220.

Mental notes to self: lower belt position, obliques to thighs, bend the bar.

I’m not sure if toes out for more glutes or toes forward for more quads then hamstrings at the start is the better way to go long term. I can probably leverage my weight better with hips further back and toes straight, but then the flute strength comes out of the break. Something to try out.

CB SQ to max; 1 x1-70, 120, 170. Had some in the tank. I need to use this bar more for squatting generally.

BB hypers, #7, 50 deg; 3 x5-130.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 3 x10-bw+20kg. Very controlled, slightly slower rep tempo. Strongly tucked chin/neck/head.

BB rows, strict, middle-grip width, heavy; 4 x6-140. These felt awesome, great isometric work and hopefully positioning carryover for DL. The load is about right, slight bump next week.

Step-ups, high box; 2 x15-bw. Should’ve done more but had a fair bit of interruptions.

A bit of an up and down session. I was too in my head for the DLs, but the rest was a win.

Daily walks
1 x15min
1 x30min

Did a couple of beltless singles without a warmup at 220. Something to maybe try on Thursday is my old || stance from DL everyday times, with the bar slightly out in front and a quad kick.
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Max effort upper

104.8 my right shoulder feels like absolute shit today. I definitely need something in there to snap/click/rub/pop back into the correct position. Preference is not to drop vertical pulling down to once a week, but I may have to if it doesn’t come good soon.

Weighted chin-ups, full ROM; 1 x10-bw. 5 x4–bw+20kg. Moving to a full reset on the third work set made things feel a bit better, rather than hanging between reps.

Hanging leg raises; 5 x15, 1 x10-bw. I swung about too much on the third set and the lower back didn’t love it, something to be more diligent with. For the fifth set I tried holding onto the chin-up grip with sleeves also supporting armpits and the stability made a world of difference. Being slack with these has definitely impacted by acute anterior strength.

Bench to max, pinkies on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-100, 120. A nice max for today. This is the first time since straining the pec a few weeks back that I’ve gone wide and it felt ‘ok’. Definitely ‘felt’ the area being stretched out, but no pain or weakness. Not game enough for maximum width yet though.

Back offs; 3 x5-100. Just have to remember to arch high and touch low.
Giant set.

Seated deadlifts; 3 x8-220. Was planning to bump but I figured that playing it safe for both shoulder and Thursday’s DL max might be the way to go.

Axle OHP; 3 x10-40. A late pivot as I thought that maybe overhead pressing would do the shoulders some good. It definitely’ felt good in the moment. Will see how it pans out.

GPP WG pull-ups; 3 x10-bw. Did the third set with a shoulder width grip and it felt a little easier on the joint. Very frustrated by this stage.
GPP WG 3ct paused push-ups; 3 x10-bw. Reintroducing some more direct pec-pressing.

Neck extensions; 1 x30-25kg.
Reverse curls; 2 x20-25kg. Doing them a little bit ‘drag’ style to minimise joint exposure at the peak-moment arm.
Band pressdowns; 1 x20-green band.
Giant set.

Sit-ups, plate behind head; 1 x20-bw+10kg. Definitely the superior exercise for me, made my lower back feel fantastic. Possibly retain the leg raises if alternating and as secondary anterior core work.

Daily walks
2 x30min

End of day
GPP chin-ups; 5 x10-bw. 45-deg supinated felt best.
Overhead band extensions; 1 x30-red band per hand.
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Volume lower

105.0 Wednesday night salt boost at work. A lot of external stressors going on right now. Will see how things are impacted and push through.

5min walk
Step ups; 1 x10-bw.
Hypers; 1 x10-bw.
Sit-ups; 1 x10-bw.

DL to max, heels touching-V; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 240, 260, 270. Three attempts at 280 but just wasn’t in the right place today. Starting to feel the toll in the right hip just a bit. Wasted too much time chasing 280.

Back offs, 4x4@75% max, ||-stacked; 4 x4-220. Stance felt like it has a lot of potential again, assuming some dialling in of the quad drive.

SSB widowmaker squat set; 1 x20-114.5. Has to re-rack twice but felt worth getting the 20, mentally.

SG BB hypers, #6, 50deg; 3 x8-110.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 3 x10-bw+20kg.

SG bb rows; 3 x10-122.5.
GPP Step-ups, high box; 3 x15-bw.

Wasted a lot of time on maxing attempts. Oh well. For whatever reason, my positioning was just a mess today. I think the leg raises definitely had a lot to do with that and maintaining lumbar position. 280 broke but that was where I lost it. Definitely sticking with sit-ups from here on out.

A few of the back off reps felt really good but some were very squat-esque in positioning and didn’t really convey confidence for the prospect of a higher load. I may try out a wider stance and toes out a bit, maintain high pelvis and see if the hips can sustain it.

Regardless of foot width, snatch grip deads may be worth bringing in to practice leg drive with and exposed back angle.

Daily walks
1 x30min

Nordic negatives; 2 x10-bw.

SSB GMs to come in over rows, I think. Upper volume day is basically all about rows anyway.
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Upper volume and lower GPP


Seal rows; 5 x8-90.
CG Buffalo bench; 5 x8-82.
Supersetted. Bumped the load for this first combo. Could’ve pushed the pace a lot faster and I will once I’m over whatever respiratory illness I have.

Upright rows; 3 x10-70. Closer grip and limited ROM to no higher than bar at sternum felt pretty nice.
Buffalo JM press; 3 x12-42. Needs a big load bump next week, plenty of RIR.
T-Bar rows, 6-mat elevation; 3 x10-75. Big load bump next week once I am recovered.
Giant set.

Seated deadlifts, volume; 3 x15-180.
OHP; 3 x6-50. Starting this off VERY conservatively.

GPP SSB GMs; 3 x20-62kg. Where I went wrong in both DL max sessions this week was not getting my hips closer enough to the bar and letting my glutes be bystanders. Hoping to remedy this, and also generally build up my work capacity.

GPP buffalo zercher squats; scratched in favour of GMs, though could possibly do both of time permitted.

Neck extensions; 2 x40-20kg.

Generally pretty happy with this, 10-15mins could be found once my health is restored.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Upper GPP


45-V Chin-ups; 5 x15-bw
Push-ups; 5 x15-bw

Reverse curls; 2 x 10-40, 1 x10-45
Overhead bands; 3 x30-red band per hand

Sit-ups, plate behind head; 4 x15-bw+15kg

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x15min
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Max effort lower


5min walk
SSB squats; 1 x10-32.
SSB GMs; 1 x10-32.
Banded abs; 1 x10-green band per hand.

DL to max; 1 x1-70, 120, 170, 220, 240, 260, 280. Got it on attempt #4. All reps done with a counter-balanced slack pull, which is encouraging. My core held through the 280 (had a moment of doubt on the way through but kept driving and it came good). It wouldn’t hurt if I made is thicker and stronger still.

Back offs, paused DL 4x3@75% max; 3 x3-220. Didn’t have the 4th set in me today. Lots of room for improvement here, need to tighten up my slack pull consistency.

SSB power squat max; 1 x1-82, 132, 162. Couldn’t quite nail the stance width. Adductors definitely felt this.

SG BB hypers, #6, 50deg; 4 x8-110.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 4 x10-bw+20kg.

BB rows, heavy, strict; 3 x6-142.5

SSB power squats; 1 x5-132. My core didn’t have a lot to work with at this point but I’d like to get my stance width dialled in a bit. I’ll try to remember to burn the quads out tonight with some lunges/split squats for bodyweight reps.

Hanging leg raises, alternating; 2 x10-bw. Did the second set standing, realised I don’t need to hang from the underarm slings, which seems to irritate the inflamed right shoulder.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Max effort Upper

104.2 feels very low considering a restaurant lunch yesterday but oh well.

Weighted chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x10-bw. 2 x5-bw+20kg.
Back offs; V-45 chin-ups; 2 x10-bw. Shoulder just couldn’t handle more weighted sets. Extra rest time simply made things take too long without improving it.

Banded abs; 5 x20-double green bands.

CG bench; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-110, 120. Genuine touch&pause, which I’ve been skimming on top reps for a little while. The left side is still a fraction weaker but encouraged by this and was able to grind it out through the sticking point.
Back offs; 2 x4-105. Deep pause and leg drive out of the bottom. Moved fingers to fully touching the smooth, which limited pec—ROM but definitely gave me bounce from compression of the arms and shoulder joints.
Giant set.

Seal rows, gorilla grip, 3 x5-100. These feel like they’re trying to reset the shoulder into the right place, albeit not 100% pain free. I find that putting the bar into the last knuckles builds both the finger strength and avoids the arms trying to take over with no thumbs involved, and doesn’t yet compromise load.

Larsen bench, pinkies on the rings; 3 x7-90. Probably RIR2. Not fake enough to go right up to failure yet on a heavy press, re; previous left pec strain. Felt good though.

Slack pull rows; 3 x10-120.
JM press; 3 x10-50.

Neck extensions; 1 x30-25kg.
Reverse curls; 1 x10-50.

Cut short here.

Overhead band extensions;
Giant set.

Everything was good today other than weighted chins. Moving forward I will cull them from the rotation and stick to progressing load for the moment, maybe very slightly loading them with 5kgs on Tuesdays.

Slack pull rows to keep practicing technique and because I feel they will benefit me more than heavy seated deadlifts right now.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Arm day


BB curls; 1 x20-20kg. 4 x10-40kg.
Band pressdowns; 1 x30-red band per hand. 4 x20-green band.

Daily walks
2 x30min
1 x45min
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Volume lower

104.2 carbed up yesterday, so this is pretty nice

5min walk
SSB squats; 1 x10-32.
SSB GMs; 1 x10-32.
Banded abs; 1 x10-green band per hand.

DL to max; 1 x1-70, 120, 170, 220, 240, 260, 270. Dispensed with the leverages slack pull and went back to a high hips, compressed position for 270 and it worked a treat. The hammies starting to cramp a little, which is my fault for doing standing rows on Tuesday. Won’t be doing that again.

Back offs, 4x4@75% max; 3 x3-220, beltless.

SSB squat widowmaker set; scratched. These will become belt squats, and minimise axial loading.

SG BB hypers; 5 x8-115.
Sit-ups, plate behind head —> band abs; 5 x20-green band per hand.

GPP step ups, oly shoes, high box; 6 x10-bw.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Upper volume and lower GPP


Seal rows, gorilla grip; 4 x9-90.
CG buffalo bench, pinkie on knurl; 4 x9-82.

Turtle shell rows; 3 x10-70. Practicing holding my break position in the DL. Really effective isometric work around the hinge structure.

WG 3ct paused buffalo Larsen bench; 3 x10-62. These felt great on the inflamed right shoulder.

Seated deadlifts; 3 x15-180. Fantastic reps for the lower back. Nailed technique, time to continue adding reps up to 20.
OHP; scratched. Was going ok for time but early stirrings from the household were happening. I can probably squeeze it in tomorrow’s Upper GPP just fine.

SSB GM; 3 x20-72.

Buffalo zercher squats, oly shoes; 4 x15-52. Maintaining a quad bias in the technique. The physical feedback is that I’m right on the verge of GPP/training load, but I’m also doing it on the back of volume day, so I’ll try to use Monday’s performances as the gauge.

Neck extensions; 2 x50-20kg.

Daily walks
2 x40min
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Upper GPP


Chin-ups; 5 x15-bw.
Push-ups; 5 x15-bw.

WG inverted rows; 2 x20-bw. Trying to make these about the rear delts but not really succeeding, won’t move forward with them. Face pulls with a band is probably better

BB curls; 3 x10-40.
JM press; did a set of 20 Skullcrushers to the crown. There’s definitely something in the wrong place in my right shoulder somewhere and putting my arm behind my head seems to help put it where it should be. Just waiting on the click/snap/crack back into place.

Sit-ups, plate behind head; workout cut short.

Daily walks
2 x30min
1 x45min
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Max effort lower

105.8 ate a bit extra yesterday give the day was non-stop activity. Seems higher than it should be and expect after passing it and shedding water it will be around 105 tomorrow. Feeling the general fatigue a bit.

5min walk
CB squats; 1 x10-20.
CB GMs; 1 x10-20.
Banded abs; 1 x10-green band per hand.

DL to max; 1 x1-70, 120, 170, 220, 240, 260, 270. Everything was shit until the top single. I audibled onto the leveraged slack pull of up&then back and it worked well. For a second there it felt like the QLs or something around the hips might spasm/cramp but it held strong. Will keep working on it. Lower belt position felt really supportive but then hopefully it isn’t doing anything to restrict the extensors that cross the hip physically.

Back offs, beltless; 2 x4-220. I didn’t have the reserves for 4 sets today. Beltless to keep working on my brace. The reps were good but the weight isn’t quite heavy enough for legit slack pull practice.

CB squat to max; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 150.
Back offs; scratched due to interruption.

RDLs; 3 x5-200. The exercise is preferable to hypers for heavy work, and let’s me maintain a high variety across the week with the hypers on volume day.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 3 x10-bw+20kg.

BB rows, heavy, strict; 3 x6-150.
Banded abs; 3 x20-green band per hand.

Workout cut short. A good session in the context for coming in very fatigued. I need to practice the leveraged slack pull more, and may change Thursday to heavy clustered singles instead of a top set. 240 seems to be the minimum weight required. Lower belt still felt good, something still slightly off on the right hip.

Daily walks
1 x40min
1 x30min
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Max effort upper

105.0 right hip is definitely unhappy. Might need to revert back to toes forward in the DL.

Seal rows, heavy; 1 x10-70. 5 x6-100. Wider grip with pinkies on the ring felt nice on the shoulder. Harder to do WG for vertical pulling though.

WG bench, pinkies on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-110, 120, 125. Flatter back continues to work after recovering from the left pec strain.
Back offs; 2 x3-110. Letting the bar sink in on the pause and then driving it off.

Banded abs; 4 x20-green band.
Giant set.

Seated deadlift; 2 x10-220.
WG Larsen bench, index on rings; 1 x7, 6-100. Came out of my groove on rep 7 in the 2nd set and just lowered it down. Everything working well, no need to put anything at risk.

Front plate raises; 3 x10-20kg.

CG Chin-ups; 3 x15-bw. Taking these through about 60% ROM bottom-up, as a lat movement rather than full range for its own purpose. Shoulder tolerated ok, probably due to the compression of spacing.plenty of RIR.

Band pressdowns; 1 x20-green band. 2 x20-red band per hand. Purely changed due to setup convenience, shortened the band length to maintain tension.
Giant set.

Neck extensions; 2 x30-25kg.
JM press; 2 x10-50kg.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Arm day

105.5 feeling a bit bloated and heavy in the gut

BB curls; 1 x15-20. 1 x10-40. 2 x10-42.5
Overhead band extensions; 4 x25-red band per hand.

Reverse curls; 3 x10-42.5.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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