Volume upper
15min walk
Max effort bench, rings between index and middle fingers; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-110, 120, 125. Cut it an inch short but bumped the j-hooks on the way down which took me out slightly. Had a few more kg’s in the tank. Time to practice.
Back off 10s; 2 x10-90. Probably need a third set of 10s here to just get better at benching again.
Chin-ups, full ROM; 6 x10-bw. The last two sets had some rest-pause towards the end.
Seal rows, reset, explosive; 3 x8-90.
OHP, bench width grip; 3 x10-50.
Supersetted. Maybe a fourth set next time, had some minor interruptions and was conscious of time.
GPP inverted rows; 6 x10-bw.
GPP push-ups; 6 x10-bw.
Supersetted. Going to push the pace and reps per set on these.
Cut short.
DB curls;
JM press;
Neck extensions;
Giant set.
Daily walks
2 x30min
15min walk
Max effort bench, rings between index and middle fingers; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-110, 120, 125. Cut it an inch short but bumped the j-hooks on the way down which took me out slightly. Had a few more kg’s in the tank. Time to practice.
Back off 10s; 2 x10-90. Probably need a third set of 10s here to just get better at benching again.
Chin-ups, full ROM; 6 x10-bw. The last two sets had some rest-pause towards the end.
Seal rows, reset, explosive; 3 x8-90.
OHP, bench width grip; 3 x10-50.
Supersetted. Maybe a fourth set next time, had some minor interruptions and was conscious of time.
GPP inverted rows; 6 x10-bw.
GPP push-ups; 6 x10-bw.
Supersetted. Going to push the pace and reps per set on these.
Cut short.
DB curls;
JM press;
Neck extensions;
Giant set.
Daily walks
2 x30min
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