2nd Cycle


New Member
I'm wanting to try HST and thought this would be a good time to try it since I'm coming off broken ribs and I'm to the point where I can lift lighter weights. I was wondering about the weights to use you start your 2nd cycle ( I think thats what its called )after your deconditioning?
Do you start back with the original weight on the 15's as you did in your original cycle? For example, if your first time at 15's you did 100lbs, do you do 100lbs again or shoot for say 105?

I'm sorry, I asked that question wrong.

Instead of a cycle, what I meant was after my first 9 weeks of HST, after the deconditioning, do I start back at my original weights as I did the last time on 15's? Or do I try to increase the weight from my original 15? Since it will have been roughly 9 weeks since I would have last done 15's is the body shocked back by doing the 15's that a weight increase isn't necessary? Hope this makes since.
This HST program looks good for someone like me who has worked out for a long time (about 22 years) but haven't seen any real gains in several years. I like the way it staggers the reps and weights so it should keep things new instead of the same routine for weeks.