3 Questions For A Complete Workout


New Member
I'm currently on HST and already have finished the 15's. Next week i'm going into 10's but i have 3 questions...

The routine i use is the following:

Routine A ...........................Routine B

Squat ................................Front Squat
Ham curls...........................Goodmornings
Incline Bench Press................Dips
Cable Pull downs........... ........Pendalay Rows
Military Press with BB.............Sitted Arnold Presses
Rear Delt Lateral rase..............Rows to neck
Curls with BB.......................DB Alternating curls
French Press.......................Cable Push downs
Calfs narrow stance...............Calfs wide stance
Weighted Abs Flat................Weighted Abs on Incline Bench

Any comment on the workout layout is welcome but what i really want to ask is this:

A) Is it wise to Superset Front squats with Deadlifts (on workout B ONLY)???

B) and if not, is it ok to do Squats 2 times a week and deadlift in the middle???

C) also when i have a split in A & B, how does the weight progresses?
I mean, with one excercise plan you'll be maxing on a particular rep range once every 2 weeks...What happens with an A&B plan? Am i supposed to max in 2 consecutive workouts?

For Example, if we are talking about Incline chest 5 rep max = 100kg. and Dips 5 rep max = 25kg
then the 5's week become

Mon: Incline Chest 70kg
Wed: Dips 15kg
Fri: Incline Chest 85kg
Mon: Dips 20kg
Wed: Incline Chest 100kg

Fri: Dips 25kg

is that correct?
Firstly, welcome Downhill! (I hope your progress will be decidedly uphill!)

That's a big pile of exercises you have there so watch the overall volume. What seems fine during 15s may take a lot out of you during 5s.

A) I would do squats and SLDLs for your A routine rather than the thigh curls. Then you have front squats and GMs for your B routine which should work well. I wouldn't chose to superset these pairs of exercises because they take a lot out of me compared to lighter upper body stuff (but then I am old and lazy
). Up to you though. If you can do it then as long as your poundages don't suffer then go for it.

B) Many folks have used the squats twice a week and deads once format very successfully (me included).

C) You could do what you have there or just max on one session each mesocycle. It won't make a lot of difference unless you get really fatigued after two max sessions in a row. I would prefer to just max out on one session each mesocycle and save maxing out on all the exercises for the end of the cycle when you are in the 5s.

You should mainly be concerned with increasing the loads for each exercise over the course of the cycle. Don't worry too much about the details in the middle.

Fatigue build-up over the cycle is something that is not always obvious but it can take its toll later in the cycle when you want to be as fresh as possible each session. So. going to failure too often early on in the cycle may catch up with you later - it really will depend on how conditioned you are to failure training. In any case, failure as defined under HST is a little different to an all out, eye-popping, must-get-that-last-rep-or-die HIT type of thing - just curtail a set when you know you couldn't do another rep. What we really want to do is strain the muscle tissue not fry our CNS any more than is necessary to get the job done.

I may not have explained that very well so fire some questions back again if you need more help.

Throw the junk out after the miltary/Arnold presses unless you are a very advanced bodybuilder trying to bring up lagging parts for competition.

Then what LOL said and click on the link he provided.
(Lol @ Apr. 14 2008,10:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In any case, failure as defined under HST is a little different to an all out, eye-popping, must-get-that-last-rep-or-die HIT type of thing</div>
Hahahaha!! that was hilarious!!

Actually you were more detailed than i would ever expect! Thank you all very much for your answers...A few questions more though...

A) if i follow a 2xSquat-1xDeadlift per week routine, what excersises do i do for hams then? I suppose GM and SLDL would be much too much...or should i just go ahead and see what happens?

B) In the end of HST when you're supposed to do negatives...what can i do instead? I train alone at home and i can't do negatives.
-Should i cut back again and repeat the 5's cycle?
-Or is it ok to do the last cycle in the 2-3RM range instead of negatives?

C) As for the Excersises, i can't drop any of them except maybe bis and tris but they take just so little time in my program so i think i'll keep them. After all this is a Hypertrophy program, so ... good for bi's (hehehe).

No, actually i just came from Rippetoes Starting Strength where i was strict enough at my choice of excersises. That said, i thought it could be a good time for some direct arm work...
Ha...hum first welcome to HST downhill!

A) Hams, *** to the grass squat that is what you do! Forget about the punny ham exercises.

B) <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In the end of HST when you're supposed to do negatives</div> And you are..but if you're alone...and many of the negatives can be one with d/d's if you've got them, just get your 2 - 3 RM come in rather without cahnging your cycle, that is good thinking!

C) Up to you bi's and tris are part of my program too but...you have too much **** in yours, drop some unecessary lifts when on 5's and stick to what matters.
Don't worry too much about not being able to do negs at the end of your cycle. I think it's true to say that you can get a fair bit of mileage from your true 5RM lifts at the end of a cycle. Instead of doing 5 reps switch to 3 reps and try to do enough sets with those loads. You should find you can do about 5 sets for a total of 15 reps (some do more and actually get to do 10 x 3 with their 5RM - again, how much you do depends on your present conditioning). I think it's a really good way to get used to handling heavy loads without getting to failure (saving your CNS a little) and losing form - that's when you can hurt yourself. If you can increment the loads a little each week that's great too.
Downhill, Fausto is right, I started doing ATG Squats and got DOMS on the hams. I was doing leg curls and never got DOMS. That should mean something.
After the 5s you can do as I plan to do: Max-stim! I am really looking forward to it, since one of my main difficulties lifting is fatigue.
(electric @ Apr. 15 2008,9:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">After the 5s you can do as I plan to do: Max-stim! I am really looking forward to it, since one of my main difficulties lifting is fatigue.</div>
Yup. Max-Stim lets you continue the 5s for another several weeks.
With fatigue as a PROBLEM, especially at your age, I would be wondering if conditioning might be an issue. One reason that many BB'ers do cardio and/or some highrep work is for improving conditioning. It occurs to me that at some point in your training some High/Low rep schemes may be of use. If fatigue can be lessened, the amount of weight lifted could be more.
I recall Vince Goronda's admonition to prospective hollywood types coming to his gym: &quot;Go get in shape first, then I'll train you.&quot; Or something to that effect.
This is a heck of a rant coming from one of us who hates to do cardio...
When I say fatigue is a problem, I mean it is not my strong point, I don't mean PROBLEM in caps like that

I am not that great at jogging, but am really good at sprinting. Although I recon this might be (at least partially) psychological.
Maybe in the off days I could do some high reps (25s) with lower weight or cardio work. Would that interfere with my HST cycle?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Maybe in the off days I could do some high reps (25s) with lower weight or cardio work. Would that interfere with my HST cycle? </div>

That is better for cutting, including sprinting...HST on its own with a some cardio on days off is the way to go for growth.
Wow!! Everything sorted out! Thanks guys...you've been really helpfull!

i finally decided to drop rear delt and direct forearm work

maybe on 5's i'll drop calves as well

that's the best i can do!!

I really like HST! Eventhough i'm in my middle 10's cycle i already see my bis and shoulders growing while my bodyfat reduced!!!

I'll Post my full experience in the end of the program!!
Downhill, Electric...one thing about negs. Many of us don't do them because of lack of a partner. Chins, pullups, things leg-assisted are easy to set up though.
We tend to use MS or go down to 3's after hammering out the fives, or just SD. Another trick is to deload rather than SD, and hit the fives again. Just back up your weights a week's worth and come up, passing your stall mark.