3 years since first HST Cycle


New Member
Tried HST when it was "new and fresh" a couple of years ago. Did get good results but sometimes the planned workouts bored me so for a while I have been training Vince Gironda style, which I can recommend by the way.

Anyway, I will do a HST cycle again, basicly to do something new (more phsycological then fysological I guess).

I will do a couple of changes compared to the "original" HST sample routine based on:

1. 8 weeks is to long for me. I always had problems mainting my cycles, feeling burned out before the cycle was finished.
2. To be honest, 2 weeks of 15 is a bit long & boring, especially since it dont really makes you grow, more preparing your body for it
3. Too many excercies = too many sets = too long time in the gym. Cut down exercises till bare minimum but still traing "almost" all muscles
4. Long rest periods = low tempo = no interest. Training VG style really helped me pick up the wo-tempo. I can easily do 25 sets in 25 minutes now (but no, they are not until "total failure".

So, my idea will be like this:

Frequency 3 times per week, total 6 weeks cycle.
1 week of 15, 2 weeks of 10 and 3 weeks with 5 (last week of 5 maximum/negativ training).

2 sets of every exercise when doing 15, 3 sets when doing 10 and 4 sets (+maybe drop sets to get around 25 total reps) when doing 5.

Exercise selection something like this:

Row/Chin (changing to chin when I get around 5, not strong enough before)
Incline DB press
DB Shrugs
Scott press
Incline DB curl
French press
Wrist curl
Legpress (or Smith-machine squat, havent decided yet)
Donkey Calves

In total 10 excercises.

If anybody care to coment/giving feedback/advise im all yours!  

if you cant do chins do pulldowns,also do rows ..both in the same workout one for thickness one for width,drop wrist curls,do fullsquat that way you can drop leg-curls no need.
if you get bored easily try doing an A/B workout ..
Thanx for your input.

I planned to do VG chins for both width & thickness (u-hand grip, shoulder width, pull upp and lean back til your body is more or less parallell to the floor, touch just under the chest.) A bit like a pulling & rowing execerise at the same time.

When I do u-arm work, they look bigger. When I dont they look smaller. Never noticed a lot of "spill over" from other exercises.

Squats....well, Im not shure about them any more. They are good for overall size (Iv done 5 reps at 325 Ibs) but for the moment I want size with perfect shape. Isolating the front thights in a Smithmachine will probably be a better solution for me. To my experience, hamstrings dont really get much work from Squat. Never been sore in my hams from squating (and I squatted a lot for years).

Thanks for your input, maybe I add a back movement.


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hamstrings dont really get much work from Squat</div>

Can't agree with this statement specially if you do ATG squats.

Fine to do workout as proposed, I personally don't really like Smith Squats but then again that is a matter of preference! You should include Deadlifts and for variety's sake do A/B workouts.

Vince style training is not a problem! Except he did not like squats!
A press invented by Larry Scott, also known as Arnold press cause Arnold like them also.

Basicly is a lateral/pressing movement. Start with DB in front of you, palms against body. Swing DB out, outside your delts, palms forward, and perform a press. Return.

I hope my english was good enough to explain it to you.

ATG means 'Ass To Grass'! Squatting this way really does involve the hams a lot more than a parallel squat would. Much better for the knees too. In fact, better all round! When you can deep squat for 3 sets of 5 at 2.5 x bodyweight or more your legs will have all the shape they need.  

I would add deads to your list and drop a few of the other things. Eg. Doing deads will mean you can stop doing wrist curls. I 'wasted' a lot of time doing those when I should have been deading for all its benefits. If you do a shrug at the end of each deadlift you have those covered too. If you like, alternate them with squats or leg-presses. I find deadlifting once a week on Wednesdays is enough during 5s.

I would switch to a bar for inclines so you can use more weight and make the weight incrementing easier (ie. you can usually add 5 lbs to a bar more readily than you can add 2.5lbs to each dumbell).

I would also throw in weighted dips if you can do them.
(Lol @ Aug. 31 2006,07:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">ATG means 'Ass To Grass'!

I would add deads to your list and drop a few of the other things. Eg. Doing deads will mean you can stop doing wrist curls. I 'wasted' a lot of time doing those when I should have been deading for all its benefits. If you do a shrug at the end of each deadlift you have those covered too. If you like, alternate them with squats or leg-presses. I find deadlifting once a week on Wednesdays is enough during 5s.

I would switch to a bar for inclines so you can use more weight and make the weight incrementing easier (ie. you can usually add 5 lbs to a bar more readily than you can add 2.5lbs to each dumbell).

I would also throw in weighted dips if you can do them.</div>
Thanks for you to explain it to me!

I DL alot before, always without straps. Worked up til 400 lb for 3 reps, but my forearms never really looked impressive until I started to work them direct. Still, training very basic again would be fun!
