Ok, done some reading on this and it definately seems to block aromatase by permanately binding to the enzyme in a irreversable manner.
From the ALRI site they say
When I asked Bryan he said
From the ALRI site they say
Looking through their references I couldn't find those results, looking through PM, I couldn't find those results either but it seems to be potent.[b said:Quote[/b] ]One study showed an average increase in total testosterone of 188% and free testosterone of 226%!
When I asked Bryan he said
So to make a long post longer, I bought two bottles and will give it shot. I will let you all know if there are any noticable results. Too bad ALRI pulled LMG it looked promising[b said:Quote[/b] ] My question about these products (Ergopharms 6-oxo as well) is whether or not they also bind to androgen receptors with greater binding affinity than testosterone.
If they do, it isn't necessarily a good thing. It can bind without activating the receptor. In other words, it can act as a competative inhibitor of testosterone.