5s complete!

Old and Grey: Yes. That´s what I´ve read on this forum. I have basically most of my career been doing 4-6 reps on everything trying to lift as heavy as possible. Taking breaks from exercises if something feels wrong. I have never had an injury (lucky me).
My experience from this HST-cycle was that the 10s and 15s were not good for my joints. Maybe it´s because I´m not used to doing that many reps and therefore am not as focused on the form as on lower reps.
I´m still young but I will get older too :-p so I will continue to listen to my body.

Lifting N Tx: Yes, I might notice after cutting down volume that I really am stronger than before (I have experienced this phenomenon earlier in my "career"). And as long as I am stronger, I dont care so much if hypertrophy didnt occur. Being stronger will also make it easier to induce hypertrophy later.

And in that case, this little cycle has been successful.

Scientific Muscle: It is good that you are honest. It´s honest opinions I want. And I think you are right that I look better in the before pics. More definition there without looking smaller. (at all?)

Thanks for everyones input.