A HST routine for me.

Matt Daniels

New Member
Alright well I've been looking around trying to find a good workout for size and according to people the 5x5 routine(not sure if that has anything to do with HST) and HST(from what I can see from this board) are really good for getting great size and new PR's in strength.Well I'll give what info I can and if you guys want to know something else I can tell you.Hopefully this will be the start to an amazing mass cycle for me.

Years BB'ing:1(not super hardcore though,just learning)
WT:136 lbs
Bodytype:Endo-Meso(I think I'm probably more of an endomorph)

I don't really know much else of what I should put.Well if there is anything that helps me do this then just pm me and I'll let you know.Thanks for the help in advance
I'm really looking forward to gaining some quality size seeing as I had to cut for a while(used to be 150) I havn't gained size for a while.Thanks
Go for about 2500 calories a day... a lot of carbs early before you workout, about 150g protein or more each day with most if centered around your WO:

Military Press
Calf Raises

that should be a solid routine

stick to an almost constant volume cycle of 1 set of 15's, 2 sets of 10's, and 3 sets of 5's
Well I already have a diet,or are you supposed to take more with it...also how long do you do sets of 15...or is that all in one workout that you do 15 10 5...also i plan to stick it with anator so i should get good results...
No its 2 weeks of 1x15, 2 weeks of 2x10, 2 weeks of 3x5 (6 workouts a week done every other day, so M W F or T TH Sat)

What's your diet like. I want to make sure it's in check.
crap i hate giving my diet cause everyones always  like well your not eating enough...cause i have a real low maintenance due to the fact that im an endo meso...oh well...
Meal 1:3 egg whites with toast
Meal 2:yogurt and fruit
Meal 3:Sandwich with lean meats(usually chicken or lean beef)
Meal 4:Protein Shake w/milk..maybe some fruit
Meal 5:Meat and veggies or something along those lines
Meal 6:Protein Shake w/milk and low fat cheese( I heart cheese)

also just as a thought wouldnt 12 10 and 8 rep ranges be more effective then 15 10 5
No...stick to the principles.

15/10/5 for now, use Colby's routine.

alternate squats/deadlifts, you can throw in bench press (slight incline) and alternate with dips, but you really don't have to, dips are great fro chest growth and you won't have to answer silly little typical gym rat questions like "how much do you bench?"
Well shouldn't all the excercises alternate...maybe im being stupid..but wouldn't the muscles simply addapt and not grow after like...3 weeks...maybe im crazy lol
Alright well from what I read I think I learned about this AND IM REALLY EXCITEDTO START
. First question...being 16...do I have to do the 15 set?...also I plan to do the workout that was given on that page...like the excercises and alternates.Haha am I ever excited,cause before I never really had anything planned...I basically just went in an did it hoping for the best...but that only works for so long it seems.Also it mentions negatives instead of doing another 5 set block...what are those...
lol...sorry for being such a newb..anyways I'm going on vacation the the 14 of july so maybe this will give me some time to do my workouts and start to get things planned out...I'll have to be sneaky an get my hands on some anator p 70 as well
....well thanks for your help guys...CANT WAIT TO START
Yes, do 15's as stated!

It is fine to do the so called "Vanilla workout".

This site ios very scientific, yet, helpful
so welcome, you came hoping for the best, I think you have found it!

Negatives - you just do teh concentric part of the exercise, (on a bench press, just the downward motion, your partner [if you have one] will help you to lift it) that way you can do five reps with your 1 rep maximum.

Hope this helps.

Go find your 5 10 and 15 maxes, use about a week to do so, then SD (use your holiday for that) then start as planned!
crap...well i dont have a partner so thats a no go...oh well....next week im going to do all the excercises in 15 10 and 5 days...hopefully I will get the right weight...then the week after that I might as well do the 15 set...cause ill have two weeks before i go on vacation...so I shouldn't bother not training for almost a month lol
...so why should I start with 15's instead of 10's....arent 15's just for old folks that don't want to hurt themselves..lol im a teenager..that means im invincible...remember lol
You can skip the 15's if you want to feel older quicker.

I would skip the negatives if you do not have a training partner. There are some exercises that you can easily do negatives with without having a training partner such as dips, chin/pull ups, etc But you can also just extend the 5's another week or two at your maximum weight if you want to.

Not to confuse you but Fausto meant to say eccentric and not concentric for the downward (negative) portion of the lift. Perhaps he was dipping into the grappa a little early that day.
lol sounds good to me...wouldn't I also see results faster by skipping the 15's seeing as that rep range dosn't really yield any results..in terms of hypertrophy atleast
...also...why do they call that routine the vanilla routine?Well I'll talk to you guys later...thanks for all the help thus far.
1. Perhaps but not necessarily true. It will depend to some extent on the makeup of any given muscle between fast twitch and slow twitch fibers. However, the basic rule of this board is that you have to send anyone who replies to a question like that $10 for the first answer and $100 for each additional answer.

2. Because chocolate and strawberry are only for advanced lifters.
lol wow is that a joke or are you actually serious...?

Hmm well I'll just start with the 10's first anyways in hopes that I might be able to gain a bit of weight before vacation :P
Not sure what your bump is asking for Matt but go ahead and start with the 10's if you want. Your logic for doing it is not flawed but I would not make a habit of always skipping the 15's as your joints and connective tissue will some day complain.

Don't forget a short warm up!

And, since you want to gain weight, EAT!
lol alright sounds good...perhaps ill just cycle the 15's and do them every other cycle
.Anyways once I add anator to my diet I should be gaining some good weight and then on off days ill have to put in an extra 300 cals.I was thinking yesterday just as a thought(yes this might not work at all cause im still new to this) What would a cycle of say 10 8 6 be like in terms of mass or would it not be a big enough change between reps?Because I would love to try that if it would.
(Matt Daniels @ Jun. 24 2006,10:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">lol alright sounds good...perhaps ill just cycle the 15's and do them every other cycle  
.Anyways once I add anator to my diet I should be gaining some good weight and then on off days ill have to put in an extra 300 cals.I was thinking yesterday just as a thought(yes this might not work at all cause im still new to this) What would a cycle of say 10 8 6 be like in terms of mass or would it not be a big enough change between reps?Because I would love to try that if it would.</div>
i think one integral part of hst is the way you can and should incorperate a wide range of reps innto your routine,ie: the 15s and with some bodyparts even 20 reps can be very beneficial as they affect your muscle fibre types differently and can help tendon flexibility along with a wider scope to increase your weights(progressive load),so dont just stick to the heavy low reps for mass,but you could try the odd cycle@10,8,6.