A HST routine for me.

The greater the difference between the heaviest load for your highest set of reps and the heaviest load for your lowest rep exercises, the better it is for hypertrophy.

In theory the base should be the lightest load for your highest rep exercises but some wise guy would then think that means that using 0 weight for 100 reps would induce greater hypertrophy, which is obviously not the case.

Many studies have concluded that reps below 4 will induce more strength than hypertrophy and endurance and reps above 18 will enduce more endurance power hypertrophy and strength. By keeping the rep range in the 5 to 15 range, you try and capture the best of all 3 worlds to the extent that averages can. You can always switch rep ranges up if you to when changing cycles to fit what you want to emphasis as Icars has implied.
(Matt Daniels @ Jun. 22 2006,20:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">crap i hate giving my diet cause everyones always  like well your not eating enough...cause i have a real low maintenance due to the fact that im an endo meso...oh well...
Meal 1:3 egg whites with toast
Meal 2:yogurt and fruit
Meal 3:Sandwich with lean meats(usually chicken or lean beef)
Meal 4:Protein Shake w/milk..maybe some fruit
Meal 5:Meat and veggies or something along those lines
Meal 6:Protein Shake w/milk and low fat cheese( I heart cheese)

also just as a thought wouldnt 12 10 and 8 rep ranges be more effective then 15 10 5</div>
A little advice.

Meal 1: Drop the toast and eat oatmeal instead. White Bread is basically empty calories and is processed.
Meal 2: You need some protein here (try drinking a protein shake and yoqurt instead. There is already enough carbs in the yoqurt, especially if its fruit).
Meal 3: Add a salad. You need your veggies, and even a piece of fruit. Don't worry you are adding maybe 100-200 calories.
Meal 4: Definitely have fruit with it
Meal 5: Looks good.
Meal 6: I'd say no to cheese or keep it really low, like no more than 2 slices. Is it cottage cheese?

If you are going to drink protein w/ milk shakes you could just switch to weight gainiers. Also if you can get casien or egg protein. It's slower digestioning then whey and should be used if it's not around a workout. You should also be eating some solid foods with the shake, preferably carbs. That's why I'm mentioning fruits or veggies with it. To be honest if you can eat solid foods instead of shakes you should.

If you aren't seeing any weight gain on this for the first two weeks (you should be up by at least 3 lbs at this point) start eating mixed nuts. Start with 25 gram twice a day. Nuts are packed with good fats and protein.

How does your pre and post workout nutrition look? Are you doing anything with that?
Whoops sorry about the random posts there they don't really make sense cause I tried posting but the error thing F'ed me up lol.The toast in my diet is multigrain so no worries their...I will usually have a protein shake or supper post workout and pre workout I just try to have carbs an slow protein.I can't have weight gainer cause that stuff makes me fat as hell lol....no it isn't cottage cheese...hate the stuff...should probably have almonds instead.I should probably get more protein but theres not to many things to have...this was basically a diet of healthy convientent food for school.Anyways I may change it some if I can..anator p70 is about 300 calories per serving so that should be fine for me (easy gainer) and on other days ill try eating extra protein due to HST.I gotta eat cleaner though cause I do tend to cheat...but not to bad,just little snacky foods but still i shouldnt be cheating at all especially when my bf is about 15% already
.Oh well...it will all fix with time.