A question for Haycock


New Member
Hi to everyone!I'm an italian BBer and I want to do my congratulation to Haycock for his HST..It's a very good methods and I've had good results with it..However I have a question for him..His studies tell that a muscle recover in 36-48 h but why many people and pro have a workout for a single muscle once a week and grows?The pro that use doping could have a workout of a single muscle every day because if in a normal person the muscle recovers in 36h in them that use doping and have a better proteic sintesis the muscle must recovers before of a natural..In the HST however you have a 100% workout once every two weeks,the other days are a simple recall,reminder, It's ok? thanks
Bye :) Oreste
Welcome aboard Oreste! :)

Have you read all the FAQs? The answers are in there. It's a very useful place to start reading up on HST. Daxie has kindly wrapped them all up in a pdf so you can download, print and read at your leisure. Here's the link:

Daxie's FAQ PDF

Check out Section 5. Training Frequency and you will find a quick answer to your question. There are lots more details elsewhere in the FAQs too.
HST shows why you can grow if you only hit each muscle once a week but also why you can improve on that by increasing frequency and spreading the volume over several workouts.


Hi Orex82,
As you can see, I'm not "The Bryan" but I'll try to answer your questions.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]why many people have a workout for a single muscle once a week and grows?
HST proposes that you can grow FASTER. It doesn't state that all the other programs are ineffective. True, you can grow even with a traditional "every muscle once a week" split. But you can reach the same level of muscularity much faster if you increase your training frequency to 3x a week (or even more).

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]In the HST however you have a 100% workout once every two weeks,the other days are a simple recall,reminder, It's ok?
One of the principles of HST is that mechanical load and not fatigue is the stimulus for hypertrophy. In other words, your muscles can grow just fine without going to failure. We strive to make each workout productive by increasing the load and staying ahead of the RBE. The perceived level of "intensity" is not directly linked to the effectiveness of the workout. So, "the other days" can be just as productive as the "100%" day.

Hope this helps,
Well, it seems that Lol joined the discussion before I clicked the "Add Reply" button. :) He's right, make sure that you read the FAQ too, most of your questions will be answered there.
Only a question,if the muscle recover in 36-48h,if I train it 3 times a week it must grows,but if i train it once a week it cannot grow because it would "decompensating"..so,why in the reality it isn't so?why i can grow having a workout once a week for each muscle?thanks.. :)
Let's first make sure we understand each other.

1. The recovery of the muscle has absolutely nothing to do with it. HST is NOT saying that it takes the muscle 36-48 hours to recover, HST is saying that after an acute bout Protein Synthesis is elevated for around that time frame and therefore to keep PS elevations high chronically loading the tissue within that timeframe would be more beneficial than loading it only once per week.

See the difference?

2. To clarify let's look at in simple terms.

You are on a construction site and the Superintendant (the cell nucleus) tells his guys get to work, things get built. Now during any given week the Superintendant tells his guys 3 days that week to get busy so they do and structures (proteins) are built. Now if for some reason the Superintendant suddenly changes to only telling his guys to get busy once per week, do you think that the same amount of structures will be built? I don't think so. But it's not that they start tearing the already built structures down they just simply don't built as many new ones.
Yep, that's a very common misunderstanding or point of confusion. The 36-48H period is about MPS level elevation, not muscle recovery. The muscles recover far faster than that, and CNS (if you frequently train to failure) recover far slower.

We want to maintain the MPS elevation (higher than MPD levels) so we're anabolic and building muscle most of the time. If you only train once a week, you are building muscle for at most only 2 days. The rest of the week, you are simply balancing nitrogen retention.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (jvroig @ Nov. 30 2005,11:32)]Yep, that's a very common misunderstanding or point of confusion. The 36-48H period is about MPS level elevation, not muscle recovery. The muscles recover far faster than that, and CNS (if you frequently train to failure) recover far slower.
We want to maintain the MPS elevation (higher than MPD levels) so we're anabolic and building muscle most of the time. If you only train once a week, you are building muscle for at most only 2 days. The rest of the week, you are simply balancing nitrogen retention.
exscuse me,MPS means:muscolar proteins synthesis and MPD = muscolar proteins depletion?
the problem is: muscle recover and super compensating in two days? if not, we have a regression..thanks..
MPS = Muscle Protein Synthesis
MPD = Muscle Protein Degradation

I'm sorry, I also didn't quite understand what you said. Maybe try rephrasing it a bit.