A "superlist" of studies organized by category


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Staff member
Has anybody ever gone about doing this? Bryan hinted at having his own "superlist" of studies organized categorically in the past, and I've mentioned it a time or two as a good idea (I started and stopped a couple of times).

So, has anybody actually done this? A properly organized, categorical listing of studies/abstracts would be tremendously handy for basically everybody that's into the science-y stuff in this forum.

Any takers?
It was a thought in my head a while back. I had originally registered a URL called BrainsvsBrawn but I didn't like it too much so I registered this one also. Now it's just a matter of deciding what should be in it. Plus it's hard to categorize some of the studies because they encompass several aspects.
But hopefully I will have done by next weekend.
when that comes in, will thinkmuscle articles also be in that? i haven't seen much updating on thinkmuscle these days
, but awesome! this should keep me busy in college.

OH man, that's awesome Dan! Great looking site, good job, I think yours will be the ONLY site on the WWW like that :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (noobie @ June 05 2005,8:54)]when that comes in, will thinkmuscle articles also be in that?
There will naturally be link to THinkmuscle, along with meso, natural strength, of course HST and some others, but not the articles themselves. But many of the references from those articles will be linked.
NWLifter and I are going back and forth on the role of Ca2+ concentrations on p38 signaling, and we're going into a lengthy discussion on the role of muscle metabolism with protein synthesis. I need this site to see whether how much validity is in this.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ June 07 2005,5:31)]NWLifter and I are going back and forth on the role of Ca2+ concentrations on p38 signaling, and we're going into a lengthy discussion on the role of muscle metabolism with protein synthesis.  I need this site to see whether how much validity is in this.
Oh yeah, you owe me a PM
:D Any new good info? :)
Thanks for all those who have visited my site, just an update I am currently getting about 500 visits a week, so that's cool.

I added a Discussion forum, just to discuss what is seen in the studies, so for all you PubMed geeks there is now a place to discuss these things without the prejudice of training style.

Hypertrophy Research Discussion Forum

I'm hoping that some of the true science gurus will help out.