AAS and maintaining past your natural limit

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i am not at my natural limit, but i have a hypothetical question about it. if one were to reach their natural limit and then use AAS to go beyond that limit, would they have to continue to use AAS cycles permanently or could their body support some of the new muscle mass beyond their genetic limit without continued androgen use?
From the FAQ by Bryan

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]All androgens cause muscle growth by a similar mechanism(s).

· Enhanced growth factor activity (e.g. GH, IGF-1, etc.)
· Enhanced activation of myogenic stem cells (i.e. satellite cells)
· Enhanced myonuclear number (to maintain nuclear to sarcoplasmic ratio)
· Enhanced protein synthesis
· Enhanced amino acid recycling within muscle cells
· New myofiber formation

All of these things lead to bigger muscles, whether you train or not. Add to these effects, Hypertrophy-Specific Training and Hypertrophy-Specific Nutrition and you see dramatic increases in muscle mass.

Now when a person quits using prohormones/steroids, they have a greater number of myonuclei than they did before and additional new muscle fibers. This allows them to maintain a greater amount of muscle mass than they could have naturally. This “recently-natural” look is what you see in a lot of magazines today.

As long as you can maintain the new myonuclei, and new muscle fibers, you will store up muscle memory and a greater potential for later drug-free regrowth.
Why don't professional athletics go into "chemically enhanced training" for 3-4 years, then say stop for a year (or how ever long it takes the system to flush all traces) then go back to professinal sports with "super human" strength?
thanks dkm, i had read that a while back but forgot about it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (budec @ July 19 2004,5:09)]Why don't professional athletics go into "chemically enhanced training" for 3-4 years, then say stop for a year (or how ever long it takes the system to flush all traces) then go back to professinal sports with "super human" strength?
You might want to go read the FAQ on AAS, it is very informative. It explains what you are asking to some extent.

Here is the AAS FAQ

Since I am no steroid expert, I'll defer your question.