about resting time


New Member
bryan said that in the 5's the rest time between sets will probably be 2-5 mins. well, in this case my total workout time will exeed 60 mins.
ah.....i'm confused, what to do?
first i wouldn't worry too much about going a little over an hour, moving beyond 15 minutes then start worrying a bit. the deal for me resting between sets is basically a "feel" thing. sometimes it's 2 minutes, sometimes it's 4 minutes. when you feel ready for that next set, do it. i have 13 different exercises and always seem to get it all in within an hour, especially during the 5's (near the end some lifts i only do 1 set if i feel "weak" that day). do what your body is telling you i guess is the advice i can give, other people might have other things to say.
thanks for the bandwidth,
Or you could use a split. If you are training 3x a week and you have the time, adopt a 2-way split and go to 6x a week. That's what I did in my last cycle during the post-5's.
I'd have to agree with ephman - let your body dictate your resting length between sets. Generally, my rest periods are shorter when I'm in the high rep range than when i'm in the 4-5's, for example. Also, some days are better than others, and you can always shorten your rest if you feel energetic and strong.

The important thing (for me, at least) is to start the set when I feel ready. If my rest is to short, I won't be able to reach my full capacity, and if it's to long I'm beginning to lose momentum.
