Advice and opinions needed

Valid use of pushup handles:

My wrists do not like normal pushups. When I am wrestling with my dog, girl, or both
I never support my weight on my palms, always on my knuckles. In Westside a popular lift is pushups with chains wrapped crosswise around the body. If these Perfect Pushup units are sturdy, and I were doing Westside, I might employ them. Or just follow Quad's advice.

Mmm... sexy commercials...bandwagon effect...

"Make a castle of your mind." -Buddha.
You guys want to try something newer and fun and actually beneficial? I came up with this as an experiment down in florida a couple summers ago and really liked it; the pump was out of this world!
1. Put a bench in the center of the crossover machine.
2. Put one of those ankle straps used for adductor pulls around each wrist.
3. Put the pins in both stacks on a light weight, say 15-25 lbs. and hook the straps to the cables, adjust pulleys to mid-height if possible.
4. Lay back with DB's in each hand and press them.
The DB's are your press, but with the cables pulling your arms apart, the pecs have to work much harder through the whole movement to keep the path of motion. The first time will give you DOMS like crazy.
It looks weird, but this exersize is NOTBORINGNOW!
I didn't find it dangerous at all; I was doing 95 lb db's when I left florida. The heavier the weight gets, the less percentage the outward pull becomes, and you feel it less and less, but it's still there. I wish I could have done them longer; I got about four workouts with them.