advice for 2nd cycle

(mike66 @ Oct. 26 2006,15:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"></div>
I don't mess around trying to find my &quot;rm's&quot;, I simply multiply current rm by 2 percent and go for it on the next cycle. I'm usually able to tell if I'm going to make it by my third workout, and adjust accordingly.

Do deadlifts.
(Totentanz @ Oct. 29 2006,15:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, liegelord is pretty much a complete and total bad ass. 415 is what I'm shooting for as my 5 RM soon, and he's doing it in his 15s! Ah, maybe soon...</div>
Thanks, but that title really belongs to stevejones, he probably gets 15 with 500.
(Totentanz @ Oct. 29 2006,20:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, liegelord is pretty much a complete and total bad ass.  415 is what I'm shooting for as my 5 RM soon, and he's doing it in his 15s!  Ah, maybe soon...

Does cardio during SD actually make the 15s not so sucky?  I'm in the beginning of a new HST cycle, doing the 15s this time and the first couple sessions of 15s sucked so much that I was thinking of just going right into 10s.  Yes, I'm a wuss, but my 15 RM for squats is 205, I'm still a few increments away and already hating the high reps... I have a feelng it's going to suck hard on the last day.  Seriously, It almost feels like I'm doing depletions from UD2.0 again.</div>
Steve and Liege are both total badasses but c'mon Tot, I'm an old bloke and I'm pushing for 245 as my 15RM for squats this cycle. First session with 195lb felt like hell as did the second session with 205, but Friday's session at 215 felt like a blast and I reckon I could have got 20reps! I just hope I don't stall out this week. Better go and eat something...  

Edited to add that I got 17 reps at 225 tonight but wimped out from pushing to 20 so made myself do another 7 a minute later. What a pump!
Yeah, I'll just stop being a wuss about it and suck it up. I haven't done 15s in a while, so that's probably why it sucks so much this time around.
thanks everyone for the advice.....I will add dead lifts on the second cycle. I will post my program before I start it, so you guys can critique it.
thanks again.