Advice on Weeks 7+8


New Member
Hi all, I need advice on weeks 7 +8. This is my first HST cycle and I will not be able to be finishing the 8th week as I am vacationing overseas and will have to actually cut it on the wedensday of week 7 and begin SD.

Besides that, what should I do for optimal results? Since I only have this short period, should I do 3 rms and do those triple? like 3 X 3? should I do negatives?

I was considering dropsets since I do have someone to spot me, but I am confused as to how I would drop the weight from my 5 rm. For instance, say my 5 rm with incline Bench is 160. I would do this weight for 5 reps, then I would drop 20% and do 10 more reps, then another 10% and do 10 more reps? What is the rest time for drop sets?

For exercises like squats, are dropsets also an effective method?

any help is appreciated! thanks