Almost halfway through HST AAS cycle

(Spyke @ Jan. 11 2007,19:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you have never crossed over to the dark side it is hard to explain but when I used to lift in the AM, I would feel it for the rest of the day. Now its like I could lift like crazy, hit failure all the time and I feel like doing it again like 5 hours later.</div>
You suck

I have never known what that is like. Damn, drugs must be awesome. Congratulations on the gains. I'm not so sure I would worry about overtraining. I mean, the best way to get growth is to train as frequently, heavy, and with as much volume as possible without overtaxing the CNS, right ? I guess I just don't know how the drugs effect your CNS.
(9to5lifter @ Jan. 15 2007,11:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lol, I believe you answered your own questions better than anyone with those quotes. It is my understanding, too, that when it comes to signalling, it is more than a &quot;on-off&quot; thing. I believe the more you do, the better, as long as it doesn't interfere with your frequency.

As I understand it, Bryan's suggestion about more volume while on AAS goes somewhat like this: Once you have optimized frequency, take advantage of your increased recovery potential (due to AAS) by adding more volume, which will in turn result to better hypertrophy. The key here is that AAS will allow you to do this WITHOUT (hopefully) compromising your (already optimal) frequency.

Exactly. Further, Bryan advocates increasing volume rather than load, since with AAS you will experience huge (and somewhat temporary) strength gains due to increased neural output... and this might tempt you to up the load beyond what you were able to handle while natural. However, once you come off, you will lose that extra strength and not be able to maintain those loads, which makes it a bit more difficult to keep your gains.
Whereas if you just increase the volume instead, then when you come off you can maintain the load while you consolidate your gains.

Of course this isn't totally applicable to Spyke since he's on HRT and doesn't have to worry about recovering or PCT... lucky bastard.

Anyway, glad to hear your cycle is going good, Spyke. Uh... 400 mgs a week isn't a pansy cycle. It's a moderate cycle. There are guys out there who do 250 a week their first cycle. Even then, that still puts them way beyond natural. 400 mgs a week is a good, conservative first cycle. After this, Spyke will know what sides to look out for, and can plan accordingly for next time - if there is a next time.
spyke, what are your height/weight/bf measurements pre-cycle?

How about now?

I recall reading that bryan also stated that aas allows for increased volume, not frequency. AAS helps heal larger amounts of tissue damage rather than doing so more quickly. Therefore, it seems HST is not the best routine for those using &quot;extra help&quot;.

You might want to think about doing a regular 3 day split, perhaps 3 days lifting &amp; 2 days off.
Yeah 400mg per week is a solid dose for a 1st timer. I really dont care what anyone says about that. For most guys it is more the enough to put your total test levels well over 2500. My estrogen levels were creaping up just from my 150mg HRT dose so that is why he started me on the dex.

I am moving into the 5's now and the biceps are real close to 18&quot;. Now that the test is in full effect, the 5's and negs should be very interesting. I am up about 15lbs give or take today.
18&quot; arms, good for you! My life time goal is 17&quot;, which I'm 1&quot; away from still.

What is your height, weight and bf now?

What was is pre-cycle?
I am still considering HRT, when finances come up a bit. Vagrant told me that when on that, with the lower doses, you don't have to ever come off, so no PCT is necessary, and I've posed a question to the clinic about cycling. I'm wondering about how much you would be using before needing to cycle and do PCT. The doses they're talking about giving me are probably around 150-200mg/week, and I'm not so sure that's even going to make an anabolic respose worth paying for. But if it gets me to feeling better, healing better, and having more energy, well that's worth a lot to me.
Incidentally, there are still a couple of PH's out there that are still legal, like Propadrol, but I'm not really looking to that since in my experience with two short cycles of PH's, the gains are hard to keep, the muscles tend to lock up when doing aerobic activities, and my back hurt a lot, even drinking tons of water and taking potassium. The test cyp sounds a lot healthier and friendlier to me. Spyke's test E sounds good too.
typical male production is between 70 and 80 mg per week. most anything above that will send a signal to your body that you don't need to make anymore and therefore shut you down. So at 200 a week you will need to do pct if you ever come off. I typically run 250 per week in between cycles. makes this 40 year old body feel 19 again, of course the wife hates it. LOL!
(quadancer @ Jan. 17 2007,17:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am still considering HRT, when finances come up a bit. Vagrant told me that when on that, with the lower doses, you don't have to ever come off, so no PCT is necessary, and I've posed a question to the clinic about cycling. I'm wondering about how much you would be using before needing to cycle and do PCT. The doses they're talking about giving me are probably around 150-200mg/week, and I'm not so sure that's even going to make an anabolic respose worth paying for. But if it gets me to feeling better, healing better, and having more energy, well that's worth a lot to me.
Incidentally, there are still a couple of PH's out there that are still legal, like Propadrol, but I'm not really looking to that since in my experience with two short cycles of PH's, the gains are hard to keep, the muscles tend to lock up when doing aerobic activities, and my back hurt a lot, even drinking tons of water and taking potassium. The test cyp sounds a lot healthier and friendlier to me. Spyke's test E sounds good too.</div>
200 is a high dose for hrt but not out of the question. Even with a dose of 150-200 you should never have to do PCT. Who ever told you that is just flat out wrong. You just stay on that low dose for the rest of your life. HRT is not cycled.

I guess if you wanted to come off hrt at some point, you would need to do something to restart your natural production.... but why would you want to if you really need hrt to begin with?
I would only stop because of money. I'm in construction and we're generally rags to riches all the time. So now and then I might have to drop the assist, although it may not cost as much as I think. I'm waiting to hear back from them. We're trying to figure out what my max allowable will be. My test wasn't all that low; (total 620ng/dl if I remember right and 14 something free T) it was my Gh that was low, but I definitely can't affort that. So the test would at least make me feel much better, and perhaps even get these doggoned STICKS I call legs to grow a bit!
(quadancer @ Jan. 18 2007,21:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I would only stop because of money. I'm in construction and we're generally rags to riches all the time. So now and then I might have to drop the assist, although it may not cost as much as I think. I'm waiting to hear back from them. We're trying to figure out what my max allowable will be. My test wasn't all that low; (total 620ng/dl if I remember right and 14 something free T) it was my Gh that was low, but I definitely can't affort that. So the test would at least make me feel much better, and perhaps even get these doggoned STICKS I call legs to grow a bit!</div>
Your test levels are pretty good. My levels are close to yours and that is WITH taking 150mg per week. I dont think you are gonna notice much by going on trt. Now if the GH is low that is another story, but it is big $$$$.