Alternating Exercises

Captain Crunch

New Member
When alternating exercises between workouts which weights should I use from my calculations. For example. My increase (increment) each workout for squats is 10 lbs but if I am alternating this movement with leg presses on the second day what do I do for squats on the next workout (Day 3) ? Do I only increase by 10 lbs or do I increase the 20 lbs from my calculation in the table as if I was not alternating movements.
Well now you have me curious. What is the right answer? I plan to do keep my workouts the same for this HST cycle, but that might change in the future.
The correct answer is to use the weight as though you were not alternating. So in the scenario I set up, if your increments are 10 lbs then if you do a movement every other workout you would actually increase 20 lbs.

Hope this makes sense.