Another New HST Convert


New Member
I have been reading and reading, both on the site and in the forums...and I may finally be 'getting it.' I can't believe how dumb I feel as it takes me this much reading to understand HST.  

Anyways, I am 40 and have been out of shape for a long time. Last April I started losing weight. To date, I have lost almost 65lbs. In August I started back with weights (it had been a long long time) and my weight loss slowed as muscle increased, so now I am concentrating on losing body fat. I read a little about HST on another forum and came over to find out more. As I said above, I have been doing a lot of reading and can't wait to start.

Next week I will get my 15/10/5 RM's for the exercises I will plan this weekend. At first I was bummed to learn about SD as I was ready to start, but then I realized I haven't taken a break in about 8 weeks of lifting, so it is all good...and I want to do this the right way.

As I continue to read and plan this weekend, I may post up some questions (if I haven't found an answer in the forums). Hopefully I can post my workout plan by Saturday  evening for everyone to critique. I am excited to start HST after reading your posts on your successes.
Congratulations on your success to date. And congrats for future success that you will find with HST.

I only started doing it for a recovery workout for the light weights with higher frequency to get past an injury. The gains I made in my first cycle made me so happy that I'm doing another one and finishing my 15's tomorrow with even more new growth. That business of the 15's don't make you grow - forget it. They do, perhaps not as much as the 10's, but they'll make you grow too.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I want to do this the right way.</div>

Welcome to HST. The above is a very good decision specially since you have been busy for the last 8 weeks, it can make or break your opinion of HST!
Welcome to HST old man! Plenty of us &quot;old timers&quot; (40+) here on the HST forums. I believe HST lends itself particularly well to us. The way it cycles the weights, takes care of the joints (if you dont overdo it). I used to be one who trained to gut busting failure once per week, but at my age, it was just too much.

I started my first HST cycle a couple of months after I had re-started working out after a many years long layoff. I had great results. Muscle Memory + HST is a great combo.
Welcome aboard Scott! I'm on my 5th cycle at the ripe old age of 41. I'm lifting weights I never dreamed would be possible a year ago (well, they wouldn't have been if I'd stuck with HIT
). Check this thread for some routine tips:

Simplify &amp; Win
Thank you for the kind &quot;Welcomes,&quot; and for the link, Lol. I will set my plan and post it up tomorrow.

Question: I see a lot of standing for shoulder work; ie: military or arnold press, why standing? Doesn't sitting promote less arching of the back?
I can think of two good reasons.

1. Strengthens your core muscles.
2. Once you hit your 5RM you can continue increasing the load by doing push presses. You can also do neg's without a spotter by push pressing the weight to lockout and then doing neg's.
(liegelord @ Sep. 30 2006,00:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can think of two good reasons.

1.  Strengthens your core muscles.
2.  Once you hit your 5RM you can continue increasing the load by doing push presses.  You can also do neg's without a spotter by push pressing the weight to lockout and then doing neg's.</div>
Thanks. I certainly need my core strengthened a lot more.  I had never thought  of it that way.

Maybe I know it by another term or description, but what are &quot;push presses?&quot;

Never mind. I Googled &quot;push press&quot; and got a description with visual from
Here is the program I plan on using:



Incline Press

Arnold Press
DB Shrugs

DB Curl

DB Triceps Extension

Calf Raises


Your thoughts/comments would be appreciated.
A quick nosey question but whats up with your knees mate? It would be a shame to miss out on squats and deads.
Holy Moly Old Man. Kill those upright rows before you screw up your rotator cuff! They should not even be done by young guns. Hit the traps directly with shrugs, but not front BB shrugs as it puts too much strain on the lower back. Use dumbells, a trap bar or even behind the back smith machine shrugs with a forward lean. You can't workout if your body doesn't stay healthy.
(Jazzer @ Sep. 30 2006,14:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">A quick nosey question but whats up with your knees mate? It would be a shame to miss out on squats and deads.
Maybe it's leftover pains from carrying around so much extra weight for years, but they have pain after trying to squat, even at lower weight. One of my kness makes noise when I walk upstairs. Old age...?
(Old and Grey @ Sep. 30 2006,14:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Holy Moly Old Man. Kill those upright rows before you screw up your rotator cuff! They should not even be done by young guns. Hit the traps directly with shrugs, but not front BB shrugs as it puts too much strain on the lower back. Use dumbells, a trap bar or even behind the back smith machine shrugs with a forward lean. You can't workout if your body doesn't stay healthy.    
Thanks for the advice/suggestion on the upright rows. I had not thought about the rotator cuff. I had put it in their as it hit both the delts and the traps. But I will go with dumbell shrugs instead. Better safe than not able to lift. Shoulders take a long time to recover.
Scott, have you tried glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate for your knees? I have been taking it for about 15 years and am pain free in my knees. Before I took it I had a lot of pain just walking up the stairs. It takes about 6 weeks to fully kick in but is worth a try if you haven't tried it before. Some say MSM is also good but I have never had to vary from from the GC so have not tried it.

BTW, all my horses and dogs are on it too!
(Old and Grey @ Sep. 30 2006,17:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Scott, have you tried glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate for your knees? I have been taking it for about 15 years and am pain free in my knees. Before I took it I had a lot of pain just walking up the stairs. It takes about 6 weeks to fully kick in but is worth a try if you haven't tried it before. Some say MSM is also good but I have never had to vary from from the GC so have not tried it.

BTW, all my horses and dogs are on it too!    

No, I haven't heard of the stuff. I will give it a go and buy some. If it works after 6 weeks, then it will have kicked in well before my second cycle of HST and I could incorporate squats and DL's then.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Do you take both of them, or just one of the sulphates?
Ok, I see that they are in the same products. Do you suggest one with MSM?
(ScottC @ Sep. 30 2006,20:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Do you suggest one with MSM?</div>
Can't hurt.

For the fiest 6 weeks, load with 3000 mg of G and 2400 mg of C daily. After 6 weeks, the maintenance dose is 1/2 of those amounts. Not sure about the MSM dosage.
Thanks Old and Grey for the recommendations.

Most of the products I looked at had MSM in their ingredients list, whether they advertised it in their product name or not. Next was comparison because some had more mg's than others.

Tomorrow I get my 15RM's...
(ScottC @ Sep. 30 2006,20:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Old and Grey @ Sep. 30 2006,17:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Scott, have you tried glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate for your knees? I have been taking it for about 15 years and am pain free in my knees. Before I took it I had a lot of pain just walking up the stairs. It takes about 6 weeks to fully kick in but is worth a try if you haven't tried it before. Some say MSM is also good but I have never had to vary from from the GC so have not tried it.

BTW, all my horses and dogs are on it too!    

No, I haven't heard of the stuff. I will give it a go and buy some. If it works after 6 weeks, then it will have kicked in well before my second cycle of HST and I could incorporate squats and DL's then.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Do you take both of them, or just one of the sulphates?
Ok, I see that they are in the same products. Do you suggest one with MSM?</div>
For some people, it works like celebrex. For others, just like celebrex - it doesn't work.

Since it's cheap - about $12.00 for a month supply - it's definitely worth a try.

BTW, deep squats helped my knees improve instead of continue to worsen. Probably better on them than leg presses because they have to be done with lighter weight than the press.
I used to get sore knees and used to be in pain if I tried to run up a flight of stairs but since squatting more frequently with HST I can power up stairs without any pain whatsoever. I have also found that it has stopped the pain I used to get in my elbows where the triceps joins.
Good luck anyways,
Jazzer and vagrant: Thanks for the suggestions on doing squats to possibly improve the knees. I will try it with an empty bar and see how it feels. If it feels alright, I will try it with some light weight.

One never knows how things will work out, until one tries.