Anyone had success using HST principles for abs?


New Member
I know that it is a result of low body fat percentage and clean diet mostly, however, I was wondering if anyone had applied these principles to an ab routine and seen good results. I currently do a separate ab routine, however, I am thinking of just adding it to my HST. My question is, I currently work abs 3x a week, 3 sets for obliques, 3 sets for lower, 3 sets for upper, and a lower back targeted movement. This seems to be close to the standard volume that most ab programs recommend. I have an extremely clean diet and already have a pretty visible ab region. Would it be advisable to incorporate abs HST style, or should I possibly do them 2x a week, on days I do cardio. My question with this however, is that would working with weights 5 days in a row as this would be doing lead to overtraining? Thanks.