Atm I go - chest, chins, rows, deads...chest first as I find w.grip chins stretch it a bit much if I do them first...then chins as they're heavier that rows, then rows, then deads...legs are always last for me now.
By doing deads last Jester, how do you find handling the load with your arms being pre fatigued. Do you feel as though your lower body is getting hit with an appropriate load?
Having had a look at them they could seriously help one train, with quite a few different exercises!
Why is the deadlift so dang HARD
I always feel that I am going to throw up or something after doing it, am I doing something wrong? I think its that internal pressure in the body cavity!
I got those power hooks that Pete recommends...they could work, but I just can't get comfortable with them. It seems like the bar is gonna slip out of the hooks, and when you have a whole bunch of weight on the bar you don't want to have to worry about dropping it on your foot
Yah, not a good idea, so its more hype than anything else, is it? I honestly thought those things would work, would you say wraps are better or saffer?