Are weight gainers useful for Hardgainers?


New Member
I always have trouble at getting enough calories to grow due to my fast metabolism. Could a weight gainer be useful for a hardgainer like me who doesn't have to care too much about bodyfat?I've also heard that weight gainers only provide little and poor protein and that they can be unhealthy because they are basically made out of sugar.Should this concern me? Anyone having results with weight gainers?
This is also something I wrestle with. Can anyone recommend a weight gainer that's a good balance between price and quality?
IF your having trouble gaining any weight, a weight gainer will be fine. Even if it based around cheap protein and maltodextrin

Its a matter of getting calories, there comes a time point that high energy density has to happen.
well I use N-large but not really as a weight gainer, mostly as my post workout drink, since it has plenty of high GI carbs and pretty high quality whey protein, not to mention doesn't taste bad at all, even in water.
For $30 I can get 10 pounds of maltodextrin and whey or 5 pounds of a seemingly better quality mix -- containing less sugar, some slow protein, and decent fats.

Worth it to spring for the expensive stuff?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Calkid @ Sep. 14 2004,2:58)]For $30 I can get 10 pounds of maltodextrin and whey or 5 pounds of a seemingly better quality mix -- containing less sugar, some slow protein, and decent fats.
Worth it to spring for the expensive stuff?
Where do you get 10 lbs of maltodextrin & whey for $30?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BIGBANGSingh @ Sep. 14 2004,10:48)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Calkid @ Sep. 14 2004,2:58)]For $30 I can get 10 pounds of maltodextrin and whey or 5 pounds of a seemingly better quality mix -- containing less sugar, some slow protein, and decent fats.
Worth it to spring for the expensive stuff?
Where do you get 10 lbs of maltodextrin & whey for $30?
I'd like to know also :D
here, 2lbs whey isolate for 10 $ + delivery

here, 2lbs of maltodextrin for 4 $ + delivery

slow digesting protein is much more expensive usually around 25-30 $ for 2lbs which is sooo expensive that I prefere eating eggs and drinking milk :-)

I have never met a person before who was really in need of a wheight gainer, most person are just not used to eat in such a high frequency - if you get used to it you will become adicitif! so really take a look at your diet and dont try to compensate real food with mrps and wheight gainers...

if youve got the time and dont want to spend money on wheight gainers just mix

oatmeal+whey+skim milk+banana or some other fruits together hmmm yammi
Weight Gainer's, It has been my experience that weight gainer's make you fat period; in my ilspent youth I managed to expand my waist line 4" over a period of a year in combination with the 20 repetition death march breathing squat. This myth of weight gainers was highly promoted by Joe Weider in the 60's " The end of a skinner body with Crash Weight Gain # 7 " The add would include Dave Draper with a blond to die for; that being said all of regular guy's who tried this product all ended up with more waistline girth then increase in bicept diameter. Train hard' eat healthy, progress the weight, rest equals results. Rob.
Nothing gets by that Nemesis! :) :D

I looked into this more closely (seeing as I bought some yesterday)

Here's what I found:
-Most weightgainers use maltodextrin as a source of carbs
-Maldodextrin is technically not a sugar
-however, Maltodextrin has a GI higher than pure table sugar!!!

Apparently maltodextrin allows weightgainers to claim the carbs are all "complex carbs" while it acts like pure sugar in the system

The best bet is grain-carbohydrates like in driver. However based on my searchings, driver is one of the only MRP/weightgainers that seems to use pure grain carbs ;) wonder why

Anyway, it seems like a happy medium is fructose. Fructose, despite being a sugar, has a low GI. Although I recall hearing some stuff about fructose following a different energy pathway, one more likely to promote fat gain. Bah.

ANyway, the summary is this:
maltodextrin bad
fructose less bad
I am also considering a weight gainer because I know one of the contributing factors to my lack of any significant gains on my first HST cycle was my slowly decreasing the amount of cals I injested.

Is there a problem with taking a weight gainer if it meant that I would eat a little less "real" food in order to make it easier to reach my calorie goal?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]ANyway, the summary is this:
maltodextrin bad
fructose less bad

well it depends. Post-workout, you want that insulin spike, and you want high-GI carbs. So weight-gainers make great post workout shakes because they have the whey and lots of high GI carbs, whether sugar or maltodextrin, which is what you want post workout. However, at most other times of the day, it's really not what you want, which is why I just use my "gainer" as a pre-mixed post workout shake.