Article I stumbled upon

This is the quote from the article that drew my attention

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The most advanced training method to prime your body for the &quot;perfect&quot; anabolic environment can be achieved by following the guidelines of a recently published study found in the Journal of Applied Physiology, which revealed a particular workout resulted in a 67% increase in T and an astonishing 25-fold increase in growth hormone (GH, another effective hormone). To maximize your body's natural hormonal response, the study used a 10-set, 10-repetition (with 70% of 1-rep maximum) single exercise lifting schedule, with three-minute rest intervals. We will follow a slight modification of this. </div>

I'm not a science guy, so I'll let the lab coat dudes comment on this.

IMHO, this is nothing new. It's very Gironda-like in its setup, but the rest times are longer.
Thanks for posting that synopsis slapshotz. I shoulda put that in my original post.

I'm wondering if there is any real hard science behind this, if the study was done well, etc. I'm sick of being lied to when I read about nutrition and exercise, so if I read something that seems promising, the first thing I do is question it.

99.9% of the time, if it sounds too good to be true, then it is.
No to my first question (bs) or no to my second question (should I try to fit it into my HST workouts), or both?
B.S. radar's up!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It's been proven that a single workout can create a prolonged muscle-building &quot;anabolic environment&quot; effect in the targeted cells (that is, increased T and improved protein synthesis) that can last anywhere from 24 to 48 hours—even longer if you've significantly damaged the muscle cells. That is, using dumbbells and barbells to perform such lifts as bench presses, squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, and other basic, compound movements.</div>

Trus so far...simplified...but different from what HST advocates!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The most advanced training method to prime your body for the &quot;perfect&quot; anabolic environment can be achieved by following the guidelines of a recently published study found in the Journal of Applied Physiology, which revealed a particular workout resulted in a 67% increase in T and an astonishing 25-fold increase in growth hormone (GH, another effective hormone). To maximize your body's natural hormonal response, the study used a 10-set, 10-repetition (with 70% of 1-rep maximum) single exercise lifting schedule, with three-minute rest intervals. We will follow a slight modification of this.</div>

Biased opinion! Other protocols may be producing as is like taking one verse in the bible and claiming that is the &quot;holy grail&quot;, objectiveness is the key least that is how we operate!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">To maximize the body's ability to produce increased amounts of T, I'd suggest you follow this program for no more than 21 days (or three weeks). Then go back to your &quot;normal&quot; training routine (and diet) for two to three weeks, and then follow the MHRT for another cycle of 21 days. And repeat this again (for three 21-day cycles in total). </div>

Start raising eyebrows!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">After two or three rounds of MHRT, T should be surging in your system; however, due to the increased stress this training can put on your body, it's best not to follow MHRT more than three or four times a year, at most. Otherwise, you risk overtraining and possibly impairing your body's ability to repair itself.</div>

Should is not a very scientific word when claiming this is THE training program.

THe rest is not untrue, although if done correctly one can train 6x week some of us have done it here and had soime good gains.

The program?...Bah...That's all I'll say...10 sets of 10, of course you won't be able to do much more.

May work for a while but HST has a much better and complete struvcture to it, it incorporates three different rep ranges, and ends with a heavy load strength type rep range that can be pushed as far as possible without burnout...provided one listen to signs of overtraining.

Scientific muscle has a thread on multiple reps high volume that seems to produce good gains but 10 x 10 sounds too much like German Volume me that is overdoing it 5 x 5 produces very good results and is safer IMO.

That is my review for what its worth!
Java, stay with normal HST, possibly &quot;simplify and win&quot; type routines.

High volume ain't gonna get you anywhere faster than HST.
My personal experience has always been...
-big men spend their time lifting big weights
-little men spend their time lifting little weights

IMHO, HST's protocol involves too much time lifting submaximal weights, which is why it is not my cup of tea. I have built a much better physique, I think, by spending 90% of my training time lifting heavy...but that is just me! Everyone is different.

That said, if this type of routine appeals to you on some level, there's no reason to not give it a go. But before I did the exact protocol that is recommended by the author, I would buy some books on Vince Gironda's training methods. It's similar to what this guy is saying, but different in some ways, too...and the differences might be pretty crucial.
Vince built some big bodies, but even he was known for specializing a routine for the individual. Onesizefitzall is a warning flag to me every time.
I love the way Vince would say &quot;Go get in shape. THEN I'll train you!&quot;
(quadancer @ Jul. 04 2007,21:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Vince built some big bodies, but even he was known for specializing a routine for the individual. Onesizefitzall is a warning flag to me every time.
I love the way Vince would say &quot;Go get in shape. THEN I'll train you!&quot;</div>
Dbol built some big bodies being built by Vince as well. I simply don`t get the general love for Gironda(not talking about you, more about the general perception of him being the shiznit), when he had about a ton of bad ideas and was as flexible with them as a brick.

That being said, Cody, why would you even ask?What you`re doing now works...why must you mess with something that works?

As to the routine, it`s the same old respewed stuff(Gironda's whatever, Poliquin's German Volume Training or whatevet cool name it picks up along the way), it's(IMO) one of the most suboptimal ways to train possible and it`s based on wrong inferences made by Fleck and Kraemer(I think Kraemer had the hard-on for the GH pulse associated with lactate training), actually the minute GH increase you actually get by doing it has about the same use as wiping ones arse with sand-paper has.
(Morgoth the Dark Enemy @ Jul. 04 2007,16:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">actually the minute GH increase you actually get by doing it has about the same use as wiping ones arse with sand-paper has.</div>
Really? That means I increased my GH 4x higher than normal today!
You are right. What I am doing is working very well. I'm having a hard time fighting the urge to change things. I also just really enjoy reading about this stuff.

That workout sounds pretty damn boring, though. I'd rather do a full body workout. Its kinda fun.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">about the same use as wiping ones arse with sand-paper has. </div>
I feel like such a MAN after using the gas station bathrooms...
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I feel like such a MAN after using the gas station bathrooms... </div>

(quadancer @ Jul. 04 2007,23:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">about the same use as wiping ones arse with sand-paper has. </div>
I feel like such a MAN after using the gas station bathrooms...</div>
Will that boost my test?Off to the gas-station then:D
(Slapshotz @ Jul. 04 2007,18:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">IMHO, HST's protocol involves too much time lifting submaximal weights, which is why it is not my cup of tea.  I have built a much better physique, I think, by spending 90% of my training time lifting heavy...but that is just me!  Everyone is different.</div>
why dont you just start HST at nearer your maxes,ie i start at 80% of my 15rm and increase every wk without zigzaging.
(faz @ Jul. 05 2007,04:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Slapshotz @ Jul. 04 2007,18:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">IMHO, HST's protocol involves too much time lifting submaximal weights, which is why it is not my cup of tea.  I have built a much better physique, I think, by spending 90% of my training time lifting heavy...but that is just me!  Everyone is different.</div>
why dont you just start HST at nearer your maxes,ie i start at 80% of my 15rm and increase every wk without zigzaging.
Hey, Faz

In theory, that would seem like a good choice, but I spend a lot of time working on my 1 rep maxes, be it 1 rep max, all out, or 1 rep max in a MaxStim format.

I don't think it's beneficial to go several weeks without doing 1RMs. Again, this is just what works for me. It took me nearly 12 years to finally strike a combo that gave me good muscularity, and I'm hesitent to break with a formula that's working
(Slapshotz @ Jul. 05 2007,17:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(faz @ Jul. 05 2007,04:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Slapshotz @ Jul. 04 2007,18:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">IMHO, HST's protocol involves too much time lifting submaximal weights, which is why it is not my cup of tea. I have built a much better physique, I think, by spending 90% of my training time lifting heavy...but that is just me! Everyone is different.</div>
why dont you just start HST at nearer your maxes,ie i start at 80% of my 15rm and increase every wk without zigzaging.
Hey, Faz

In theory, that would seem like a good choice, but I spend a lot of time working on my 1 rep maxes, be it 1 rep max, all out, or 1 rep max in a MaxStim format.

I don't think it's beneficial to go several weeks without doing 1RMs. Again, this is just what works for me. It took me nearly 12 years to finally strike a combo that gave me good muscularity, and I'm hesitent to break with a formula that's working
And so you should be. If it works don`t putz with`ll stop working soon enough and then you`ll be forced to, so enjoy the time until that happens:)