scientific muscle
New Member
Tonight, we had some friends one point we were showing them the house and of course we ended up in the gym area. My male friend was amazed at the amount of free-weights we had. He said we have as much as the local YMCA where he works out. I showed him how to do an overhead press with 155 lb.s, of course he thought I was nuts, "don't hurt yourself, you should warm up first." He was amazed when I casually pressed it cold. "Why do you want to be so big? You know if you get big, when you quit lifting your muscle will turn to fat." I told him how that is a myth and actually more muscle means higher metabolism. Also I told him I have no intention of ever quitting and that if I did, I could easily just adjust my diet and get small without getting fat. He told me how he works out doing 30 lb.s for overhead press for 25 reps to 'get toned' (of course, he is a twig.) He remained unconvinced and still thinks bodybuilders are weird people who are destined to be fat when they get older.....oh well, it just goes to show what the average person's misconceived view of bodybuilding is like.