Befuddled and Need Help


New Member
I'm not gonna lie. I'm tired of not gaining muscle lol. I've been doing Lol's cycle for almost 2 weeks now. I have a few questions and if I could get a few simple answers that would be great. I will tell you basically everything about me.

Age: 16
Weight: ~150
Height: 5'10


Before Lol's Cycle(cold)

Chest: 35 in.
R. Bicep: 13.5 in.
L. Bicep: 11 in.
R. Shoulder: 14.5 in.
L. Shoulder: 14 in.
R. Forearm: 10.5 in.
L. Forearm: 10.5 in.
R. Thigh: 20.5 in.
L. Thigh: 21 in.
R. Calve: 14.5 in.
L. Calve: 14.5 in.


Goals: I don't want to be a really defined guy like body builder but more of a athletic guy, like what a football player would look like for instance a wide receiver/running back. They are built yet defined. I would also like to get stronger.


Supplements: Creatine and Whey Protein


Questions: Basically, would Lol's cycle get me what I truly want? I mean, I am not fat at all, but I don't know my body fat percentage.

Should I be going at a slow pace when lifting? I know many people say you should but a lot of people when lifting heavy weights don't necessarily go slow.

How should I calculate my Real Max's for like 15, 10, etc.?


I would really appreciate as much help as possible, and to be honest. I don't wanna read another thread that says this and that etc. I want to be explained to simple as I said before. Thanks!

if your not gaining any muscle at all and your lifting routine is correct. It sounds like diet is your problem. What are you calories per day? Are you gaining weight? I weigh in weekly to monitor weight, i aim for 1 to 2 lbs gain per week. really any gain im happy with, if i gain over 2lbs per week ill reduce calories, ideally 1 lb gain is what I prefer.

My training partner is the same weight as you and requires 2500 calories per day to bulk
Yeah, calorie intake isn't a problem. I know I get enough in me, I'm just wondering if what I'm doing is ideal for my goals. Also, when doing 15s, is it best to do straight 15s or if you have to stop to do like 5x3sets?
Real the FAQs, do a Vanilla HST Cycle. There it not much to gain from being fancy and tweaking everything. Now if you are eating right and increasing the load over time you'll grow. 2 weeks is not time enough to see any results so you'll have to be patient. Slow and stead wins the day. Don't let yourself be misleaded by muscle magazines, most people there and most miracle results from recommended routines are either fake or based on loads of steroids.
The second advice I have for you is: if you are not gaining weight you are not eating enough. It doesn't matter at all if you THINK you are eating enough. If the scale is not showing weight gains you are not. I have in the past had this problem. I would've sworn I was eating way above maintenance but was not gaining weight. When I started to count calories or everything I ate and recalculated my maintenance calories I found out I was misjudging my cal intake. After adjusting the cals weight and muscles increased.
Hey Ryan, what does this mean?

... I've been doing Lol's cycle for almost 2 weeks now. ...

It's not a good idea to just do what someone else is doing unless you know their reasoning and current goals.

To add to the info you have already provided, tell us what you have been doing. That will enable us to be of more help.
Real the FAQs, do a Vanilla HST Cycle. There it not much to gain from being fancy and tweaking everything. Now if you are eating right and increasing the load over time you'll grow. 2 weeks is not time enough to see any results so you'll have to be patient. Slow and stead wins the day. Don't let yourself be misleaded by muscle magazines, most people there and most miracle results from recommended routines are either fake or based on loads of steroids.
The second advice I have for you is: if you are not gaining weight you are not eating enough. It doesn't matter at all if you THINK you are eating enough. If the scale is not showing weight gains you are not. I have in the past had this problem. I would've sworn I was eating way above maintenance but was not gaining weight. When I started to count calories or everything I ate and recalculated my maintenance calories I found out I was misjudging my cal intake. After adjusting the cals weight and muscles increased.
Now, I didn't say I expected big gains within 2 weeks, I'm not that new :P
Hey Ryan, what does this mean?

It's not a good idea to just do what someone else is doing unless you know their reasoning and current goals.

To add to the info you have already provided, tell us what you have been doing. That will enable us to be of more help.
Yeah, but you seemed like you knew what you were doing and all this information is hard to absorb and learn how to create my own schedule based on my own goals.


My intention is to do something like this:

week 1: 15 x 3/2.5
week 2: 15 x 2.5/2
week 3: 10 x 3/2.5
week 4: 10 x 2.5/2
week 5: * 5 x 3/2.5
week 6: * 5 x 2.5/2
week 7: * 3 x 3/2
week 8: * 3 x 2/1

Workout A
Squats (or front squats)
Bench (maybe with dbs if AC joint gives me gyp)
Bent-over Row
Standing Press

Anything else I fancy (arms, calves, abs).

Workout B
Clean and press

That was copied directly from this page.
My intention is to do something like this:

week 1: 15 x 3/2.5
week 2: 15 x 2.5/2
week 3: 10 x 3/2.5
week 4: 10 x 2.5/2
week 5: * 5 x 3/2.5
week 6: * 5 x 2.5/2
week 7: * 3 x 3/2
week 8: * 3 x 2/1

Workout A
Squats (or front squats)
Bench (maybe with dbs if AC joint gives me gyp)
Bent-over Row
Standing Press

Anything else I fancy (arms, calves, abs).

Workout B
Clean and press

That was copied directly from this page.

Okay, thanks Ryan. I came up with that rep scheme after several productive HST cycles with the vanilla set-up. More like this:

Week 1-2: 15 x 2
Week 3-4: 10 x 3
Week 5-6: 5 x 3
Week 7-8: 3 x 5*

* Last two weeks I did triples with my 5RM (or higher) instead of negatives.

I decided to try a little more volume but reduce it along the way until I pretty much finished up doing a strength routine. Well, that's pretty close to the rep scheme I'll be using this cycle (just started a new HST cycle today) except I'll keep the volume higher at the heavy end of the cycle.

I'm planning to start 5s (Week 5) with 20-25 reps (total) rather than 15. So my last 4 weeks will most likely go something like this:

Week 5: 5 x 5/4
Week 6: 5 x 4/3
Week 7: 3 x 6/5
Week 8: 3 x 6/5 or 2 x 6/5 if I decide to increment loads again.

Not sure about the doubles yet. I'll be doing three main compounds each session with some ancillary work as I fancy. Something like this:

Front Squat

Kroc Rows

Low-bar Squat

For ancillary work I'll probably throw in a few quick sets of toes-to-bar (or knees-to-elbows) for abs and maybe a little arm work.

With just three main exercises each session I can do a little more volume for each. I'll use RPE to decide on whether I've done enough. If I hit RPE 9 before I get all my planned work sets done, I'll most likely cluster up to the total I'm after IF I feel the need.

Depending on what level of volume you are used to, you may well get good mileage from a more straightforward vanilla set-up.
Okay, thanks Ryan. I came up with that rep scheme after several productive HST cycles with the vanilla set-up. More like this:

Week 1-2: 15 x 2
Week 3-4: 10 x 3
Week 5-6: 5 x 3
Week 7-8: 3 x 5*

* Last two weeks I did triples with my 5RM (or higher) instead of negatives.

I decided to try a little more volume but reduce it along the way until I pretty much finished up doing a strength routine. Well, that's pretty close to the rep scheme I'll be using this cycle (just started a new HST cycle today) except I'll keep the volume higher at the heavy end of the cycle.

I'm planning to start 5s (Week 5) with 20-25 reps (total) rather than 15. So my last 4 weeks will most likely go something like this:

Week 5: 5 x 5/4
Week 6: 5 x 4/3
Week 7: 3 x 6/5
Week 8: 3 x 6/5 or 2 x 6/5 if I decide to increment loads again.

Not sure about the doubles yet. I'll be doing three main compounds each session with some ancillary work as I fancy. Something like this:

Front Squat

Kroc Rows

Low-bar Squat

For ancillary work I'll probably throw in a few quick sets of toes-to-bar (or knees-to-elbows) for abs and maybe a little arm work.

With just three main exercises each session I can do a little more volume for each. I'll use RPE to decide on whether I've done enough. If I hit RPE 9 before I get all my planned work sets done, I'll most likely cluster up to the total I'm after IF I feel the need.

Depending on what level of volume you are used to, you may well get good mileage from a more straightforward vanilla set-up.
I don't understand what you mean when you say you will keep the volume higher at higher end of the cycle.

What does increment loads mean?

Why do you have Deadlift/Cleans and Press/Dips? Are you going to do both or just one each week?

What is RPE?

What is vanilla set-up anyway?

Will this get me what I specified in my goals?

I don't understand what you mean when you say you will keep the volume higher at higher end of the cycle.

What does increment loads mean?

Why do you have Deadlift/Cleans and Press/Dips? Are you going to do both or just one each week?

What is RPE?

What is vanilla set-up anyway?

Will this get me what I specified in my goals?


Ryan, you may not want to do this, but like electric mentioned in a previous post, you really owe it to yourself to read through the FAQs - at least the ones that seem most relevant to your situation, and preferably, all of them. That'll give you a good grounding in what HST is all about and will help you to set up a cycle that will work for you.

Have a read of this first (it's not too long, honest):

RPE = rate of perceived effort (I find this very useful to record as part of my training log. Explanation here:
Ryan, you may not want to do this, but like electric mentioned in a previous post, you really owe it to yourself to read through the FAQs - at least the ones that seem most relevant to your situation, and preferably, all of them. That'll give you a good grounding in what HST is all about and will help you to set up a cycle that will work for you.

Have a read of this first (it's not too long, honest):

RPE = rate of perceived effort (I find this very useful to record as part of my training log. Explanation here:
I read some of the FAQs. Is there not just a program to follow? It seems like you have to make you're own program etc if you want to get what you want, which is more time consuming than the work out itself. Should I just continue searching for different stuff on the internet that will show me a program to do or what?
I'm sorry if I seem upset and dick'sh at all. I'm just really annoyed with trying to find the right program for me and if this isn't the program for me then I would like to know :P

Also, Dan, can I tweak that guide a little bit? I also went over some of the FAQ's and I don't fully understand what the "drop sets" are and why I would need/use them? Also, if I want to gain a lot of mass then do this program I should eat a lot basically. Afterwards though if I want to lose all the extra body fat and go to like around 10% is that okay to do during the SD? Also, I know this program will get you stronger but as you see I weigh ~150. Would it get my max bench from ~170 to ~225 and squats from a max of ~200 to ~280? or should I incorporate a SST after one HST cycle?
I don't think you are being dick'ish but you have to understand there is no program that truly will add 50 lbs of muscle overnight. Our bodies simply do not work that way.

As far as whether this is the program for you? Many have made very nice gains while using HST and there is only one way of finding out whether you will as it.

Yes you can tweak it a little, this is not set in stone and there is nothing saying that if you change it up a little here or there that you will not grow. But on the other hand until you actually try it as laid it you won't know what works or not.

So in essence here is the thing, just about any program will make you grow (as long as it's not completely retarded), if you stick with it long enough to actually see results. My advice to you would be to use the basic setup as Bryan laid out. Change the exercises to fit your needs but don't change too much else. Do it for at least 2 complete cycles then measure it's efficacy. At that point you should have a better understanding at what is happening and how your body responded and can make a more logical assessment.

I can't tell you how your strength will increase but it should increase all your maxes. I doubt it will add 55lbs to your max in one cycle but over time it will; what no one can tell you long of a time.

There are things you can do to aid in gaining strength (even while doing HST) but instead of trying to add more to your plate let's leave that alone for now.
Yeah, I mean, I didn't mean instantly happen but I meant happen eventually :P I mean, honestly, doing Lol's cycle got my legs a inch bigger so it does work. I just needed to read about the proper way to do the reps/sets and the tempo etc. Also, when working out is it good to use momentum or do some exercises you need to use momentum? Should I restart my cycle because I haven't been doing straight 15s I've been doing 3 sets of 5 reps for some work outs.

Also, in the GIF it shows that he does 10s for two weeks w/o lowering reps, is that how it's supposed to be? You do 15s for two weeks then 10s for two weeks w/o lowering reps? Also, would it be better to do negatives or 5s?
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Also, when working out is it good to use momentum or do some exercises you need to use momentum?
No, use controlled movements, try to be as explosive as possible on the concentric and a controlled eccentric. This applies to everything except the 15's during which you want to be controlled throughout the whole rep. The ideas of the 15's are to build up metabolic acidosis, so the slower reps work better for this, you can also add a brief hold/squeeze at the top of the movement to aid in developing metabolic acidosis.

Should I restart my cycle because I haven't been doing straight 15s I've been doing 3 sets of 5 reps for some work outs.
again no, I would jump to 10's instead. Your young and your joints probably aren't giving you any grief yet. The 15's through increases metabolic acidosis may aid in repair of collagen tissue which is why they are there.

Also, in the GIF it shows that he does 10s for two weeks w/o lowering reps, is that how it's supposed to be? You do 15s for two weeks then 10s for two weeks w/o lowering reps?
The basic set up is 1 or 2 sets of 15's, whatever it takes to get the burn, 2 sets of 10 during the 10RM phase and 3 sets of 5 during the 5RM phase. But this isn't written in stone. Adjust as you feel warranted but it is a good idea to keep the rep number relatively constant. But as the loads get heavier you do not drop the weights down.

Also, would it be better to do negatives or 5s?
You should do the 5's anyway but if you are talking about extending the 5's then that is up to you and how you feel at the end of the two week phase of the 5's. If you have a training partner then negs are quite easy to do. If not then you have to use a little ingenuity or limit which exercises you do negs on. For instance, if doing leg extension, then use two legs to lift, one leg for the eccentric. Chins are a no brainer, but benches or pulls may take the aid of a partner. Rope pulls are easy to do negs on, pull with two hands do the eccentric with one.

Just remember that when doing negs, the weight alone should lower the bar or whatever, you shouldn't have to lower it yourself. If it's taking 5 or so seconds before fatigue causes the bar to lower then that is too light of a weight. If the bar comes crashing down and you can't hold it at all then that is too heavy.

Now go lift.
Your program is fine. In fact, at your age almost any program that does not overdue it is fine. What is not fine is your diet. I know, I know. You think your diet is fine. It isn't and you are not eating enough. That the problem, plain and simple. Easy to fix. Chances are you won't believe me. People always blame it on the program. And that is why few people stick with it. And that is fine by me...makes me look that much better. :cool:
Thanks, I'll be officially starting my training today. I decided to restart the whole thing due to a few reason.

1.) I would like to practice technique on every exercise until perfection.

2.) I want to do the program perfectly 100%, I don't want to leave out anything.

3.) I have been begging my mom to get active physically again, and with the past health scares she has had recently. She has decided to finally give in and work out to get back to her former glory. Praise God for that. (she went to the ER the past 3 times about 2 weeks ago due to sickness)

4.) I have all my current supplements ready and I will eat like crazy as you guys tell me too.



Q-I'm not quite sure how I could achieve abs while eating like a pig, I mean, that's not a huge goal but I would like that to happen eventually. How would I go about to have them showing like a tiny bit while on this program or should I not worry about that?

Q-What are some great sources of protein food wise?

Q-Should I take my creatine and whey protein that includes amino acids in both substances before work out? I know you take creatine before but I'm unsure to whether you take the whey protein which contains many amino acids before and after or after or before?


I think that's all the questions for now, thanks for the time you guys have all spent on helping me. I truly am thankful for all the help.
Q-I'm not quite sure how I could achieve abs while eating like a pig, I mean, that's not a huge goal but I would like that to happen eventually. How would I go about to have them showing like a tiny bit while on this program or should I not worry about that?
While bulking you'll probably put some fat on along with the muscles. That will probably minimize VISIBLE abs (you'll be training the muscle and it will be growing but it will be behind a coat of fat). After a while (several cycles depending on how lean you are now and how your diet will work for you) you can start a cut to maintain muscles and reduce fat thus bringing out the abs.

Q-What are some great sources of protein food wise?
Milk, beef, chicken, eggs, fish (canned tuna is pretty practical), cheese... Have some beef or chicken breast on your meals, drink lots of milk, have eggs for breakfast and between meals have a sandwich filled with canned tuna mixed with cottage cheese.

Q-Should I take my creatine and whey protein that includes amino acids in both substances before work out? I know you take creatine before but I'm unsure to whether you take the whey protein which contains many amino acids before and after or after or before?
I don't think it will differ much. I personally mix a protein(whey)+carbs(maltodextrin)+creatine 30 minutes after I'm done working out.
I'm already lean, I mean, I doubt it would take much to gain abs right now honestly. I would just need to lose the fat, which is the hard part because it's like a thin layer.

Also, I am pretty sure you take creatine before work out because it helps your muscles with ATP and all that shananaghins, but afterwards I don't know. I think I'll take whey after since it has amino acids which repair the muscles etc. and protein which helps build the muscle.