Befuddled and Need Help

There are studies showing improved uptake of creatine if taken prior to working out so that it is available during exercise. It might be in the HST FAQs?

It's also a good idea to take protein before and after training. Whey taken before will then make aminos available during your w/o. Some folks sip a protein drink during training too.
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That's what I was wondering....thanks for the info Lol.

I did most my 15s, they seem very low. I edited the bench press to where I bench while my legs are in a 90 degree angle so it focuses on the middle of my chest more. I might alternate how I bench, but I'm not sure...opinions?
Benching technique is a whole subject on its own. What has helped me in recent times (I had problematic AC joint issues from benching) is to use a more PL style set-up before lifting off, ie. adduct scapulas and keep them adducted the whole time; arch back as much as poss to elevate chest while keeping butt firmly on bench; drive shoulders into bench; use leg drive to keep everything tight and stable; use a regular (not too wide) grip on the bar; squeeze the bar hard; momentarily pause the bar on chest before driving up again keeping everything tight.

Arching the back reduces the distance the bar has to travel and puts the pecs into more of a decline bench position which throws the emphasis on pecs rather than anterior delts. Tris get a lot of work too because the loads tend to be higher than for a more typical BB bench press.

Check out Konstantinovs' benching technique. His grip width is narrower than most but this has worked for me too - although I still have a long way to go to get strong for my body weight.

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Yeah, that's power lifter style ofcourse, which uses most of its power from the lower pec. Unlike what I have said which focuses more on the middle of the pec. Other than that, I have close to perfect technique for bench. I've been practicing all this week to prepare for next week, only using bar ofcourse.

Also, I should be drinking lots of water because of the creatine correct?

Should I incoporate deadlifts into my routine or keep it strictly what it says. Also, can I do leg extensions as a replacement for front squats or is it best to do front squats?

Should I do SST before HST?
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