Beginner Looking for Advice


New Member
Hi, I'm new to bodybuilding and I plan on starting HST after I have provided myself enough time for my body to adjust.

I read Lyle McDonald's' book The Ketogenic Diet and he recommends for beginners 8 weeks for adjustment and only 1 set per body part. Just to tell you, I am not planning on following the Ketogenic diet portion (I decided on HST after reading both) But Lyle advises us to move on to the Intermediate stage after 8 weeks of the beginner stage where the sets increase.

I was wondering if you could help me decide if 8 weeks is a good idea, or can I start heavier training with HST after only 4 weeks? I know every person is different but what science is backing 8 weeks for beginners? Are there tendons and other physiological reasons for 8 weeks to adjust before moving on to higher sets with heavier reps? Currently, I am doing 2-3 sets (12-15 reps) and so far I do feel well, so if possible, I'd prefer to start HST after 4 weeks.....however I am not sure... what you guys recommend?

Thanks in advance.
No issues with tendons per se. The main issue is acclimating yourself to weightlifting and practicing proper technique, this is where tendon issues can be probalmatic. Sloppy form causes pain so it's much easier to practice technique with lighter loads and less risk of injury.
I was under the impression that the muscle can grow strong faster than the points of tendon insertion can acclimate, strengthen, deepen, or whatever it is that they do to accommodate the heavier workload, resulting in insertion tears. But I don't know where I got that from, so I can't quote.
If you set up your HST routine properly, planning your weights ahead of time, you should have no problem using HST after 4 weeks. HST is actually a model of sorts of a person beginning weightlifting for the first time. So it has a built in ramp so you don't overdo anything right off the bat.

HST provides for heavier lifting once you get to 5's and beyond,but as Dan puts it proper form and building up tendon strength is as important.

Follow HST as prescribed and you can do 1 set for 15's, 1.5 or 2 x 10's and 3 x 5's, that will get you into the heavies.

I see "sneaky ol'Bryan beat me to it, then buzzed off the net
well I think that settles it, the Bryan has spoken!


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;Ow can you 'ave any pooding if you doen't eat yer meat?&quot; </div>

I see you like old Pink Floyd - The Wall, what an album after all these years, it is still a gem!
Thanks for the help. It's been a while since I've been on any routine and I know in the past, I ran a very heavy start and found myself getting hurt. I am now training with a personal trainer and I end the training after another 3 weeks together. I think moving to HST may even seem easier at first cause I get to do less sets of those 15'

If I start HST on week 5, what do you guys recommend on the SD portion? I can pretty much already figure out my max 15's but I'd need to find my 10's and 5's. Should I be using up an entire week just to find out my max's, or can I go straight through and do an 8 week cycle?

** Although, I prefer not to do any SD at this point unless absolutely necessary

Thanks in advance,

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Should I be using up an entire week just to find out my max's, or can I go straight through and do an 8 week cycle?</div>

None of us would actually recommend that you start HST on 5's, but it is your choice. Just...don't expect much results.

Yes,normally you would use the &quot;finding week&quot; to work through all your maxes, then SD and re-start, it is worth evry minute.

If you do this, then SD afterwards for 9 days (stop Friday and start the Monday after a week off).
What is HST?

Official HST Q&amp;A thread Vol. I

Official HST Q&amp;A thread Vol. II

Strategic Deconditioning

Tweaking HST (also has information about long term creatine use and a comparison of HST and traditional programs)


Selecting exercises:;t=8

Rep speeds:;t=1


Setting up an HST cycle:;t=3

Rest between sets:;t=4

AM/PM splits:;t=16

The studies that HST is founded on:;t=19

Training frequency:;t=22

Does EDT/GVT/SS/IART/HIT work?;t=10

Responses to criticism of HST (several individuals should read this before commenting on any more HST threads, you know who you are):;t=17

Dropsets and high rep sets:;t=11



Diet and nutrition:;t=23

Technical explantion of HST:;t=12

Weight increments:;t=5

Does HST work for Strength?;t=13

How many sets and how to determine it:;t=7

When do most people see their gains?;t=29

Zig-zagging or undulating loads, vs. linear increments:;t=18

Hyperplasia - yes it's possible:;t=30

&quot;Sub-maximal&quot; workouts, why not train to failure all the time?;t=20

Training for fiber type:;t=21

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness):;t=28

Optimizing HST:;t=15

Summary of HST principals:;t=32

Bryan speaks up!, Time to concentrate on the basics!;t=33

Estimating RMs:;t=34

Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids and Prohormones with HST:;t=26

Other HST articles:

HST Official Forum:

I thought it over and here's my basic plan of action.  Please let me know what you think.

I'm doing 4 weeks with a PT.  

After the 4 weeks I will continue regular workouts until the end of the 7'th week.  

At the beginning of week 8, I will find my maxes for 12's, 15's and 5's for the entire week.  

Then I'll do an SD for 9 days.

I will start HST after this SD on the 12's.  This will also give me 2 months to get settled in the gym.  What do you think about this idea?  


Thanks for the links.  Regretably many of them are broken, so I will do a search for them.  

Steiner you're talking!

I'd save on the PT
but that is your choice, as you get enough help here without a PT.

Your plan of action is dandy...I just don't understand why you settling for 12's? You must read up on the SD portion of things...let me see if I can find something.

Yah, here we go, from the HST FAQ E-book, you should download is free!
and well worth every page.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">34.1. The 15s in HST
Before you give up completely on the 15 rep range, try lowering the weight... The 15s will accomplish what they are designed to even if the weight isn't that heavy.

It just has to burn like the &quot;dickens&quot;. So, slow down the pace, squeeze and stretch, and try to enjoy them. You should feel tired afterwards, but there isn't any real benefit (size wise) from killing yourself.

The 15s are designed to condition your tendons for the upcoming heavy loads. During the first 2 weeks of 15s, you are only going for intense burning.

You want the kind of burn that starts small but then by the end of the set you can hardly bear it. Do whatever it takes to both get this burn, as well as increase the weight every workout.</div>

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">At the beginning of week 8, I will find my maxes for 12's, 15's and 5's for the entire week.</div>

Smart move, but why 12's, why not 10's as prescribed, I think you should go 15/10/5 as teh original method suggests, even though you can use 15/12/10/8/6/4 the rep schemes are too close to each other and teh ziggzagging is going to get worst!

Just m,y opinion though, you can do anything as long as you follow the principles, but most of us here will tell you that it is best to engae the &quot;vanilla program first&quot; then after feeling its effects adjust to personal likings.
Fausto,  I made a silly typo there.  Sorry to confuse on that.  What I meant was 15's, 10's and 5's.  Speaking of the 5's, is anything within the 4-6 range acceptable?  

I've been searching for the HST Faq E-Book but I cannot find it.  Would you have a link for this?  I would really like to read this!

My PT is more for inital motivation then anything else.  But it's expensive how much you pay for 12 sessions....., I paid $825 CDN.  So far this guy has got me charged up and doing exactly what I paid him for.  

Thanks again for all the help,
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Speaking of the 5's, is anything within the 4-6 range acceptable? </div>


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've been searching for the HST Faq E-Book but I cannot find it. Would you have a link for this? I would really like to read this!</div>

E-mail me @ and I'll send you what I got!

U$D 825
? No way, Jose!

I do my own I should go into the personal training bussiness, its a juicy sum IMO.
(Steiner @ Jan. 30 2007,19:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto,  I made a silly typo there.  Sorry to confuse on that.  What I meant was 15's, 10's and 5's.  Speaking of the 5's, is anything within the 4-6 range acceptable?  

I've been searching for the HST Faq E-Book but I cannot find it.  Would you have a link for this?  I would really like to read this!

My PT is more for inital motivation then anything else.  But it's expensive how much you pay for 12 sessions....., I paid $825 CDN.  So far this guy has got me charged up and doing exactly what I paid him for.  

Thanks again for all the help,
HST principals on a PDF