Benefit of split routine ?

Sorry for these newbie questions in advance but I read 2 x 3 day split being advised on this board and some, no more than 60 sets per week.

Just to confirm thats 60 total sets for all body parts combined ?

What is the benefit of spliting a routine ?

Why is a 2 workouts on 3 days preffered over 1 workout on 6 days ?

For many of us there is some inconvenience in getting to the gym that many times even if each workout takes less time.

What would I lose by doing below 3x times per week, no split ?

My own(sorry to be one more guy who posts his routine) is

Squats/deadlifts alternate each workout
leg curl
leg extension
seated rows
standing curls
bench press
abs maching
reverse situp, only 1 set
standing dumbell press
tricep pulldowns
calf press