I agree with Aaron F. about chest supported rows and breathing. I de-load every rep (like a proper pendlay) and tighten everything up , esp. abs and chest fresh for each rep (kind of like setting up between each dead) - this makes it much , much more manangeable as far as the breathe issues.
For my chest supported rows I slide the BB under my bench ,throw down a pillow (to minimize chest and ab discomfort) cover it with a towel (I'm a sweater) and lift in the same exact plane as my flat bench (into Upper ab, lower chest) only of course - reversed . When I hear the "click" of the BB hitting the underside of my bench , I lower it under control. Range of motion is probably limited in comparison to a proper machine and I would never drop reg. BB rows for these , but as an asscessory lift in addition to BB rows these are golden. They ( the way I do them) hit the back with much more of thier emphasis on the reardelt, rhomboids and upper lats right under the shoulder blades and arm pits. Regular BB rows hit all that also but with more of the intensity seemingly transfered just a little lower. Deads seem to really hit the very lowest section of lats on the return to the floor (I lower under control) right where they insert into the waist. I'm no scientist - thats why I'm using "seems to" and "seemingly" to describe the sensations. I'm sure that "technically" a movement either activates a muscle or it doesn't - regardless chest supported rows are a beast of an exersize(IMHO).
For my chest supported rows I slide the BB under my bench ,throw down a pillow (to minimize chest and ab discomfort) cover it with a towel (I'm a sweater) and lift in the same exact plane as my flat bench (into Upper ab, lower chest) only of course - reversed . When I hear the "click" of the BB hitting the underside of my bench , I lower it under control. Range of motion is probably limited in comparison to a proper machine and I would never drop reg. BB rows for these , but as an asscessory lift in addition to BB rows these are golden. They ( the way I do them) hit the back with much more of thier emphasis on the reardelt, rhomboids and upper lats right under the shoulder blades and arm pits. Regular BB rows hit all that also but with more of the intensity seemingly transfered just a little lower. Deads seem to really hit the very lowest section of lats on the return to the floor (I lower under control) right where they insert into the waist. I'm no scientist - thats why I'm using "seems to" and "seemingly" to describe the sensations. I'm sure that "technically" a movement either activates a muscle or it doesn't - regardless chest supported rows are a beast of an exersize(IMHO).