Best Chest Exercise

Downward Spiral

New Member
Which exercise have you found to be most effective for developing your chest? I'm going to assume it's dips. Vicious touted these highly. A runner up would likely be incline bench presses. Flat bench doesn't seem to be a great chest developer.
For me, after using multiple methods for quite some time, I find that dips and incline bench are king. When I say incline bench however, I mean a very slight incline. I usually use the first notch on the bench, which in my gym, is a farily low incline, definitely well below 45 degrees. As far as dips, I never noticed a whole lot from them until I started HST and began doing weighted ones. I'm up to anywhere between 45 and 75lb assist depending on rep range, and man, when I'm done, the chest is burning! (I weigh 195 for reference) :)