copy that Totentanz and jvroig. if i was going to increase frequency i was going to decrease volume per workout(like 1 set per bodypart). one thing though is that my schedule does not allow 2x a day workouts.
and dont worry about me not getting enough calories...i LOVE to eat, i really have to watch myself during SD to make sure i dont get out of hand
Conciliator: how do you determine when to add weight? the scenerios i came up with were:
1)add weight to the 'A' set of exercises once a week and add weight to the 'B' set the following workout.
2)add weight to the 'A' & 'B' workout every third time you perform it
i read in a past thread that when you perform the same exercsies with the same weight the muscle becomes conditioned to that weight so if you use the same weight ~3x in a row almost no hypertophy will be accomplished.
also taken into account is the notion that larger load increments lean towards hypertrophy and not so much strenght(but still achiveing both) as small frequent load increses may not even be 'noticed' by the body. But would training the same muscles with two different exercises and thus two different weight condition the muscle against hypertrophy?
M 'A' bench press 200lbs
T 'B' dips BW+30
Th 'A' bench press 200lbs
F 'B' dips BW+30
Sa 'A' bench press 220lbs
Su 'B' dips BW+40
Here you would have trained your bench press twice at the same weight but you have trained the muscle itself 4 times with the same weights, so has the muscle become resistant to training at light weight even though you are performing different exercises?
Could it be argued that training with less volume each workout (1 set per body part) does not increase protein synthesis AS MUCH as training with greater volume (2 sets per bodypart)?
Thus training 3x a week at 2 sets would increase protein synthesis more drastically, just not as often, as training 6x a week at 1 set.
If this is so, which would be more beneficial for growth during bulking?
Also, as a possible argument towards using a 3x day a week program, would doing HIIT cardio on two or three off days still give you the enhanced protein synthesis/other desired chemical responses as a weight training workout?
Its funny how after writing question you find your own answers
