Best HST Tweaks for better Results.

Turk Malloy

New Member
Im looking for everyones opinion on these tweaks and also
what tweaks they have used to get great hypertrophy results.

1. Skip the 15's
A lot of people dont get results with the 15s, so they skip them

2. 9 days SD Strategic Deconditioning
SD is usually 9-14. But if your split is Monday, Wednesday and Friday you would not train from your last Friday and then.
Decondition; Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun
9 days

3. Dont Zig Zag
From 10s to 8s or whatever it may you never decrease your load.

4. Clustering
Im not sure, on this but you can add your 2c

Please add your own tweak, that people can use and does work.
5. Decrease workout time:
a. Supersets - Work opposite muscle groups and superset them to decrease workout time.
b. Dropsets - Use dropsets in the 5s, doing your regular 5 rep weight followed by 2 sets of drop sets.
(both of the above can help to make workouts more reasonable w/ everyday life due to shorter time working out, which allows for fewer missed workouts. They are both also very useful when cutting, not necessarilly for bulking.)
1. Nah, 15's rule, even though they're a pain in the ass.

2. 14 days seems to work better for me.

3. I like linear progression and no zig zag, debatable!

4. Helpful when on 5's I don't use it that much but have done so with a partner and it gets you through the heavy loads.

- Agree with both JW and Tot, both supersets and dropsets are techniques I use most often due to shortage of time and to keep workouts within the 60 minute bracket.

What's more they work well IMO.

What I mostly miss and is the main reason I am still where I am, cannot due to my situation eat like I should, darn...this is a tough one but there's no getting away with it.
Clustering (and max stim for that matter, which is pretty much the same in practice when it comes down to the real heavy weight) is my favorite tweak. I don't even use any static rep shemes like 15/10/5 anymore. I start my cycle with abut 60-70% of my actual Rm4 or RM5 and go thru by clustering form the first day on. Clustering allows me to enter the strength boosting realm of RM 3 and less. right now, I'm strong like a bull inspite of a caloric deficite, and the upward trend doesn't seem to come to an end. Im amazed.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Clustering allows me to enter the strength boosting realm of RM 3 and less. right now, I'm strong like a bull inspite of a caloric deficite, and the upward trend doesn't seem to come to an end. Im amazed.</div>

&quot;Milk it&quot; for what it's worth! Ata boy!
Decrease workout duration by selecting exercises that allow to use a single rack.

I now do DL, SQ, ROW, OP on the same rack. It cuts my workout duration in half.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Decrease workout duration by selecting exercises that allow to use a single rack.

I now do DL, SQ, ROW, OP on the same rack. It cuts my workout duration in half. </div>

the epitome of Simplify and Win!
I too, think the 15's are good. I used them to work out the kinks on my form, for things like squats and deadlifts where having perfect form is key. Even then, my form is still needing some perfection.
**In addition to my post above, regardless of how light the load is on 15's, I think the endurance benefits you get from them help pull you through when you get to the harder stuff.
Clustering and Max-Stim for fatigue management when the weights get really heavy. This allows you to focus on the load itself rather than on fatigue and endurance, while getting in a sufficient number of reps.
max-stim and clustering are great. Also, push-presses. Any olympic lifts for that matter. Push-presses are great, especially when doing neg's.
For me the formula is:
- 15s is great to avoid injuries
- 14 rest days is better
- zig zag is good to be away to overtraining and increase strength
- short session for hold hight testosterone levels
- a lot of food, mainly meat
- squat or deadlift needed
- healthful life style, low alcol, low stress, rest a lot every days
- constancy
- patience

Good luck
1. Skip the 15's- Yes

2. 9 days SD Strategic Deconditioning- 0 days Strategic Conditioning
3. Dont Zig Zag- yes

4. Clustering- Yes

And as Tot said, diet is crucial, I make sure to eat a lot of calories, get my whey 1/2 an hour before a workout and take creatine everday (3-5 grammes)
I've only done a coupla cycles of HST, but I, too, have succumbed to the desire to tweak the system. I switched to Max-Stim during the 5's week.

I'm in my fourth week of 5's now (except, of course, I do 20's...). I've long since passed my 5RM and each workout I set new Personal Bests on every exercise.

HST rules, and Max-Stim rocks! Many thanks to Bryan and Dan.